Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 205 Does what she does have anything to do with me?

Chapter 205 Does what she does have anything to do with me?
"She is a girl after all, and you still speak in front of so many people, in the future"

"Sheng Bao, you don't know her."

Hesitating to speak, he stared at Zhao Qiaosheng, his dark eyes fluctuated slightly, Sheng Lan finally sighed, "Forget it, let Zhong Shuo explain to you later."

Zhao Qiaosheng didn't understand, and Sheng Lan didn't tell her any more.

With big strides, Sheng Lan went back to the room, Zhao Qiaosheng stood at the door and followed closely.

Knowing that the whole thing happened half an hour later, Zhao Qiaosheng was sitting next to Sheng Lan, and she only turned her head to look at the man beside her.

Sheng Lan was also looking at her, but her expression was a little arrogant, as if she was saying: Look, you misunderstood me.

"So many things happened, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Zhao Qiaosheng always thought that Chen Yi simply couldn't get used to him, but he didn't expect Lin Jingyue to be involved behind this.

"I thought she would stop." Sheng Lan said in a low voice, and smiled again, "I didn't expect ugly people to do more trouble."


Within a day, it was the first time that Zhao Qiaosheng saw Sheng Lan despise someone so much, and the corner of her mouth twitched uncontrollably.

But seriously, she should be careful next time.

Zhong Shuo just pursed his lips and didn't say much.

Chen Qifeng thought that Lin Jingyue would definitely ask for a few days off, after all Sheng Lan had said that, but no.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Jingyue arrived on time for the production crew, smiling and greeting everyone, and even gave gifts to many people.

As if what happened yesterday never happened, Chen Qifeng once wondered if his memory was in disorder.

"Thank you sister Yue!"

"Wow, thank you, sister Yue, you are so beautiful today!"

"Thank you sister Yue!"

The smile is gentle, calm and elegant. Lin Jingyue is wearing the LGT autumn high-end style. It is fine if it is filming or attending an event, but it is only for the crew
It's a bit of a fuss.

"It's almost done," Xu Hao said in a low voice.

However, Lin Jingyue didn't show any signs of letting go, and even chatted with a few actresses.

"Master, what do you mean by Lin Jingyue?"

Zhong Shuo asked incomprehensibly.

Hearing this, the person walking in front only paused, and then continued to walk forward, "Why are you mentioning her to me? What does she do have something to do with me?"

Zhong Shuo opened his mouth, but he pursed his lips, "No, sir, I was wrong."

Sheng Lan ignored him and walked forward quickly.

Throughout the morning, when the crew was not filming, almost everyone was talking about Lin Jingyue, praising her for her well-dressed outfit, her good looks, and what's more, they directly compared Lin Jingyue with Zhao Qiaosheng.

It is true that Zhao Qiaosheng did not give any gifts to everyone in the crew, and he rarely talked to everyone. In comparison, he seemed a bit cold and unkind.

"He has Master Sheng behind him, can we envy him?"

"That's right, with Master Sheng, a doctor can be in the entertainment circle!"

"No one's life is good, so don't be sour." Someone chuckled.

Immediately afterwards, a lot of spittle stars flew over, "It sounds like you are not sour!"

"That's right, I'm obviously only an eighteen-line person, so why pretend?"

The chuckling woman said nothing, just shook her head, feeling sad for these women.

"Is this what you want?"

The phone fell on the table, Xu Hao looked a little unhappy.

Lin Jingyue only licked her lips in front of the mirror, and spread the lip gloss evenly, as if she didn't hear Xu Hao's words.

 Well, let me ask in this chapter, I was chatting with my friends last night, do you like reading articles that old men are also very fragrant, and the age difference between the hero and the heroine is a bit big, eight or nine years old, father The kind of boyfriend, using animals as a comparison: the hero is a gentleman fox, and the heroine is a fake rabbit and a real wild cat.

  Do you like to watch~
  []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
(End of this chapter)

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