Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 167 Time Has Been Extended

Chapter 167 Time Has Been Extended
Sheng Lan: "It takes so much effort to call your husband, how can you call him generous?"

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

"Okay, I won't force you, get up and eat?"

Gently, Sheng Lan pressed Zhao Qiaosheng's palm with his thumb.

"Hmm..." Zhao Qiaosheng snorted, and sat up straight with the backrest adjusted.

The black Volkswagen was on the road again, Sheng Lan raised his eyes and glanced at the rearview mirror inside the car, "Sheng Bao, what do you think of the proposal I just made?"

Zhao Qiaosheng didn't want to answer his question, so he turned his head and looked out the window, "Concentrate on driving."

Only the back of Sheng Lan's head was left.

Sheng Lan smiled and looked ahead, "I'm just concentrating on driving."

Zhao Qiaosheng's brain reacted, these words
Suddenly, those two words exploded in Zhao Qiaosheng's mind.

Angrily, Zhao Qiaosheng simply covered his head with the coat, completely isolating him from Sheng Lan.

"I'll just talk casually, why are you still angry?" Sheng Lan continued to tease.

Zhao Qiaosheng heheed twice, and a muffled voice came out from under the coat, "Sorry, my casual understanding doesn't seem to mean the same as yours."


All right, all right, listening to this voice, I'm afraid I'll really be in a hurry with him if I continue talking.

Sheng Lan didn't say anything more, just like what Zhao Qiaosheng said, he concentrated on driving the car.

Two days later, another city.

Lu Baichuan has just received instructions from his superiors to extend the duration of the "Famous Teacher Lecture" project, and convert the one-month study and training into a three-month study and training, so that the medical workers who participate in it can concentrate more fully. Put in, reduce physical and psychological pressure, and give them greater freedom, time and space.

Lu Baichuan thought it was good, so he called Zhao Qiaosheng, "Shengsheng, this time the hospital has given a lot of benefits, so you can have fun outside and study hard!"

Thinking that Lu Baichuan would slip up all of a sudden, Zhao Qiaosheng smiled, "Okay, thank you Director."

In order to make up for his "slip of the tongue", Lu Baichuan told Zhao Qiaosheng a lot of things to pay attention to, and finally said: "Shengsheng, remember that you are here to study, study, do you hear me? Don't always think about playing what!"

"Understood, Director."

Zhao Qiaosheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and Lu Baichuan hung up the phone hastily.

Lin Muyan also received a notice from Mingcheng Hospital to give them a salary increase without increasing the workload. The content of the lectures can be appropriately expanded, but the study time has been extended a lot.

There is a lot of freedom.

In the afternoon of that day, Lin Muyan discussed with the leaders of several teaching and research groups, and made a new curriculum schedule.

During the week, there are three days for classes, and the remaining four days are for everyone to arrange by themselves, or to exchange ideas and so on.

Zhao Qiaosheng was about to tell Sheng Lan the news when Jian Moshen's voice call came over.

The idea of ​​sending a message to Sheng Lan was temporarily put on hold, and Zhao Qiaosheng picked it up, "Hello, senior brother."

"Well, Shengsheng, I don't have class at this hour, did I bother you?"

"No, you said."

"That's just right." Jian Mo smiled deeply, "It's not a big deal, even I think you'll be back in a dozen days or so, and then I'll hold a reception banquet for you in the courtyard, and see if there's anything like"

"Brother, wait a minute, I just want to tell everyone later." Speaking of this, Zhao Qiaosheng interrupted Jian Moshen.

Jian Moshen: "Huh?"

Zhao Qiaosheng: "It was also the director who just informed me that the study abroad time will be extended this time."

Jian Mo's eyes were deep, "How long?"

Zhao Qiaosheng: "Three months."

 Here comes the update!
(End of this chapter)

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