Chapter 1

In the heavily guarded councilor's villa, there were breath-taking panting sounds and heavy muffled groans from the man.

Seven-year-old Su Xiaonian cracked the new coded lock silently with agility, turned over and sneaked in, without even alarming any of the alarms.

Except for the light coming from the master bedroom, the whole villa was plunged into darkness. In the darkness, Xiao Nian's eyesight was extremely sharp, and he figured out where the study was in less than a minute.

He sneaked in like a kitten, listened to the sound inside the safe, turned his little hands skillfully, and opened the safe neatly, the whole process only took three seconds.

There was an extremely slight sound of footsteps behind him, and ordinary people would not be able to detect it without special training.Su Xiaonian did not hide. After closing the safe for others in a serious manner, she stood up and handed over the chip in her small hand to the person behind her.

"Mommy, I got it."

The girl in the combat uniform behind her looked very young, her wine-red fluffy long hair was tied a little messy, but her pointed and thin face was full of childishness at the moment, and her delicate baby face was extremely incompatible with her exquisite combat equipment.

Su Ranchen took the chip, stuffed it into his backpack, pulled out the gun hidden in his clothes, and loaded it with bullets.

This is a weapon with a very small caliber and beautiful appearance, suitable for female agents.

Su Ranchen took Xiao Nian's little hand: "I got the things, it's time to deal with that traitor."

Xiao Nian nodded obediently, and the two figures, one big and one small, easily rolled over and escaped the dense infrared alarm line.

Number 0107 was an excellent agent before becoming a member of parliament with organizational secrets. He was very cautious, but these high-strength defenses could not resist this pair of well-trained mother and son agents.

"Mum, you can't step on that step." Xiao Nian raised her face, calculated well-trained, and whispered to Su Ranchen.

Ranchen retracted his foot resentfully, well, it's not that the defense numbered 0107 is too weak, even a well-trained agent can hardly come in and out freely, but unfortunately he didn't expect the appearance of a genius agent like Su Xiaonian.

Silently opened the lock of the master bedroom, but Su Ranchen was not in a hurry to enter, walked carelessly to the large sofa, lazily sank himself into the sofa, crossed his legs and lit a cigarette.

Seven-year-old Su Xiaonian tilted her head, blinking her beautiful eyes, but the boy with a baby voice was already a well-known member of the organization.

"Mommy, why don't you go in and kill 0107?"

Su Ranchen patted the vacant seat next to him lightly, and signaled Xiao Nian to sit down: "No matter what, 0107 took Xiao Nian with us for a year, and seniors are turning upside down. Come, let's rest for a while."

Xiao Nian blinked her eyes, nodded her head, and her light figure silently sneaked into the darkness. When she came back, her childlike face was filled with an innocent smile, and she was holding a tall bottle filled with red wine. cup, handed it to Su Ranchen with his small hand: "Mommy, it was made in France in 1845, it smells so good."

Ran Chen took the goblet with a smile, touched Xiao Nian's head, and said with a smile, "Xiao Nian is so good, Mommy is really thirsty."

Su Ranchen squinted his eyes, shaking the red wine in his hand casually, the blood-red arc announcing the sound of the horn of death.

Ran Chen looked at his watch, the smile on his lips was as beautiful as sunshine, but tonight, this sunshine will open the gate of hell.

"It's time, Xiao Nian, act."

Su Ranchen stood up, let go of his hand, the goblet in his hand fell straight to the ground, shattered, and the sound was crisp and pleasant.

The sound outside the door alarmed 0107 in the bedroom. He was tall and tall, his sweaty muscles reflected graceful arcs under the soft light. The man stopped moving, and his brows suddenly frowned, regardless of the dissatisfied protests from the delicate and beautiful body below him. , The man quickly put on the bath towel, took out the AK48 pistol from the drawer, raised the gun vigilantly, and opened the door.

I saw Su Ranchen standing there with a smile on his face. It seemed that the girl who had been waiting for him for a long time muttered dissatisfiedly: "Senior, you really neglected the guests."

The man relaxed his expression, raised a disdainful smile, and pointed his gun at Ranchen: "You want to kill me by yourself?"

Su Ranchen shrugged his shoulders, and suddenly spread his hands, the gun was casually hung on his index finger.

"0107, on behalf of the Supreme Military Affairs Group, I will sentence you to death."

A milky voice sounded behind him, and the man opened his eyes wide. As a senior agent, he didn't even notice that there was someone behind him.

Xiao Nian clasped his index finger, shot the task, the man fell down, his eyes were still full of disbelief, that he died in the hands of the seven-year-old boy he had trained.

Xiao Nian put away the gun, still with an innocent face, as if everything just now was just an illusion: "Mommy, what if there is a woman inside?"

"Shut up." Ranchen squinted his eyes, but walked quietly in his heavy combat boots. Ranchen raised his gun, aimed at the shivering woman in the room, and shot her in the temple.

"Mummy, look." Wearing gloves, Xiao Nian picked up the gun in 0107's hand, raised her head with a smile, ran towards the woman's corpse, put the pistol into the woman's hand, and made a murderous look. The scene of suicide.

"knock off."

Two figures, one big and one small, climbed the rope and jumped directly from the balcony on the second floor to the garden.

Pulling out the iron door, two slender figures quickly got into a black car.

"Today is 2 minutes late." The man in the driver's seat was dressed casually, with a few buttons unbuttoned under his shirt, revealing his good-looking complexion, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and looking extremely refined.

Shen Nianfa started the accelerator, picked up a bag of KFC from the passenger seat next to him and handed it to Xiao Nian in the back seat: "Good boy, you must be hungry. Next time, let uncle and your mommy go out together. You can obediently eat in the car."

Xiao Nian took the bag with a smile, with a look of joy that only belonged to children, and said while gnawing on the chicken wings: "No, Mommy and Xiao Nian are the best partners."

"Give it back to me!" Shen Nianqi turned his head to look at the back seat, and stretched out a hand to ask for it.

"Asshole, concentrate on driving!"

Su Ranchen kicked the front seat, Shen Nianqi retracted his head innocently.

Xiao Nian, who was busy eating, licked her fingers, greasy mouth, raised her head to look at Su Ranchen, and asked casually, "Mommy, did you call the police?"

"Ah! I forgot!" Su Ranchen hurriedly took out the anti-location phone from his backpack and dialed the number: "Hello, I want to call the police. My surname is Su. When I was driving past Villa X on Huaide Road, I heard Two gunshots, so scary." As he spoke, Ranchen trembled twice with great concentration.

After hanging up the phone, Su Ranchen let out a long sigh of relief, and turned to grab the food in Xiao Nian's hand: "Finally, the task is completely completed, Xiao Nian, why are you eating so fast, it's Mommy's share!"

Shen Nianqi in the front seat laughed out loud: "Haha, Ran'er's memory is still so bad."

"Shen Nianqi, concentrate on driving your car!"

"Uncle, there is a red light ahead!"


(End of this chapter)

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