Chapter 119

3 minutes later, a circle of friends moaning without illness was updated.

【Oh, I have a beautiful wife at home, she is weak and can't take care of herself, and I have no skills at all.】

There is also a "sorrow" emoticon package specially found from the Internet at the back.

With a complacent expression on his face, Sheng stared at the photo he took just now and looked again and again.

Well, the little wife even looks so good-looking from the back!
Sheng Lan scrolled down to look, but there was no movement on it, and no one liked or commented on him for a long time.

He glanced at WeChat in his free time while waiting for the takeaway, but there was still no little red dot appearing below.

After a long time, it is easy to feel a little frustrated. Half an hour later, Sheng Lan and his depressed place entered his circle of friends, and when he was about to delete that circle of friends after a short operation, a message suddenly came from above.

Tang Zheng: [Fuck!Brother, how have you bullied your sister-in-law!I can't stand it anymore! 】

What the hell?
The corners of Sheng Lan's eyes twitched, and he was about to reply to him with the word "scroll", when another message followed, with a like.

Zhu Xiao: [Lanbao, it's been 183 days since you last posted on Moments, what's the matter, this is... revived? 】

Zhu Xiao: [@盛夜, come and see, your Lanbao is promising! 】

Zhu Xiao: [Visual inspection shows that the person lying on the bed is my younger brother and sister who looks like a fairy, Xiao Lanlan, you are not being kind/狗头/狗头/狗头]

Zhu Xiao bombarded three comments in a row.

Sheng Lan pursed his lips tightly, as if he didn't know what to say, he scratched his head.

Zhu Xiao@, Sheng Ye came soon.

First, she gave Sheng Lan a like, and then Sheng Ye replied: [@祝骁, if you are sick, get treated quickly, if you are not sick, find a cool place to stay.If you like to recognize your younger brother so much, then recognize me as the eldest brother first. 】

Zhu Xiao: [Fuck, I was born a day later than you! 】

Sheng Ye: [Time waits for no one~]

Zhu Xiao: [Time makes people grow old, old man! 】

Sheng Ye: 【It sounds like you're not old! 】

Zhu Xiao: [You are really right, I usually pay special attention to maintenance, and I will always be one day younger than you! 】

Sheng Ye: [Rolling. 】

what's the situation?
This is his circle of friends, okay?
Seeing that the two of them were about to fight under his movement, Sheng Lan's expression became more and more serious, and his heart became more and more depressed.

In a fit of anger, Sheng Lan directly deleted the post he posted just now.

On the other side, Zhu Xiao was complacent, and stopped abruptly before typing a line.

Not to mention the chance to send it out.

He froze for a moment, and then burst into a series of foul language.

Damn sick!
The two brothers must have colluded together to bully him!
In an instant, Zhu Xiao had already imagined in Zhu Xiao's mind a scene of two brothers joining forces to fight against foreign enemies.

And he is that lonely, weak and helpless little cabbage.

That's right, why doesn't he have a brother or sister?
It made him completely alone now.

The Moments of Moments were deleted, and Sheng Lan's eyes were clear again. He closed his eyes and leaned back, raising his hand to press the position between his eyebrows.

The calculation time is almost the same, 45 minutes is enough time, Sheng Lan raised his wrist and looked at the phone, it was obviously timed out, but the takeaway page showed that the other party was still 1.4Km away.

He saw it was still 10Km 1.2 minutes ago.

I really don't know what the other party did.

(End of this chapter)

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