Chapter 25

How should I speak?Will Sister Bin forgive her waywardness?Will you promise to take her back?After she hurt Brother Hao and gave up on life? !Looking up secretly at Ling Bin's indifferent expression, Yu Lian bit her lower lip uneasily.

If, if Sister Bin... Brother Hao's figure kept flashing through her mind, that man who has always cared for her so much is her only attachment in this life!What is there to hesitate about? !
Quietly looking at the various expressions that flashed across Yu Lian's face, Ouyang Lingbin knew what she was going to say, and also knew why she sat stiffly in front of her for a long time, but she never said a word!But she is not going to help her, since she can walk out of her room and come to her, then she should and must have the courage to face all the past, including happy and sad!

Raising her head, Yu Lian bravely looked into Ling Bin's cold eyes. "Sister Bin, I'm sorry for making you worry!"

"You have always been our most beloved sister, you have always been, and you will still be in the future!" The little girl they tried their best to protect has finally grown up!Seeing Yulian's resolute expression, a sense of relief filled Lingbin's heart.

"I know! It's my fault, I didn't figure out everything before...!"

"Lian'er, that's human nature! The last thing you should do is close yourself up!" This silly girl, if she can't learn to take care of herself, she will never be able to reassure them! "Remember what I told you when I sent you abroad?"

"Remember!" Yu Lian lowered her head in shame.She once promised sister Bin to be a strong person, but now she can only hide in the dark and cry, and dare not do anything!Miss Bin must be extremely disappointed!
"Lian'er, I can't say much about you and Brother Hao. I just hope that you can feel everything around you with your heart, not just with your ears and eyes. There are many things in this world that cannot be understood from the surface. If you come to a conclusion, don't easily define a person!" She has never experienced the dark side of society, and she may be hurt in the future!Ling Bin couldn't help but sighed lightly.Perhaps, this is the sequelae of their overprotection!

"Sister Bin, you...thank you!" Yu Lian choked on her sobs.Getting Lingbin's forgiveness is a new motivation for her, and it also allows her to see more clearly how Brother Hao and the others dote on her, but she...

Feeling Yu Lian's deep guilt, Ling Bin gently sat beside her, and wiped away the overflowing tears for her. "Don't cry, or I will be interrogated three times when I go back. You don't want to harm me!"

"No way! Brothers love Sister Bin very much!" Yu Lian couldn't help retorting with a smile.Among them, except for the second brother, no one can beat Sister Bin!

"Hey, who made them not live up to it? I have no choice but to take care of them as a mother and take care of them!" Thinking of the angry and funny faces of her brothers, Ling Bin couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

"Sister Bin, you look beautiful when you smile! You should smile more, so that you can find a boyfriend!"

"You mean I look ugly when I don't smile?!"

"No, no, no... I'm just saying you'd look better if you smiled more! I'm telling you, . . . "

Looking at Yulian's sweet smile and happy expression with a smile, Lingbin knows that her sadness is slowly fading away, and the only thing left is happiness, right?It must be!Soon the "tornado" enveloping Longxiang will dissipate, maybe there will be a grand wedding!


The night is dark, and behind the gorgeous neon lights are all the feasting and romance, but what are those hidden in the dark?When I was young and frivolous, I hoped to be a "scavenger", hoping to do something for that "darkness", but in the end, I was powerless, and even almost helped the evil!
Is the result now just retribution?Zhu Yongfu said his death was retribution because his hands were covered in blood.So, is today's loneliness the retribution Ji Haotian deserves? !He frowned slightly, with helplessness and sadness in his eyes.

He used to think that as long as he cared for her to grow up and managed a safe world for her, then his responsibilities would be over, and he would be able to face Zhu Yongfu's entrustment and past mistakes!However, only now did I realize that everything was far from as simple as imagined!
He never thought that he would fall in love with the girl who stared at him with teary eyes full of fear; never thought about what the past meant to her;But now, he has hurt her after all!The girl he had promised to love and care for the rest of his life, the girl he swore never to let her shed a tear, closed herself up because of him, and cried alone because of him!
He raised his hand and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, the waiting for days had exhausted all his patience.He really wanted to know how Lian'er was doing, really wanted to know if she had recovered, really wanted... really wanted to know if she hated him, but he didn't have the courage to ask!

Heh, Ji Haotian, you also have times of fear!He smiled mockingly, poured himself another full glass of wine, and then drank it all in one gulp.


The phone on the table rang, and he walked over slowly and picked it up.

"Brother, it's me." Ling Bin's voice came from the other end, making him clenched the phone unconsciously.

"How?" The eager tone revealed too much emotion and worry, even if it wasn't what he wanted.

"There is no problem, we will go back tomorrow." After finishing speaking, the phone hung up.

"You—?!" Ji Haotian's mind went blank, and he slumped down on the sofa.

Is it her?Is she coming back?She... really wants to come back? !Or, what did Ling Bin do? ! ...

(End of this chapter)

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