Chapter 58

Xuanyuan Yi nodded lightly, not willing to answer this question.Xuanyuan Ze's tone was as if Xiao Ruoyi was his private property, which made Xuanyuan Yi very uncomfortable, but he couldn't refute it.

However, Xuanyuan Yi didn't realize that his thinking was a bit weird.In his eyes, Xiao Ruoyi was originally from Xuanyuanze. Although he could see her admiration for him from the eyes of the former woman, he still believed that she was from Xuanyuanze. To monitor his eyeliner.So he hates that woman.

But today's hate is not the same as before.Today he hated Xuanyuan Ze's provocation that was close to declaring ownership.

However, he did not delve into this change in himself.

At this time, Xiao Ruoyi came in with a tired look on his face. Xuanyuan Yi waited until he asked something, but Xuanyuan Ze had already walked down from the high seat, passed Xuanyuan Yi to meet Xiao Ruoyi directly, and said with a smile: "Yiyi Ah, I really didn't misread you!"

Xiao Ruoyi met his smile head-on, and clearly felt that there was a hint of clarity in Xuanyuanze's usual smile.Xiao Ruoyi turned a blind eye, and joked, "That's right! For my own life, I have to go all out!"

Then her eyes passed over Xuanyuan Ze, landed on Xuanyuan Yi, and said, "My lord, there is one more thing I want to tell you. Xiang'er helped me a lot this time. But afterwards, because Sister Lian was Her master, she said that it is treasonous for her to help torture her master, so she wanted to die. I had no choice but to tie her up, but she wanted to bite her tongue and kill herself. In order to avoid causing trouble, I cut her off on my own initiative tongue. My lord, you won’t blame me, will you?”

Xuanyuan Yi was taken aback, he didn't know how Xiao Ruoyi tortured Luo Xianglian, so she didn't know how vicious Xiao Ruoyi's methods were.Xiao Ruoyi had some guts in my impression, but when it came to cutting someone's tongue, he didn't even frown, which really surprised Xuanyuan Yi.

Although he always felt that this matter was a bit strange, he couldn't tell where the problem was.Besides, what Xiao Ruoyi said made sense, she had no choice but to do this in order to save Xiang'er's life.That being the case, what can Xuanyuan Yi say?Besides, Xiang'er knew that Luo Xianglian was going to poison Hua Siyu, but she didn't report it, and she deserved it.He didn't think there was anything cruel about such an end.

"The concubine handled it very well, why would this king blame her?"

Hearing what Xuanyuan Yi said, Xiao Ruoyi smiled lightly, and said in his heart: Of course we have to deal with it well, if it's not good, I'm afraid my end will be worse than theirs!
At this time, the person who served Hua Siyu came to pass the word, saying that the spots on Hua Siyu's face had gradually faded after drinking the medicine, and she woke up.In this way, Xuanyuan Yi and Hua Yuebin were relieved.

Xuanyuanze finally said in a considerate manner: "Since the concubine side is fine, I can go back to the palace with peace of mind."

"Chendi (chen) send off (brother) the emperor respectfully!" Xuanyuan Yi and Hua Yuebin said at the same time.The two felt relieved immediately.

Xuanyuanze said with a smile: "Go and see Princess Side, I know you are all worried about her. As for me, Yiyi just stays with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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