Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 178 I just want to pamper you

Chapter 178 I just want to pamper you

"You think it's right, but it's really unfair to Lin Jingyue."

It doesn't mean how sage and kind he is. In Zhao Qiaosheng's view, this is a matter of principle.

Sheng Lan's original intention was good, he wanted to give her the best, but such kindness was based on the premise of harming the interests of others, even if Zhao Qiaosheng accepted it, he would not feel at ease.

"If I can come to the crew to play a small role, I have already gone through the back door. This is already very unfair to the other actors in the crew. If you still want me to play the heroine, where do you put me? Where do you put them?"

"The same sentence, I am not in this circle, but I also know that every role these actors get is the result of their own efforts. If it is only because of your words, their efforts Just gone, have you ever thought about how they feel?"


"I don't want to lose my tongue, and I don't want you to be criticized, do you understand?"

I don't know if I will hurt Sheng Lan's heart by saying this, but this is what Zhao Qiaosheng wants to tell him most at the moment.

When Zhao Qiaosheng said that, Sheng Lan stood there, motionless, and did not refute anything.

It was quiet and silent.

Standing by the side, Chen Qifeng couldn't say anything, but he really admired Zhao Qiaosheng's pattern in his heart.

It was getting hot outside, and the air was very dry, which invisibly added to the depression and restlessness in people's hearts.

Zhao Qiaosheng said a lot of things, but she was quite uncertain in her heart. She didn't know if Sheng Lan could listen.

Biting the corner of his mouth, Zhao Qiaosheng thought for a while and added, "Besides, we are already husband and wife, what else do you have to be dissatisfied with?"

"Didn't I want to fry a C p with you?"

Slowly, the man muttered reluctantly.

Zhao Qiaosheng was stunned for a moment, a little unsure of what she heard, she blinked her eyes, "Fried C p?!"

Chen Qifeng also knew it well, Sheng Lan really didn't tell him that there was such a meaning.

With his eyelids half closed, Sheng Lan lowered his head, directly ignoring the puzzled gazes of Zhao Qiaosheng and Chen Qifeng, his eyes fell on the cuffs that Zhao Qiaosheng was holding tightly, and his heart softened naturally.

"Okay, I didn't think carefully." Sheng Lan whispered, the corners of his lips curled up, his fingertips slowly clung to those little hands, and then shook them gently.

I don't know what mood I am in.

But it looks depressing.

Suddenly, he chuckled to himself, and a deep voice slowly flowed out from the man's chest, "Maybe it's because I'm obsessed too much. I didn't think so much, but Sheng Bao was thoughtful."

"Sheng Lan."

"You can just love your concubine, I just pamper you well."

With his head down, Sheng Lan was obviously smiling, but Zhao Qiaosheng still felt that he was not happy at all, more like that kind of helpless smile after making compromises and concessions because he didn't want to make things difficult for her, it was self-relieving.

Finally realizing the embarrassment of his situation, Chen Qifeng found an excuse and slipped away.

Zhao Qiaosheng watched him close the door before looking away.

Sheng Lan just looked at her like this, with endless dark eyes.

Those eyes are half-bent, you feel that he is smiling, but you also feel that he is lonely.

"I understand, and I understand too." All of a sudden, Zhao Qiaosheng threw herself into Sheng Lan's arms, her arms reached the back of his neck familiarly, and she stood on tiptoe.

Very lightly, Zhao Qiaosheng only reached Sheng Lan's chin, and the warmth between his lips was fleeting.

She raised her head, her beautiful eyes were dotted with tiny stars, "But this time, let's all be more generous, okay?"

 Let’s post chapter by chapter, there will be five chapters in a while~
  Remember to check it~
(End of this chapter)

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