Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 169 I went to find my son for a video

Chapter 169 I went to find my son for a video
Zhao Qiaosheng sent a message to Sheng Lan, but he asked him: [Why don't I have a nice nickname? 】

Zhao Qiaosheng: [What pet name do you want? 】

Sheng Ye called Sheng Lan "Lanbao" in private, Zhao Qiaosheng knew about it, but if it was her who called her instead.
"Lanbao, do you have time at noon today?"

"Lanbao, I'm going to take a shower."

"Lanbao, I want milk!"


Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

These sentences are so beautiful, she feels like reading them is profaning them!

Disrespectful, she will have her tongue cut off!
In an instant, Zhao Qiaosheng felt goosebumps all over his body.

Sheng Lan didn't reply to her, wondering if it meant to let her think for herself.

After a while, Zhao Qiaosheng realized that the topic had been diverted by Sheng Lan. She came to tell him that she really had a lot of time now.

Holding the phone, Zhao Qiaosheng didn't know what to say.

Sheng Lan sent her a picture with dense words written on it.

Zhao Qiaosheng clicked in to see clearly.

Sheng Lan: [Find out the one that is different from the other words. 】

Among the pile of red writing, the black writing in the middle is eye-catching.

Those with red writing, without exception, are all wives, and the one with black writing
Zhao Qiaosheng: [husband? 】

Sheng Lan: [put it?went. 】

Zhao Qiaosheng: 【You're still addicted, aren't you? 】

Instead of directly replying to the text, Sheng Lan replied Zhao Qiaosheng with a "huh" emoticon.

How naive and naive.

Zhao Qiaosheng: [I won't talk to you anymore, I went to find my son to video. 】

Thinking that since I came to Diancheng, I haven't had a video with the little guy, and I don't know if the little guy thinks about me.

Zhao Qiaosheng felt quite guilty.

Is the little wife going to run away?

Sheng Lan became unhappy for a moment, and made a video call with his mobile phone, but Zhao Qiaosheng hung up within two or three seconds.

Sheng Lan: [Woman, do you dare to hang up on me? ! 】

Sheng Lan: [Zhao Qiaosheng, you are limited to reply to me within three seconds! 】

Sheng Lan: [Woman, you dare to make videos with other men behind my back! 】

Sheng Lan: [Zhao Qiaosheng——]

Sheng Lan: [You haven't even made a video with me, what right does that brat have to video with you! 】

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

It was just a few short words, but Zhao Qiaosheng could already predict that Sheng Lan would be anxious and helpless with her.

Regardless of him, Zhao Qiaosheng called Sheng Chengyan.

The little guy has his own children's mobile phone, which Zhao Qiaosheng bought for him.

In the past, the little guy was young, and Zhao Qiaosheng was working overtime in the hospital and couldn't take care of him, so he bought this children's mobile phone.

The little guy has always been like a baby, and Zhao Qiaosheng wears it around his neck when he travels far.


The video was switched on, and the son's round face moved closer. His big eyes turned into crescents with a smile, his slender eyelashes were soft, and two rows of neat baby teeth were exposed in his mouth.

Very cute!

Zhao Qiaosheng smiled, feeling like he wanted to hold his son in his arms for an instant.

"Yanyan, what should I do, mom really wants to hug you now!"

The son is too cute, no one can compare.

Sure enough, watching the son is the most healing.

The little guy blinked his eyes. He must have heard what Zhao Qiaosheng said, and then he got off the bed. Zhao Qiaosheng looked at him, not knowing what he was going to do.

The little guy found something to fix the phone, and then he stood far away.

Zhao Qiaosheng was wondering, "Yanyan, what are you doing?"

In the next second, the little guy rushed up while trotting with two short legs, throwing his whole body onto the screen of the phone.

From a distance, Zhao Qiaosheng was given a big, big hug.

Accompanied by the giggles of children.

Crisp and tender.

His heart was about to explode on the spot, Zhao Qiaosheng was really warmed by the little guy.

Covering his chest with his hands, Zhao Qiaosheng closed his eyes and immersed himself in the happiness just now.

"Yanyan, how can you be so warm!!!"

"Yanyan likes her mother, and wants to give her warmth."

The little guy rubbed his slightly curly hair and smiled embarrassedly.

(End of this chapter)

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