Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 197 Daniel, long time no see

Chapter 197 Daniel, long time no see
At the door of the room, when Zhao Qiaosheng pulled Sheng Lan back, someone was already waiting.

It was still a man. Under the dim light in the corridor, the man leaned crookedly on the door, with his head down, holding his mobile phone as if he was playing a game.

"How did you get here so soon?"

When he saw it for the first time, Zhao Qiaosheng didn't dare to recognize him, after all, he hadn't seen him for many years.

Hearing Zhao Qiaosheng's voice, the man who had kept his head down at the door finally raised his eyes. After seeing the person clearly, the man put away his phone and walked towards Zhao Qiaosheng and Sheng Lan.

"Zhao, long time no see."

The man is tall and tall, almost as tall as Sheng Lan. His eyebrows are slightly protruding, and his eyes are sunken inside. The light blue eyeballs are really eye-catching.

"Daniel, long time no see."

After briefly shaking hands with Daniel, Zhao Qiaosheng introduced Sheng Lan and Daniel to each other: "This is Daniel, my college classmate, a major. Daniel, this is my husband, Sheng Lan."

"Whoa, you're married!"

Daniel was a little surprised, but still nodded in admiration, and gave Zhao Qiaosheng and Sheng Lan a thumbs up.

Zhao Qiaosheng only smiled, and beside him, Sheng Lan had a serious face, and his eyes were always sizing up the person across from him.

"Daniel?" Sheng Lan twitched his eyebrows and read the name carefully.

Daniel didn't know what Sheng Lan meant by staring at him all the time. He first glanced at Zhao Qiaosheng.

Zhao Qiaosheng naturally knew what Sheng Lan was thinking about now, the jealous jar in this man's heart might have been overturned a long time ago.

Just pulling his lips and smiling, Zhao Qiaosheng smoothed things over, "Eh, why don't we go in."

"Oh, yes too."

As Daniel said, he followed Zhao Qiaosheng to leave, but Sheng Lan suddenly stretched out his hand at this moment, and it happened to be between Zhao Qiaosheng and Daniel.

Glancing at her eyes, Sheng Lan raised her eyebrows a little, "Daniel, right? I haven't introduced myself yet."

Standing there in a daze, Daniel seemed a little at a loss.

I saw Sheng Lan hooked his lips, "My name is Sheng Lan, and I'm Zhao Qiaosheng's husband."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

After a pause, Daniel smiled and nodded cooperatively, "Ah, I know you, Zhao introduced you to me just now."

"Very well, since you already know about our relationship."

"Okay, okay, Daniel is here to show you, go in quickly!"

Before Sheng Lan finished speaking, she was dragged into the room by Zhao Qiaosheng.

Following behind the two, Daniel only smiled.

Turning on the light in the living room, Zhao Qiaosheng pressed Sheng Lan on the sofa, "Can you put away some smell if you knocked over the jar of vinegar?" Sheng Lan: "."

"Although Daniel is a foreigner, he has lived in China for seven or eight years anyway. Pay attention."

Sheng Lan: "."

After preaching in a low voice, Zhao Qiaosheng got up.

"Daniel, sit down first, I'll go to heat the water."

"OK, thanks."

Sheng Lan: "."

When did my little wife treat him so politely? How annoying!
The more he thought about it, the darker Sheng Lan's face became.

Daniel sat on the sofa next to Sheng Lan, looking around aimlessly.

Next to him, Sheng Lan glanced at him from time to time, the disgust in his eyes was even more blatant.

I can't wait to throw this guy out!

Looking at it, Sheng Lan seemed to have discovered something. He glanced at the back of his hand, and then at Daniel's.

I seem to be whiter than him.
Suddenly, the man who had been sitting sullenly sneered.

Suddenly, very scary.

Next to him, Daniel couldn't help turning his gaze to Sheng Lan's side. He didn't know what he was laughing at, but the evil spirit in his eyes was real when the other party looked at him.

Daniel moved his gaze away, and when he looked back, the other party was still looking at him.

Daniel frowned, and rubbed his hands back and forth on his thighs with nowhere to rest, in order to relieve the embarrassment at this time.

Well, I am whiter than him!
This is Sheng Lan's conclusion after looking at the back of Daniel's hand for a minute.

(End of this chapter)

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