Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 200 Go to Director Chen for an explanation

Chapter 200 Ask Director Chen to Explain

"In the past few days, pay more attention to rest, avoid strenuous exercise, and avoid spicy food in the diet. You can appropriately supplement a high-calorie, high-vitamin diet, and keep the wound clean and dry, and try not to touch water."

As Daniel said, Zhao Qiaosheng went over it in his heart, "Daniel, I'm sorry to trouble you so late."

"Thank me for what?" Daniel smiled, "Zhao, treat me to hot pot if you have a chance."

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Qiaosheng twitched his eyebrows, "You really are. You haven't changed for so many years!"

Zhao Qiaosheng remembered that when he was in college, Daniel liked to go to the hot pot city next to Ming University to eat hot pot.

"Yes, but it can't be helped, I just like it" Daniel said, he had already packed the medicine box, he stood up and took a look at Zhao Qiaosheng, then turned to look at the man sitting on the sofa, "I like it There is actually another reason for eating hot pot, because my girlfriend and I met there."

How could Daniel not be able to see Sheng Lan's hostility towards him, but it was probably due to the petty thoughts between men, he felt that he still had to explain before he left.

"Okay, Zhao, Mr. Sheng, I won't bother you, let's go first."

After waving his hand, Daniel walked out carrying the medicine box, and Zhao Qiaosheng got up to see him off.

Behind him, Sheng Lan only squinted his eyes a little, with a flash of smugness in his eyes.

Hmph, he's a smart kid!

After seeing off Daniel, when Zhao Qiaosheng came back, there was no one in the living room.

She went to the bedroom, Sheng Lan stood by the window, lowered her head and was on the phone, talking to someone.

Without disturbing him, Zhao Qiaosheng took a change of clothes and went to the bathroom directly.

The fact that Sheng Lan's hand was injured must not be concealed, and it spread to the entire crew early the next morning.But fortunately, he injured his left hand. When filming, he and the photographer need to pay attention to it.

In the dressing room, Zhao Qiaosheng sat quietly in front of the makeup mirror, arranged by the makeup artist.

Sheng Lan sat on the sofa not far away, looking down at the script with his head down.

Zhong Shuo only greeted Zhao Qiaosheng and arrived in front of Sheng Lan.

"Master, I asked you what you said yesterday. Lin Jingyue said that she had a stomach problem, so she didn't go. As for Chen Yi, the owner of that homestay is actually her cousin, which is outrageous!"


Sheng Lan didn't rush to speak, just sat there, quietly listening to Zhong Shuo's words, fluttering her fine eyelashes from time to time.

"Oh, by the way, there is also the matter of surveillance. When I went to look for it last night, I guess her cousin Chen Yi already knew about it. At first he said there was no surveillance, but I took him to see where the surveillance is. Then he said that he had forgotten that there was such a monitor, and he didn't turn it on very often, mainly to protect the privacy of the guests, so I almost gave a fuck on the spot!"

"So you are...?"

With raised eyebrows, Sheng Lan looked up at Zhong Shuo, with questioning eyes in his cold eyes.

The person who was still angry at the beginning just squeezed his eyes and smiled when he heard the words, "Hey, don't worry, Master Sheng, this little thing won't bother me, I'll send you the video in a while."

"Well, okay." After a pause, Sheng Lan stood up and said, "You help me watch here, I'll go out for a while."

"Grandpa, where are you going?"

"I left without saying goodbye last night, so I have to go to Director Chen to explain?"

The voice was like a human being, gradually drifting away, Zhong Shuo didn't ask any more questions, he just pretended that Sheng Lan really went to Chen Qifeng to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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