Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 144 Married Man's Consciousness

Chapter 144 Married Man's Consciousness

The filming of Lin Jingyue's solo scene is complete, and the next step is the rival scene with Sheng Lan.

In the past two days, the news of Sheng Lan's marriage has been raging on the Internet. Now everyone in the production team knows that Sheng Lan is married, and he especially dotes on his wife, and shows his love in a high-profile way on Weibo. There was a wave.

Attract countless beauties to bow down.

As soon as she arrived at the set, Sheng Lan received gifts and blessings from many people.

In this case, it is a pity that the little wife is not by his side.

Sheng Lan didn't ask for gifts from everyone, but ordered Zhong Shuo to buy a lot of gifts for everyone and distribute them.

"The leader of my family said that you should pay attention to your image when you go out, and build a good relationship with everyone. These gifts are not a respect, so please accept them with a smile."

Modesty and polite, gentle as jade, elegant gentleman, Sheng Lan insisted on performing the four characters of nobility and elegance so vividly that people couldn't find a single fault.

Proper self-consciousness of a married man.

After receiving the gift, many people were overjoyed, and Sheng Lan was also relaxed, with a lot less noisy voices in his ears. He followed Zhong Shuo to the dressing room, where the makeup artist team was already waiting.

"Sister, Master Sheng, is he really married?"

Lin Jingyue still couldn't accept the news, she sat in the shade with sullen brows, and if she looked closely, she thought she hadn't come out of the sad mood just now.

Xu Hao was also shocked when he first heard the news. Anyone in this circle would never think of Sheng Lan getting married. After all these years, it's true that Sheng Lan has no women around him, and it's true even if it doesn't rely on hype.

Before, they wanted to join Sheng Lan, but they were rejected several times overtly and secretly.

At the time, I thought it was cold, but now that I think about it, it's not without reason. A married man, who is still going out to make gossip with other women?
Unless he is irresponsible.

"You are enough, this is on the set, pay attention to the impact."

Lin Jingyue liked Sheng Lan, Xu Hao knew it, but she was married, Xu Hao felt that as Lin Jingyue's manager, she had an obligation to wake her up.

"I know, but... I'm still not reconciled." Lin Jingyue lowered her head and muttered in a low voice, "Why did Master Sheng marry that woman and not marry me? How worse am I than her?"


"I think I'm a pretty good person."

Standing beside Lin Jingyue, Xu Hao rolled his eyelids up and down, and gave her a blank look, "If you have the time, hurry up and memorize the lines, and you won't know anything about the director's shooting soon."


Xu Hao: "Look at the lines!"


Two hours later, the filming of Sheng Lan and Lin Jingyue's rivalry started.

Sheng Lan walked into Xiande Palace, Lin Jingyue was sitting at the table in plain clothes, reading a book.

The maid next to her reminded her, Lin Jingyue got up and saluted, but she didn't look at Sheng Lan for a long time.

"I heard that the flowers in the imperial garden are blooming well, has my concubine visited it?" Sheng Lan asked.

Lin Jing looked down at the book in front of her, "The concubine has gone, those flowers are blooming well, very beautiful."

"The love concubine"

"Your Majesty, my concubine is tired and wants to rest." After Lin Jingyue finished speaking, she got up and went back to her room.

But Sheng Lan stepped forward and grabbed Lin Jingyue's clothes.
In front of the "Kakaka" camera, Chen Qifeng shouted, "Master Sheng, hold hands, hold hands! Hold hands!"

Want to hold hands?

Sheng Lan lowered her eyes and looked down at her outstretched hand, as if she was thinking about an extremely important matter.

There was nothing wrong with it at first, but after learning the lesson from filming in the water last time, Sheng Lan was resistant to having physical contact with Lin Jingyue. If possible, he would rather not even pull the hem of his clothes now, just let her get angry and go away. .

(* ̄︿ ̄)
 A proud married man.

  A married man who knows how to protect himself.

(End of this chapter)

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