Every day I wake up, the actor is collapsing

Chapter 213 Went to Master Sheng's Dressing Room

Chapter 213 Went to Master Sheng's Dressing Room
Sheng Lan's analysis was good, Sheng Ye didn't deny it, he just said "hmm", "The person involved in this matter has been fired, and it will take some time to find out, I'll just handle it, you don't have to worry about it."

"Yes, yes, I'm too lazy to worry about you!"

Sheng Lan snorted, "hang up and go with my wife."

Sheng Ye: "."

"Didn't you want me to give you a few sets of cosmetics sponsored by the brand last time, you can't do it now."

As soon as Chen Yi came in, Lin Jingyue told her this.

Chen Yi looked at her, "What's wrong?"

Lin Jingyue: "The newly delivered cosmetics are expired, and there is a problem with the quality, so they can no longer be used."

Looking across the face of the woman in front of her, Lin Jingyue continued to add: "Even if I give it to you, you won't need it, your face will rot."

Chen Yi didn't answer Lin Jingyue's words immediately, instead she stared at her persistently for a few seconds before recovering, Chen Yi smiled, "It's okay, sister, just give me a set, I don't need it, You can show it off even if you take it out!"

Lin Jingyue was a little embarrassed, but she couldn't stand Chen Yi's soft-hearted treatment of her.

A seemingly brand-new set of cosmetics was sent out.

"Let's talk about it first, this set of cosmetics is yours as a gift, and how to deal with it is your own business, but please remember not to use it on your face."

Don't forget, Lin Jingyue kindly reminded Chen Yi.

Chen Yi nodded and thanked Lin Jingyue, "Understood, sister, then I will go."

It wasn't until Chen Yi left that Xu Hao asked Lin Jingyue: "You know that there is something wrong with this cosmetic and you gave it to her? Chen Yi is a lunatic, you can never guess what she will do in the next second."

"So what?" Lin Jingyue raised her eyebrows, "I gave her something, how to deal with it is her own business, and has nothing to do with me."

"It's easy for you to say. What if something happens and she insists that you ordered it? You gave the thing. It's easy to make people think too much. Don't do such stupid things in the future."

"I know, I know, you've been so talkative recently, just like my mother."


Xu Hao was speechless for a while, "I'm telling you seriously, can you listen to me a little more each time?"

"Listen, listen, haven't I been listening~"

Xu Hao is hard-spoken and soft-hearted. Every time she sees her temper is about to come up, Lin Jingyue will say a few soft words to make people happy, and then continue to do what she should do, and she will not let Xu Hao worry less about this matter. .

On the other side, Chen Yi came out of Lin Jingyue's dressing room and didn't leave immediately, instead she walked towards Sheng Lan's dressing room.

It happened that Xu Hao saw this scene as soon as she went out, she took a deep breath, and looked at the innocent people inside, "What did I say, Chen Yi is a lunatic who took expired cosmetics from you , and then went to Master Sheng's dressing room, what do you think she wants to do? Can you guess it? "

Is Chen Yi moving so fast?

Lin Jingyue frowned, she just knocked a few times overtly and secretly, and Chen Yi just got the hang of it, but...
What does it mean that she directly took the cosmetics in the past?
Shouldn't it be a drama to secretly replace Zhao Qiaosheng's cosmetics?
Lin Jingyue also couldn't understand.

"Let her do whatever she wants, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

Just twitching the corner of her mouth, Lin Jingyue muttered without feeling anything.

(End of this chapter)

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