Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 203 Zhong Shuo, drive her away!

Chapter 203 Zhong Shuo, drive her away!
Not far away, Sheng Lan, Zhao Qiaosheng, Chen Qifeng, and Zhong Shuo came together.

And the four of them were talking and laughing, which made Lin Jingyue even more confused.

Why did Chen Qifeng come here with Sheng Lan and the others?
Standing there, Lin Jingyue's feet seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't walk.

After reacting first, Chen Qifeng asked, "Xiao Lin, are you here to find Master Sheng?"

After saying this, Lin Jingyue couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

Obediently, Lin Jingyue could only follow Chen Qifeng's words, "Yeah, I only found out about Master Sheng's hand injury when I came to the crew today. Didn't I also tell you to come and see?"

Come and see him?
The weasel is really uneasy and kind to give the chicken New Year greetings!

"Well, let's see."

Following Lin Jingyue's words, Sheng Lan squinted her eyes and stood there majesticly.

Chen Qifeng: "."

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

Zhong Shuo: "."

Lin Jingyue opened her mouth, and she could clearly feel the stiffness and tension on her face.

Although there were not many people, Sheng Lan's words really made her a little embarrassed, and she didn't know how to proceed.

Her gaze stayed on Sheng Lan for a short while, and Lin Jingyue turned her gaze to the woman beside Sheng Lan——Zhao Qiaosheng.

She hasn't removed her makeup yet, and even the clothes on her body are the ones she wore during filming just now.

Lin Jingyue's gaze swiveled over Zhao Qiaosheng, sizing him up carefully.

On the opposite side, Sheng Lan naturally noticed Lin Jingyue's eyes on Zhao Qiaosheng, he subconsciously clenched his fingers, and the corners of his mouth tightened even more in displeasure.

A few seconds later, Lin Jingyue smiled, "Master Sheng, your wife looks really good after makeup."

As soon as Lin Jingyue finished speaking, Sheng Lan frowned directly, angry and furious, and jealousy rose from the bottom of her heart. Just after Daniel left, another Lin Jingyue came, right?

"There is something wrong with you! Look at me, what do you think my wife is doing? Fuck, Zhong Shuo, drive her away!"

Lin Jingyue was dumbfounded by a few words in succession.

There was still a smile on his face, and he seemed to be unable to take it back.

Beside, even Chen Qifeng, Zhong Shuo and Zhao Qiaosheng were stunned for a moment, almost unable to realize what Sheng Lan said just now.

As the one who was cueed by his grandfather, Zhong Shuo was the first to react in public. He immediately cleared his throat and walked up to Lin Jingyue, and then made a gesture of invitation, "Miss Lin, please~"

Even though she has lived in the spotlight for a long time and is used to being embarrassed by reporters from all sides, at this moment, Lin Jingyue still feels that this is the most terrifying thing.

Her eyes trembled violently, and then the expression on her face could no longer be stretched.

"Master Sheng, I kindly came to see you and cared about the injury on your hand. Is that why you treat me like this?"

"That's too light for you!"

Gritting her teeth, Sheng Lan snorted coldly, as long as she thought that Lin Jingyue was involved in what happened last night, the disgust and disgust in the man's eyes became more obvious.

A cold light shot over, Sheng Lan looked at Zhong Shuo, "Your leg is disabled?"

His head was shaking like a rattle, Zhong Shuo immediately understood, and hurriedly dragged Lin Jingyue away.

Not only that, but before Lin Jingyue walked away, Sheng Lan still didn't forget to slap her wife secretly: "I'm really blind, my wife looks better without makeup! It's not like you, even with makeup on." It's like a plucked chicken, what's there to jump around?"

Although Chen Qifeng wanted to see Lin Jingyue make a fool of herself, it was limited to the fact that she was using herself as a gunman. He didn't expect to see such an exciting scene when he followed.

The man's mouth, like a poisonous tongue, shows no affection, no face.

Zhao Qiaosheng pulled La Shenglan's arm subconsciously, "Is it too much for you to say that?"

"Is it too much?" Sheng Lan snorted, "It's even cheaper than her!"

Zhao Qiaosheng: "."

"He is a big star"

Beside, Chen Qifeng also wanted to interject: Um, Mr. Actor, he is also a top floret anyway, is it really okay for you to say that?
(End of this chapter)

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