Chapter 173

The little wife looked cute when she was frightened.

Sheng Lan was also not stingy with his acting skills. He nodded vigorously, leaned into Zhao Qiaosheng's ear, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Yes, my wife."

Being suddenly brought so close, Zhao Qiaosheng was not as reckless as Sheng Lan, she subconsciously looked around.

Fortunately, everyone was busy with their own work, and it seemed that no one really noticed what was going on with them.

I temporarily breathed a sigh of relief in my heart.

Looking back, Zhao Qiaosheng bumped into Sheng Lan's eyes smiling at her, "Why are you looking at me like that!"

Scared to death!
Zhao Qiaosheng pushed him angrily.

Being pushed and shoved twice for no reason, Sheng Lan felt a little helpless, he smiled and twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's wrong for me to look at you now?"

"I'm not"

"Oh, no, that's... simply trying to push me twice."

The man's eyes were deep, and he was talking to her seriously.

"No, just don't, don't get so close to me all of a sudden." Zhao Qiaosheng said, artificially moved two inches to one side.

Sheng Lan lowered his eyes and was almost annoyed, "Okay." He squinted his eyes, "Next time I get so close, I will let you know in advance."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "?"

In the next second, Sheng Lan gave her a wicked smile, "Honey, I'm going to get close to you."


A certain person has an unusually thick skin, and it's not the first time Zhao Qiaosheng has experienced it, except for being speechless or speechless.

Letting Sheng Lan put one hand on his shoulder, Zhao Qiaosheng was led forward by him.

It's like the big brother covering the little brother.

"Wife, hurry up, or you will be photographed!"

With a sudden whisper, Sheng Lan clearly whispered something in Zhao Qiaosheng's ear.


Zhao Qiaosheng didn't think much about it, and asked subconsciously, but he still quickened his pace, almost running.

Sheng Lan cooperated with Zhao Qiaosheng and walked a lot faster.

However, while walking, Zhao Qiaosheng heard a man's low laughing voice.

"What are you looking at me for? Let's go!"

While smiling, Sheng Lan was still urging Zhao Qiaosheng.

Like this.
No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you are in a hurry, but it looks like you are teasing her!
Thinking of this, Zhao Qiaosheng stopped abruptly, and Sheng Lan's smile was on his lips.

Being stared at so nakedly by his little wife, Sheng Lan's face stiffened a little, and he licked the corner of his mouth, "Ah, someone was indeed filming us just now."

"You lied to me!"

Zhao Qiaosheng stared at him, his cheeks seemed a little puffed up because of anger.

"No." Out of the corner of the eye, Sheng Lan caught a glimpse of Zhong Shuo who was following behind, "If you don't believe me, ask Zhong Shuo if someone was taking pictures of us just now?"

Zhong Shuo?

Looking at Sheng Lan suspiciously, Zhao Qiaosheng turned his gaze to the person behind him, "Zhong Shuo, did someone really shoot us just now?"

I don't know what the two are talking about, but the most basic and instinctive reaction, Zhong Shuo glanced at Sheng Lan, only to see his grandfather nodded slightly at him.

Zhao Qiaosheng: "Ah, yes, yes, Doctor Zhao, someone really took pictures of you just now."

This exaggerated and insincere acting!

Zhao Qiaosheng snorted, left the man beside him and walked towards the rest area in front by himself.

Sheng Lan only smiled and shook his head, then hurriedly strode forward to chase him back.

After a lot of chattering, he finally lured him into his dressing room and rest room.

(End of this chapter)

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