Chapter 25

Seeing Mr. Wushuang leave, Wanqing still has a lot to say in her heart. She wants to say that Mr. Wushuang has known the princess for so long, can she come and see her more.The princess is really lonely in this palace alone.Besides, besides the emperor, the princess only listened to Mr. Wushuang's words.Can Mr. Wushuang persuade the princess not to annoy the prince again next time.

But she could only watch Master Wushuang leave, and kept all her words in her heart.

Wanqing knows that although Master Wushuang has always been gentle to others, only those who have been in contact with him know that gentleness does not mean that he does not have his own persistence.In fact, as long as the words come out of Mr. Wushuang's mouth, even if he uses a gentle tone, he will absolutely not tolerate rebuttals.So when he said he wanted to leave, no one could stop him.

But Wanqing is still lucky, fortunately, Mr. Wushuang came tonight.Otherwise, she really doesn't know what to do!

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In the imperial palace, in the imperial garden.Xuanyuan Ze leaned lazily on the pillar of Changfeng Pavilion, with his usual 45-degree smile on the corner of his mouth, "How about it, Xiaoyao, do you see any clues?"

Following his line of sight, it happened that Mr. Wushuang in fluttering white clothes was standing opposite the moon with his hands behind his back.Unparalleled son, formerly known as Happy Rufeng.Hearing Xuanyuan Ze's words, Xiaoyao Rufeng turned his head, and replied lightly: "She is sleeping on the bed, almost dead, what can I see?"

Xuanyuan Yi was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "Xiaoyao, you are unparalleled in the world! Is there anything in this world that can be hidden from your eyes?"

Xiaoyao Rufeng ignored his teasing, turned around and sat down at the table, poured himself a glass of wine, and drank it.Only then did he interject: "Xuanyuan, since she no longer wants to stay by Yi's side, why don't you let her go?"

Xuanyuanze looked at Xiaoyao Rufeng in surprise.This person is his best friend, but he never asks about his affairs.No matter what he did in the past, right or wrong, he never commented.It's really strange to ask this question today.

Xuanyuan Ze sat down opposite Xiaoyao Rufeng, and asked, "Why do you want to take care of this all of a sudden?"

Xiaoyao Rufeng didn't look at him, but just drank on his own, "I don't care, I just asked casually. At the beginning you married her to Yi because she liked Yi. Now that she has said that she wants to leave, why do you Why don't you agree?"

Xuanyuanze looked at the man across from him, wondering if he should just find a reason to perfunctory, but in the end he gave up.Because this person is carefree and unrestrained, it's not something he can deal with if he wants to.

"Xiaoyao, if you see her awake, you'll know why I didn't let her go. She's not Yiyi at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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