Chapter 121
"What time do you finish at night?" Before going out, Sheng Lan asked Zhao Qiaosheng again.

He leaned against the door and stood there lazily, like a noble cat, motionless, but his gaze was sizing up Zhao Qiaosheng, observing carefully, as if looking at a vivid painting.

He could just watch her all day if he could.

Zhao Qiaosheng thought that Sheng Lan had already left, so she took the clothes and began to change. When the skirt on one side was halfway back, she heard a man's voice again. She was startled for a moment, and then quickly hooked up the skirt.

"What?" Zhao Qiaosheng asked back.

She doesn't give any visual benefits before leaving, the little wife is really stingy!

Sheng Lan sighed sadly in his heart, and he replied, "I'll pick you up."

"You're going to be late in filming, we shouldn't have a long time." Zhao Qiaosheng thought, it was just a matter of getting to know each other better and having a meal.

Sheng Lan pursed her lips, "No, I usually pass alone."

"Ah, but I can also take a taxi, and you will be very tired from filming. If you pick me up and go back to the hotel, it will be very troublesome to go back and forth."

Zhao Qiaosheng didn't finish the rest of the sentence, she clearly felt that the eyes staring at her body became obviously hot, very scorching, and full of anger inside.

The corners of Sheng Lan's mouth moved visibly, he clenched his teeth, his jaw tightened, but his eyes were already narrowed like before, but there was a bit of danger in them.

"Are you really thinking about me, or are you kidding me?"

Zhao Qiaosheng frowned, "What am I lying to you about?"

Sheng Lan: "Don't let me pick you up."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

"Is there another man with you?"

"Ah?" Zhao Qiaosheng was completely taken aback by Sheng Lan's question, "If there is a man, can I not go?"

"Really?" His complexion became extremely bad in an instant, Sheng Lan tilted his head, a little unwilling to let Zhao Qiaosheng go, but after thinking about it, the little wife should also have her own living space, and Sheng Lan soon disappeared. Reluctantly relieved, he raised his eyes, and there was a dim light in them, and he was a little absent-minded, "Forget it, you protect yourself, I'm leaving."

"Hey you."

The step forward was stopped by the woman behind him, Sheng Lan stopped and turned around, looking at Zhao Qiaosheng with hope in his eyes, "Well, what's wrong?"

The corners of Zhao Qiaosheng's lips twitched, "Then you're still going to pick me up?"

"Do you want me to pick you up?" Sheng Lan asked back, her tone couldn't be heard.


Zhao Qiaosheng stood there helplessly, not knowing how to answer his question, hoping or not, a bit hypocritical.

"Forget it, I'll pick you up, I don't worry about others." The short words seemed to be talking to himself, Sheng Lan smiled at Zhao Qiaosheng, he turned and went out the door.

The moment the door lock was locked, Zhao Qiaosheng slowly came to his senses, and a warm feeling gradually overflowed in her heart, flowing all over her body, filling every cell.

She curled her lips into a smile.

He is worried about others, how afraid he is that something will happen to her.

He tried so hard to be nice to her, so shouldn't she be obedient again?Work hard for him once?
Forget it, the place where Sheng Lan was filming was not far from where they had dinner, and it took only 10 minutes to drive there. If he wants to pick it up, let him pick it up.

Thinking about it, Zhao Qiaosheng quickly changed his clothes and went out.

 good evening~
  Thank you for your votes, Erhe bows~
(End of this chapter)

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