Chapter 9

"The company has moths!" Zhan Feiyang nodded heavily.He didn't want to admit it either, but it was the truth!

"Does Lingbin know about this?" Ji Haotian looked at him with a smile, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, and there was a violent storm hidden there!

Zhan Feiyang shrugged and didn't answer.It's just that the answer couldn't be more obvious, and it's more likely that she wants to bear it herself!That girl!It always makes people feel itchy while feeling distressed!
"Yan Yu, go back and check the list and information of all employees immediately, no one will let you go!" Ji Haotian let go of Yulian's hand and let her lean on the sofa. "Feiyang, go and help her. Dig three feet into the ground and dig that worm out!"

"I will!"

"Yu Qing, what's happening with Mrs. Zhang?" Ji Haotian stood up from the sofa, and slowly stomped to the window.

Outside the window, the sun has already set on the half of the earth, only the afterglow reflects the clouds in the sky, it is red and beautiful.On the other side of the earth, the sun must be about to break through the clouds, and the darkness is slowly receding...

"Zhang Wenchen promised to give us 20.00% of the shares after signing the contract. If his words can be counted, we will become Zhang's second shareholder."

"Notify Zhang Wenchen that the contract will be signed the afternoon of the day after tomorrow. There is an additional clause that we will send representatives to Zhang's to participate in the operation."

"Okay, I will arrange the manpower."

"No!" Ji Haotian smiled and shook his head, then turned to look at everyone. "I go!"

"Brother—!" Everyone looked at him in surprise, not understanding why he made such a decision.

"You can't do this!" Zhan Feiyang was the first to attack. "If Zhang Bingcheng did Lingbin's injury this time, then it is obvious that he came for us. Wouldn't it be equivalent to your death if you go to Zhang's at this time?"

Ye Yuqing looked at him disapprovingly, "Zhang's is a construction company, it's easy for some 'accidents' to happen, you can't take risks!"

Ji Haotian suppressed his smile and looked at everyone seriously. "Some things we have been burdened with for too long, too many people have paid a heavy price for it, we cannot delay any longer! This time it is Ling Bin, she still has the ability to protect herself, but what about next time? Maybe next time we will Face the things we least want to face!"


"Since the opponent has already started to act, we need to have a countermeasure. Do you think there is someone more suitable than me? You have to solve your own affairs, and no one can get hurt!"

The bedroom door opened, and Xie Sheng walked out tiredly, and closed the door.

He looked seriously at everyone's worried eyes, "She's fine for the time being. It's just that she lost a lot of blood and fainted. I checked and her left arm showed signs of fracture, but I don't know how to deal with it." When he talked about the treatment methods for various injuries, he didn't mean to be perfunctory! !

"God!" Yinqian couldn't help but her eyes were red.

Zhan Feiyang gently patted Chen Sheng on the shoulder, "You have tried your best! This has happened before, hasn't it? Trust her, she will be fine!" Hope, I hope she will get better soon!

"Did she not say anything?" Ji Haotian leaned against the window and looked at the door of the bedroom. There was someone he swore to protect inside, but...

"No!" To be precise, she passed out as soon as she took out the bullet, and he even pulled out the silver needle she stabbed in her arm to suppress the blood.

No one asked any more questions, they just sat quietly, stood quietly, quietly!Their most beloved sister was waddling inside and suffering pain, but they couldn't do anything!
A strong sense of powerlessness makes people feel depressed!

"Mummy said that if she faints, she can be sent to Jisheng Hospital to find Uncle Duan." A small voice came from the corner.

When everyone was looking for their reputation, they couldn't help but sucked in a!It turned out to be Yun'er!

She was curled up in a corner near the balcony, her pale face and snow-white clothes almost formed one with the wall, and her black hair was cleverly hidden in the shadow of the wine cabinet.

If she doesn't make a sound, no one will notice her existence, and no one will know how long she has been curled up there!

"Yun'er, where are you? Where's Aunt Li?" Yinqian hurried over and hugged her.

The little body flinched, and she bit her lip. "She... fell asleep."

"Asleep?!" Yin Qian raised her head in surprise and looked at could be?Isn't elder sister Li taking care of Yun'er? !

Yan Sheng took a look at Yun'er, then quickly walked to another bedroom, where Li Huan took Yun'er to rest!

When he opened the door, he saw Li Huan lying on his side on the bed with an expression as if he was really asleep.It's just that she slept too soundly!

"Yun'er?!" Ji Haotian, who followed to the door, saw Li Huan's expression, and turned to look at Yun'er.She must have done something!After getting to know Ling Bin, he no longer dared to ignore the child's ability, and this girl was obviously taught badly by Ling Bin!

Yun'er struggled to get off Yinqian and stood in front of everyone. "Aunt Li is fine. I was worried about Mommy and didn't want to sleep, so... I pricked her sleeping hole with a silver needle."

"God!" Everyone laughed and shook their heads. They really didn't know whether to say that Ling Bin had educated this girl too successfully, or whether they should hang her up and beat her up, even though she was still lying on the bed!

Ding dong—the doorbell rang.

"Let me open it!" Yu Lian smiled faintly at everyone, got up and opened the door.Up to now, she has not figured out the situation. She can understand what they said, but she doesn't understand what's going on!

Perhaps, she will never be able to enter his world!Heart, sinking slowly!There are always some distances in this world that cannot be crossed, aren't there? !

Standing outside the door was a strange man with an anxious and worried expression on his face, "Excuse me, is Ouyang Lingbin here?"

Yu Lian was about to speak but was stopped by Ji Haotian who came behind her at some time.

"Who are you?!"

"It's Uncle Duan, Mommy's friend." Hearing someone's voice, Yun'er quickly ran to the door, "Uncle Duan, Mommy is injured! Go and have a look!" Duan Qingming walked in.

"Yun'er, be good!" Duan Qingming grabbed her little hand instead, bent over and touched her head soothingly, "Trust Uncle Duan, Mommy will be fine!" Then he straightened up and looked at Ji Haotian, and stretched out his hand. "I'm Duan Qingming, director of surgery at Jisheng Hospital. I've been friends with Ouyang for many years. Nice to meet you."

Ji Haotian reached out to hold his hand, "Jiuyang! But, I don't seem to have heard Lingbin mention you!" The implication is that he doesn't trust him, especially at this time!
"But, I can help her! Isn't she hurt?" Duan Qingming looked at him seriously, hoping to get his approval. "If it wasn't for special circumstances, Yun'er would not have notified me! Trust me!"

"Yun'er?" Ji Haotian looked at her in surprise, when will she...

(End of this chapter)

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