Chapter 146 Yunting Clubhouse
"Yes, yes, that's what I said, and the reasoning is also the same, but it's useless for you to tell me, sir. I don't write scripts."

In a low voice, Zhong Shuo muttered.

In the Xiande Palace not far away, two people chased after him, and they also came to ask Sheng Lan to go back.

The two teachers came to Sheng Lan from left to right, "Master Sheng, you need to reshoot the scene just now, the script says"

"I don't care what is written in the script, I just can't hold it, understand?"

Sheng Lan's face was gloomy, his complexion was very ugly, and he didn't give any face at all.

The two looked at each other, even Zhong Shuo was a little surprised, it was rare to see Sheng Lan get angry once.

"Teachers, Master Sheng is not in a good condition today, why don't you go discuss it with the director and shoot again tomorrow?"

Compared to Sheng Lan, Zhong Shuo's complexion was unusually good, and the two of them also knew Sheng Lan's temper, so they could only give up if they looked at each other.

Back in the car, Sheng Lan's complexion still didn't improve, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, his mind was full of the scene of Lin Jingyue touching his waist a few days ago.

Zhong Shuo looked back, "Master, how about I buy you a bottle of water?"

The people in the back seat were silent, Zhong Shuo opened his mouth and didn't say anything more.

After the car went out for a long way, Sheng Lan came back to his senses. He looked at the scene outside the window and frowned slightly, "Where is this going?"

Zhong Shuo: "Go back to the hotel."

Back at the hotel, my little wife was not there again.

"I won't go back." Sheng Lan's eyes were deep, with a bit of willfulness of a child, and the corners of his mouth were raised angrily, "Go to the Yunting Club."

"Yunting clubhouse? Isn't that" where Dr. Zhao has his classes?

Before finishing a sentence, Zhong Shuo glanced at the gloomy expression on the man's face in the rearview mirror of the car and understood everything.

Feelings, my father was wronged outside and went to Dr. Zhao for comfort!

Also, think about the last time, just because Lin Jingyue hugged her waist, my father almost lost his waist. If he really held hands this time, he wouldn't have to chop off his fingers or something, Zhong Shuo didn't even think about it. Dare to think.

In an instant, the hair on his back stood on end, and Zhong Shuo took two deep breaths.

"What does he mean? Why can't you hold on?"

"Sister, do you know that I have become the joke of the entire crew now!!!"

Back and forth, Lin Jingyue paced around the room, her delicately made-up face was devoid of elegance.

Xu Hao stood aside, with his back leaning against the table, quite calm.

"You don't even think about what you did before."


If he made a good promise, Lin Jingyue felt guilty all of a sudden, and the arrogance just now was gone.

Pushing the ground, Lin Jingyue sat down angrily, feeling guilty in her heart, as if she had no reason to be angry anymore.

"I'll just give him a hug, isn't that too much? Being an actor doesn't even have the spirit of sacrifice, so how can you be an actor?"

"After all, I still think I'm reasonable." Xu Hao snorted coldly, "You think Shenglan won't see it just because of your little thoughtfulness? It's pretty good that he didn't get rid of you on the spot!"

"Is he still dedicated?"

"When something goes wrong, you don't find the reason from yourself, but blame others. I think I have been leading you for nothing in the past few years."

Xu Hao held his forehead in a muffled voice, feeling depressed for a while.

Seeing that Xu Hao was angry, Lin Jingyue just pursed her lips, "Okay, okay, I know I'm wrong, can't I?"

Lin Jingyue's perfunctory answer made Xu Hao even more helpless, "When will you change your temper?"

"What's wrong with my temper? Many people don't like me anyway!"


(End of this chapter)

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