Chapter 302 Call Me Brother
"Let me tell you, the day you decide to abandon my mother and me, there will be no relationship between us, do you hear me clearly?"

"Who do you think you are fooling with the filthy money you gave? Huh? You can also fool a fool like my mother!"

"A scum like you really shouldn't live in this world, you should die now, immediately!"

Wei Zhuoyu was talking and laughing, and suddenly 7 yelled again. He pointed in the direction of Sheng Tingguang, and the dagger hidden in his trouser pocket was also pulled out.

Wei Zhuoyu held the dagger in his hand, and the tip of the knife was pointed at Sheng Tingguang's face.

He was so angry, so irritable, with bulging veins on his forehead, his whole body was on the verge of collapse.

"Wei Zhuoyu!" Sheng Ye couldn't look away, mainly because he couldn't hear what Wei Zhuoyu said about Sheng Tingguang - his father.

Sheng Tingguang was wrong, he abandoned Wei Qingya and Wei Zhuoyu, but in the final analysis, he is also his and Sheng Lan's father.

"Don't forget who gave you this life!"

Sheng Ye shouted back, his face was a little stiff, he looked very angry but on the verge of restraint and forbearance.

"Brother, I'll go" Sheng Lan whispered, he had already stepped out like a soldier.

Sheng Ye was worried about Sheng Chengyan, but now Wei Zhuoyu's situation is unstable, he can no longer involve other people, one more person will be more risky.

"You stop!"

Sheng Ye called him to stop.

Sheng Lan turned his head away, and his eyes briefly met Sheng Ye's, "Brother, nothing can happen to you."

"I know!" Seeing that Sheng Lan had made up his mind and insisted on going up, Sheng Ye couldn't bear it no matter how tolerant he usually is, he yelled at Sheng Lan: "You give me Stay here!"

Sheng Ye's words, Sheng Lan understood most of the meaning.

He wanted to exchange himself for Sheng Chengyan's return, and Sheng Ye wanted to exchange himself for him.

Only shaking his head at Sheng Ye, Sheng Lan turned around and strode towards Wei Zhuoyu's direction.

Sheng Lan walked forward, Wei Zhuoyu took Sheng Chengyan back, the two of them kept backing, backing
The distance between the three of them was very stable. Wei Zhuoyu held a knife in his hand and blocked it in front of him. It seemed that he would stab Sheng Lan as soon as he stepped forward.

Raising his hands, Sheng Lan made a gesture of surrender, and he comforted Wei Zhuoyu in a deep voice, "Don't worry, come, tie me up and let him go."

Wei Zhuoyu's expression obviously hesitated, he fixed his eyes on Sheng Lan, sizing him up and down with unkind eyes, doubting Sheng Lan's words, and weighing his chances of winning.

Sheng Lan was not in a hurry, and let him look at himself.

"Why do you think I will agree to change with you?"

After a while, Wei Zhuoyu suddenly made a sound, and he laughed coldly again, "Sheng Lan, after all, you should call me brother when you call me, right?"


"Come on, you call me brother. If you are happy, I will promise to change it with you. If you make me unhappy, then we don't have to talk about it."

"Wei Zhuoyu, don't go too far!"

"Sheng Lan, how dare you ask him to try!"

Sheng Tingguang and Sheng Ye spoke at almost the same time, and they both stood behind very anxiously, wishing they could go up by themselves.

Sheng Ye himself was anxious, but he also had to take care of Sheng Tingguang's situation.

"It's just shouting brother, why is it too much?" Wei Zhuoyu continued to laugh, with a somewhat pitiful and hateful expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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