Chapter 71

Xiao Ruoyi walked to Xiaoyao Rufeng's side, pointed at him and asked Zhang Hu, "Do you think he will be a bandit?"

Zhang Hu shook his head, "How is it possible? Master Wushuang doesn't need to be a bandit at all!"

"That's right! As long as people with good martial arts, they don't need to do this job at all. So being a bandit is not good at martial arts! That's right? Even you, dare to say that you can only know a little bit of three-legged cats Is it your kung fu?"

Xiao Ruoyi's words were sharp and direct, which made Zhang Hu annoyed, but he had no excuse to refute, so he nodded unhappily.

Xiao Ruoyi continued: "So, the point of being a bandit is not whether your martial arts are good, but whether your eyes are good! If it were me, in today's situation, I would never be so stupid as to rush out. People like Feng Even a blind person can feel his aura. How could this kind of person not be a master? If it were me, I would definitely take a detour when I met this kind of person. Beg him, not rob him!"

After Xiao Ruoyi said such a long paragraph, Zhang Hu blinked for a long time before he digested it, and continued: "Please? How can I ask?"

Xiao Ruoyi rolled her eyes helplessly, and continued, "Girl, I'll just do my best today, and I'll show you a demonstration!" After that, she grabbed Xiaoyao Rufeng's arm, and begged tearfully, "Master , sir, please help! I have an 80-year-old mother and a younger brother who is still breastfeeding. The family is so poor that I can’t get rid of it. Last month, my elder sister died of starvation, and last month, my second sister died of illness. Father Yue went out to find a way and never came back. Uncle, please do me a favor and save our family!"

Xiao Ruoyi's performance was full of emotion and emotion, but what surprised Zhang Hu the most was how this person changed so quickly. One second he was still preaching to himself, but the next second it seemed that his family had really been forced to Desperate general.The difference before and after this was really too big, and he couldn't react for a while.

Looking at Carefree Rufeng again, I was really dumbfounded by Xiao Ruoyi's demonstration, and was about to say something, but saw tears really hanging on Xiao Ruoyi's face.Immediately pulled her up, wiped the tears on her face and said, a little distressed: "Why are you really crying?"

Xiao Ruoyi was originally acting for Zhang Hu. Of course, the tears were squeezed out to make the performance more realistic. But seeing Xiaoyao Rufeng loving her so much, she wiped her tears with her clothes. She was nervous The little heart jumped wildly.Because she was worried that she would lose her composure, she quickly let go of the clothes of Xiaoyao Rufeng, put a little distance away from him, and smiled: "Isn't this for acting more realistically?" She turned to Zhang Hu and said, "Look, this trick Very clever! People like Feng are usually very kind and don’t want to see others suffer. So he will definitely help. This is much more effective than your robbery!"

Zhang Hu thought it made sense when he heard it, and immediately sighed: "Listening to your words is really better than studying for ten years! I have decided that I will not rob in the future, and I will do as you said, girl, please!"

Hearing what he said, Xiao Ruoyi couldn't help giving him a hard look, and said, "You really don't need to live anymore! I'm talking about meeting someone like Feng, not everyone is suitable for this Recruited. To put it simply, grab the weak, seek from the kind, and give way to those who are not weak or kind!"

Zhang Hu nodded, then thought of something again, and said, "Then how do I know who is weak and who is good?"

Xiao Ruoyi shrugged and said, "That's a good question, but unfortunately I can't answer it. Simply put, it's professional sensitivity, it can't be learned overnight!"

When Zhang Hu heard this, his head drooped, and he sighed, "Hey! It would be great if you could stay, girl. She looks very powerful, so she must be able to tell the difference!" Zhang Hu suddenly noticed the words Realizing that he seemed to have made a mistake, he quickly said: "I didn't mean that. I just said if! Girls naturally don't and don't bother to do such things!"

Xiao Ruoyi smiled and said: "That's not necessarily true. I really have something to do now. If I'm still alive after finishing this thing, I might come to you. Anyway, I may not be able to There is nowhere to go!"

Zhang Hu didn't know if he read or heard it wrong, but he felt that when Xiao Ruoyi said this sentence, his tone seemed a little helpless, and there was a flash of disappointment in his eyes when he finished saying this sentence .

"Brother Zhang, don't listen to her nonsense! Someone will take care of the matter here, and then you can go down the mountain and go home to live a good life. Don't do this kind of thing anymore!" Xiaoyao Ru who had been listening to the nonsense of the two Feng finally spoke, he was a little worried that a simple person like Zhang Hu would listen to Xiao Ruoyi's words.Although he really felt that Xiao Ruoyi's bandit theory just now had some truth, but it was safer to be an ordinary person than to be a bandit!

Facts have proved one thing, that is, the more famous a person is, the more weight he speaks.Xiao Ruoyi talked for a long time, and even demonstrated it in person, but Zhang Hu completely turned his back in a word of Xiaoyao Rufeng.

Xiao Ruoyi gave him a dissatisfied look and said, "You really are not a bandit!" Then he entered their meeting hall on his own.

After they finished their meal that night, Xiao Ruoyi and Xiaoyao Rufeng found out that it was the Mid-Autumn Festival.The mountain thieves also had a good time, and ran outside to watch the moon one by one after eating.

Xiao Ruoyi also came out following Xiaoyao Rufeng.However, Xiaoyao Rufeng didn't stop there, but walked higher along the path in front of the door, and Xiao Ruoyi followed along.

Xiaoyao Rufeng didn't speak or look back, Xiao Ruoyi even wondered if he didn't know that he was following behind.But just as she was thinking like this, Xiaoyao Rufeng suddenly turned around and stretched out his hand to her.Xiao Ruoyi looked up at him in confusion, but saw him smiling and said, "The road ahead is not easy!"

Only then did Xiao Ruoyi notice that there was a big rock in front of her.I see!Xiao Ruoyi calmed down the tension in her heart, and cursed inwardly, it's worthless!But how can you make yourself so nervous by reaching out and pulling yourself?
Cursing like this, she also stretched out her hand, and took Xiaoyao Rufeng's hand.

At first, I thought it was just because that section was not easy to walk, so Xiaoyao Rufeng would pull me, but after that section, the road was almost flat, and the hand held by Xiaoyao Rufeng still did not let go.

Xiao Ruoyi could almost feel her heart beating abnormally, but she couldn't deny the joy in her heart.Under such a beautiful moonlight, walking on the same road with another person, without saying anything, not even knowing where the end is.This feeling is really good. At this moment, Xiao Ruoyi even hopes that this road can continue until the end of time.

When this feeling appeared, Xiao Ruoyi suddenly thought of a long time ago, when she was still in middle school.One day she was walking on the road in front of the school, because it was summer noon, there was no one on the road, not even a car.Then she saw a man walking out from the other side of the road, a boy from the class next to theirs.

As for that boy, Xiao Ruoyi only knew his name, and nothing else.But at that time, she and he were on both sides of the road, walking to school together.Because they are not familiar with each other, no one speaks.But walking like that made Xiao Ruoyi feel that he hoped that the road would never end.

Of course, it is impossible to go endlessly.In fact, it was only about 500 meters away from when the boy came out to when they entered the school.But from that day on, that boy would appear in her mind from time to time, and she would unconsciously look for him at any time.

At the time she had no idea what was wrong with her.Until she told her good friend about this matter, she was told with certainty that she fell in love with him!
It's been a long time since that incident, so long that Xiao Ruoyi no longer remembers what that boy looked like.I suddenly remembered it at this time, of course it wasn't because I missed that boy.It's just that my mood at this time is the same as before, even more intense!

Do you like the wind?
This question surfaced for the first time since she knew Xiaoyao Rufeng.Before that, she only knew that she didn't want to be separated from this person like this. She just subconsciously wanted to make a good impression on this person. She just instinctively wanted to get close to him, but she didn't know why she did it.

At this moment, the feeling of wanting to go on with him was so strong, Xiao Ruoyi finally realized what the feelings she had been unable to figure out for the past few days.That means she, Xiao Ruoyi, really fell in love with Happy Rufeng!
But what about him?Xiao Ruoyi subconsciously raised her head to look at the man beside her. Under the moonlight, he became even more handsome, his eyes looked far ahead, and the corners of his mouth curved gently.It's so close, but Xiao Ruoyi feels very far away.

Xiao Ruoyi lowered her head and sighed softly.At this moment, even she herself is not optimistic about this relationship!
"What's wrong?" The gentle voice of Xiaoyao Rufeng came into her ears.She raised her head and met his concerned eyes.Xiao Ruoyi shook her head lightly and said, "It's nothing. I was just thinking, why can't you see through the wind forever?"

Xiaoyao Rufeng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "Why do you say that?"

Xiao Ruoyi smiled wryly, "I don't know either! I feel that the wind is so gentle, it treats everyone! But it never gets close. Even though we are clearly by my side, I still feel that we are not from the same world at all. It is you, the wind, why You built a castle in your heart, and you won't let anyone in, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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