Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 139 The Daughter-in-Law I Married With Ability

Chapter 139 The Daughter-in-Law I Married With Ability

Silently, Sheng Lan cut the trumpet and gave a thumbs up to the person's comment just now.

[@红糖球is a dinosaur: Huh?Am I the only one who noticed that the two were not wearing wedding rings? 】

[What kind of eyes are upstairs, you can find it, surprise! 】

[Maybe I didn't wear it, don't think about it. 】

[Please don’t take the rhythm, @红糖球 is a dinosaur, smile/smile/smile]

Sheng Lan was about to quit Weibo, but saw another hot comment that was upvoted.

Out of the corner of his eye, Sheng Lan glanced at the inconspicuous white ring on his left ring finger, thoughtfully.

@(一)卢食錵控塰堂ㄨ: [@红布球is a dinosaur, don’t think about it, Mr. Sheng and Mrs.]

Before he could finish typing a line, Sheng Lan deleted all of them.

A few minutes later, Sheng Lan commented on the Weibo that she posted: [Unified reply, my wife is a doctor, and it is inconvenient to wear a ring for work. I usually wear it when I am not filming, so what else? Don't understand? 】

Following this comment, Sheng Lan took a close-up photo of her ring finger, on which the subtle skin lines could be seen, and a small, inconspicuous circle was specially circled in red on the periphery.

Seeing that the comments below were all swiped with "understanding", Sheng Lan put away the phone contentedly.

Zhao Qiaosheng has actually been squatting under Sheng Lan Weibo for a long time, mainly because the comments of those netizens are really wonderful.Naturally, Zhao Qiaosheng also saw the comment sent by Sheng Lan.

After clicking on the picture at the back, Zhao Qiaosheng stared at it for a long time before realizing that the place was indeed a little white.

After thinking about it, Zhao Qiaosheng glanced at Sheng Lan, who was also looking at her, "Why?" Sheng Lan asked.

Zhao Qiaosheng didn't speak, just took Sheng Lan's left hand, lowered her head and looked at it carefully for a while, she couldn't help frowning, "There is really a circle, why didn't I notice it?"

It turned out that the little wife was looking at the crescent moon around him, Sheng Lan chuckled lightly, with a bit of joy on her brows, "Why, do you feel sorry for me all of a sudden?"

Zhao Qiaosheng shook his head, "No."

The corners of Sheng Lan's eyebrows twitched, and he raised his eyebrows to step down the steps for himself, "Okay, if you don't have it, then you don't. I understand that Sheng Bao likes duplicity."

"But" Zhao Qiaosheng looked at him, "Aren't you afraid of getting caught by the paparazzi?"

"It's still the same sentence, if it is photographed, it will be announced officially. The daughter-in-law I married by my ability is not something shameful." Sheng Lan snorted, with a trace of clarity in his eyes.

Zhao Qiaosheng was in a daze for a moment, did he have to rely on his ability to marry her?

Could it be that the parents of both parties matched?
Just as he was thinking, the phone in Zhao Qiaosheng's hand vibrated, and a new message came.

Jian Moshen: [Seeing that Sheng Lan's post has been made public, Sheng Sheng, have you really thought about it? 】

Zhao Qiaosheng: [? 】

Jian Moshen: [Sheng Lan's identity is very jealous, if it is made public, it may cause you some trouble. 】

This is true, publicity means that sooner or later it will be exposed.

Jian Moshen: [Although there are no photos of you on the Internet yet, those media reporters are not stupid. They will definitely follow the clues to find the hospital. Have you figured out how to deal with it then? 】

【Shengsheng, Sheng Lan married you for five years and never thought of making it public. Now that something like this happened, he just pulls you out to cover his back. Does he really love you? 】

Seeing Jian Moshen's misunderstanding of Sheng Lan, Zhao Qiaosheng explained to him: [Brother, you misunderstood, in fact, we will make it public on Grandpa's birthday, but later Sheng Lan was hospitalized in an accident, and this matter will be temporarily closed Being shelved, this time is also an opportunity.

If it hadn't been photographed by someone with a heart, we probably didn't intend to make it public so soon. 】

At the very least, it must be after Sheng Lan recovers and is conscious.

Zhao Qiaosheng thought so. Jian Moshen was silent for a while, and only replied "Yes" to her, without saying anything more.

 One chapter will be updated tonight, and the remaining three chapters will be updated during the day~
  hard work~
(End of this chapter)

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