Chapter 89

It's not that Xiao Ruoyi is justifying Xuanyuan Yi, but in terms of the situation back then, Xuanyuan Yi was also a victim.He was obviously a hot candidate for the heir to the throne, but he lost everything overnight.No wonder, he hates Xuanyuan Ze so much!

"If it wasn't for pleading for him, how could my father end up like that?" Chu Xun sneered and said, "If it is said that my father pleaded for him in order to get some benefits from him, even if our family is full I don't blame him for chopping. But my father was just saying something to be fair. In the end, he lived instead, but my father died!"


Xiaoyao Rufeng held Xiao Ruoyi's hand and motioned her not to speak.He turned to Chu Xun and said, "We have never experienced what happened back then, so we can't express any opinions. Of course it is difficult for you to let go of your prejudices. But we can choose another method. If you hate Xuanyuan Yi, then let Xuanyuan Yi Just exchange your life for food and grass. I believe that Yi himself will not object!"

"Ah?" Xiao Ruoyi looked at Xiaoyao Rufeng in surprise.

Xiaoyao Rufeng signaled her not to speak, so she resisted her puzzlement and continued to listen.

"Sister's goal is not only Xuanyuan Yi! Xuanyuan Ze is also there. If it weren't for his imperial decree, nothing would happen!" Chu Xun continued.

"I think the imperial decree back then should not have been issued by Xuanyuan, and he had no real power back then." Xiaoyao Rufeng explained.

"Hmph! Even so, it can't change his fierce and cruel nature. Even if he didn't instruct him, he at least participated in this matter. That kind of person is a hundred times more hateful than Xuanyuan Yi. Even Concubine Mu, who has always been his parent and child He can kill with his own hands, shouldn't such a conscienceless person deserve to die?" Chu Xun said angrily.

Xiaoyao Rufeng sighed softly, and said: "Since this is the case, you should know that the reason why the imperial court did not send more troops and cut off food and grass this time is to put Xuanyuan Yi to death. What you are doing now is not right Did you help Xuanyuan Ze?"

"So what? As long as Xuanyuanze doesn't send troops for a day, the soldiers and civilians in Liuye City will rebel one day. At that time, there will be internal and external troubles. Let's see how Xuanyuanze will deal with it?" Chu Xun said coldly.

"I see. Are you going to force everyone to rebel? This method is a good one. But Xun, have you ever thought that the current Tianlan Dynasty can be overthrown by a six-night rebellion? I'm afraid it will be you Both the court and the imperial court will suffer, and the one who reaps the benefits is probably Xiliangxiu outside the city who is eyeing him. Your father used to be the Minister of the Ministry of War. Does he really want you to use this method to avenge him?" Happy as the wind Said lightly.

Chu Xun was silent. In fact, he didn't agree with his sister's approach at all.It's not that he doesn't hate the court, it's just that he thinks it's the Chu family's grudge, and they shouldn't bet on other people's lives.But Chu Ye didn't think so!
"Xun, how about taking me to see your sister? It happens that Yi is also here, let's spread the matter out and discuss it, I believe there will be a compromise!" Xiaoyao Rufeng suggested.

Either way, Chu Xun felt that he could hardly stand the atmosphere anymore, so he had better leave the matter to his sister.So he stood up and joked, "Didn't you keep avoiding my sister? Why are you ready to sacrifice your appearance this time in order to help Xuanyuan Yi?" After finishing speaking, he had already gone out first.

Xiaoyao Rufeng, who was left behind, looked at Xiao Ruoyi and said with a smile, "Don't listen to his nonsense!"

Xiao Ruoyi nodded and said with a smile: "I know! I won't get jealous so easily, don't worry!"

"That's not good, I prefer you to be jealous, so that I can see how much you care about me!" Xiaoyao Rufeng said while pulling Xiao Ruoyi and followed Chu Xun.

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In the garden, Xuanyuan Yi and Chu Ye were sitting opposite each other.

Xuanyuan Yi drank the wine from the cup in his hand, and said, "So you are the children of Master Chu!" After speaking, Xuanyuan Yi stood up and bowed deeply to Chu Ye, "Please accept the next obeisance!" !"

Chu Ye was taken aback, stood up and asked displeasedly: "What do you mean?"

"Master Chu was the person I admired the most. He was an upright and upright official, especially his feelings for Mrs. Chu, which was once a good story in the court. I didn't know what happened back then, but Even if I knew early on, I couldn't even protect myself at the time, and I couldn't do anything. I have always remembered Master Chu all these years. Because he was the only one who stood up and spoke for me when I lost power. If you really I feel that Master Chu’s death was caused by me, and you take my life, but please don’t implicate innocent people because you hate me. I believe that such a loving Master Chu, watching from the sky, will not wish you Blinded by hatred like this!"

clap clap clap!
As soon as Xuanyuan Yi finished speaking, there was the sound of clapping hands behind him. He and Chu Ye heard the sound and looked over at the same time, only to see that the person applauding was Xiaoyao Rufeng, and beside him were Xiao Ruoyi and Chu Xun!

Xuanyuan Yi frowned subconsciously, and he didn't know why every time he saw Xiao Ruoyi standing with Xiaoyao Rufeng, he felt uncomfortable.But before he had time to speak, he saw a red figure flashing by, and in the next second, he saw Chu Ye pounced on Xiaoyao Rufeng, and shouted happily, "Mr. Xiaoyao, when are you coming?" of?"

Xiaoyao Rufeng stepped aside without a trace, avoiding her hug, and said with a smile: "When it comes!"

"You came to see me just now, I'm so touched!" Chu Ye didn't seem to mind that Xiaoyao Rufeng avoided her movements at all, and continued to reach out to pull his arm.

Xiaoyao Rufeng took two steps forward and came in front of Xuanyuan Yi. He just used this action to avoid Chu Ye, cupped his hands to Xuanyuan Yi and said, "Long time no see!"

Xuanyuan Yi frowned dissatisfied, and ignored it.In fact, although Xuanyuan Yi didn't like Carefree Rufeng before, he has never been so rude in front of others.But today he just doesn't feel well!When he thought that Xiao Ruoyi was with Xiaoyao Rufeng after leaving for such a long time, he would instinctively get angry.

Happy Rufeng doesn't mind, but some people don't like it.Chu Ye turned back and waited fiercely for Xuanyuan Yi, and said, "Xuanyuan Yi, what's your attitude, didn't you hear Young Master Xiaoyao talking to you?"

Xuanyuan Yi ignored it, just looked at Xiao Ruoyi and said coldly: "Come here!"

Xiao Ruoyi was taken aback for a moment, and then wanted to get angry. What's the attitude of this person?Acting as if he was his personal property.But before she had an attack, Xiaoyao Rufeng gave her a wink and asked her to go to Xuanyuan Yi's side.Xiao Ruoyi remembered what Xiaoyao Rufeng said to herself on the road just now,

He said, don't let Xuanyuan Yi know about their relationship for the time being, after all, the life and death of Liuye City depends largely on Xuanyuan Yi's decision.No matter what weight Xiao Ruoyi has in Xuanyuan Yi's heart, at least she is his nominal wife. At this time, telling him such a thing might affect his mood.So Xiao Ruoyi returned to Xuanyuan Yi's side for the time being, and when the matter in Liuye City was over, regardless of whether Xuanyuan Yi and Xuanyuan Ze agreed or not, Xiaoyao Rufeng would take her back and leave.

Although Xiao Ruoyi never wanted to leave his side from the moment Xiaoyao Rufeng said he liked her, but she also knew that what Xiaoyao Rufeng said was right.The most urgent task is to rescue the crisis in Six Nights City.So she had no choice but to obediently go back to Xuanyuan Yi's side without saying anything.

But Xuanyuan Yi's attitude still annoys Chu Ye, who ignores the carefree and unrestrained wind first, and turns a blind eye to his own words, does this person think this is his palace?Chu Ye snorted coldly and said, "Xuanyuan Yi, you don't think this is your palace, do you? You're so arrogant. As long as I give you an order, you won't be able to get out alive today!"

At this moment, Xuanyuan Yi was still wondering why Xiao Ruoyi was so obedient today.Judging from previous experience, this woman will definitely refute her own talent.But now is not the time to think about such things.So he withdrew his gaze from Xiao Ruoyi, turned to Chu Ye and said, "Miss Chu, I said earlier, as long as you are willing to help Liuye City get through the difficulties, I will give you my life!"

Xiao Ruoyi turned her head and looked at the man beside her. In fact, she had already heard Xuanyuan Yi say this when she came here just now, but she was still shocked when she heard it again.How could someone say so calmly that he didn't want his own life?For Xuanyuan Yi, is Liuye City really that important?

Xiaoyao Rufeng nodded approvingly and said: "I knew Yi that you would do this! The overall situation is the most important thing in everything, and personal grievances will always be put to the end. This is what I admire most about you!"

For Xiaoyao Rufeng's approval, Xuanyuan Yi responded with a cold look and a cold snort.

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Two more complete!
(End of this chapter)

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