Chapter 33

In the small black box, there was actually a gold-plated bullet lying there.

"Instructor." Ran Chen carefully picked up the bullet, and looked at 024 puzzled.

024 smiled lightly, and explained casually: "From now on, this bullet belongs to you. If you find out in the future that you can't hold on any longer and want to be freed by death, then use this bullet to end yourself." Or , in the future you will use it to end that man's life with your own hands.

024 added in his heart, but did not say it out loud.

Su Ranchen frowned, looked at the golden bullet in his hand, and suddenly smiled disapprovingly: "My Su Ranchen's bullets have always been to end others, and to end themselves, which is the most useless way to die."

"Very good." 024 nodded in satisfaction: "You'd better remember what you said, otherwise." He narrowed his eyes: "Otherwise, you will disappoint me."

"Yes." Ranchen nodded quite firmly, although, from the moment she stepped into the organization eight years ago, her life and death had already been handed over to that supreme and mysterious man. She expected to die, but she never thought about it. She was worried about life and death. Perhaps for her, the man who had never seen her before was able to survive the explosion eight years ago. Gift, but now, she has a strong desire, she wants to live, who is waiting for her.Or maybe it was because that little selfishness was not fulfilled. She said that before retiring, she would reveal the true face of that man, the mysterious boss.

024 chuckled lightly: "Today is just a small trial, starting tomorrow, you will be sent to Despair Island."

"Island of Despair?" Ranchen's pupils suddenly dilated, as if she had heard such a term before.

"You should have gone to this place a long time ago, but" 024 raised his lips, but did not continue. Instead, he said: "Every newcomer who comes out of the training camp will be sent to Despair Island for the final actual combat selection."

"Actual selection? How long do I have to go?"

It's called actual combat selection, rather it's life-and-death elimination, but 024 didn't say that: "If it goes well, one month, if it doesn't go well, maybe you won't be able to get out."

As soon as the man's voice fell, Su Ranchen blinked his eyes a few times, and his whole body trembled unconsciously, "I can't come out, what does it mean I can't come out."

024 glanced at Ranchen unsurprisingly, and smiled lightly: "It's normal to have this expression. After you are sent to Despair Island, you will be put into a group of ten people. The survival rate of each batch of students in the past is Three out of ten survived. Are you surprised? How do you think the peace and stability of the country came about? It was the result of cruelty to individual groups. Agents who could not survive Despair Island will still do so in future missions. Death, will still be a waste that drags down your companions."

Su Ranchen frowned, he thought she was afraid of death?She just wants to live, but that doesn't mean she's afraid of death: "I'm not afraid! It's just, why didn't I know about this place before. Since I should have been there earlier, why wasn't I sent there?" No wonder the same batch as her The comrades-in-arms he had been fighting for had disappeared into this world one by one inexplicably.

024 squinted his eyes, as if he didn't want to explain. That ghostly handsome face was no longer a lazy teasing. At this moment, he was so majestic, like a god-man: "I don't want to hear more talkative words. Desperate During the trip to the island, either you will die, or someone else will die. You'd better remember what you just said, this bullet, it's best not to use it in this training, Su Ranchen."

Seeing the back of the man walking out, Su Ranchen stared thoughtfully, but his mind was half blank.

For the first time, she discovered that there is such a cute instructor in the organization. He obviously doesn't want you to die, but between the lines he orders you to do everything possible to survive with threats.

Being blindfolded the whole time, Su Ranchen could only feel that he was being taken into a car and then into a helicopter.Su Ranchen tightly held the small black box in his pocket, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you will go out in a month, you have to go out.
Someone is waiting for you, someone is waiting for you.
Today's instructor doesn't seem to like to talk. Although he has only met a few times, he has almost become Ranchen's only reliance, as if as long as he is around, she will not die.From time to time, Su Ranchen faintly, seemingly accidentally or intentionally, gently tested whether the person sitting next to her was the instructor.

Sitting on the helicopter, 024 leaned back with half-closed eyes, but saw the woman next to him nudging him with her elbow, or "accidentally" rubbing his arm, 024 was quite moved. He curled his lips in a funny way, but he didn't say anything. It was only people who were afraid of him, but this woman was afraid that she would not be there?
The plane crossed the sky, crossed the blue sea, and finally descended slowly.

024 clasped Ranchen's wrist lightly, and ordered: "Come down."

Su Ranchen lifted the blindfold with one hand, only felt a glare, the warm and cool touch on the wrist did not feel warm, but gave Ranchen an inexplicable sense of security, the instructor gave her the feeling that it was dangerous, But it is safe. Unlike Fan's hands, the instructor's hands are very cold, but Fan's hands are always so warm
The face that appeared at the Fireworks Festival in the ancient city unconsciously appeared in her mind, but the man's movements were surprisingly fast. His figure had already entered the crowd in the blink of an eye, and he grabbed the woman in white by the shoulder. burst out, they're close at hand
"Be careful yourself." The man's unfinished words filled her. Could it be that he knew what she was about to face?
Since when did she remember his words and deeds so clearly?
Su Ranchen shook her head in self-blame, Li Mufan was the task assigned to her by the organization, she couldn't think so much besides the task, she couldn't.
Standing on the ground, Ran Chen could see the environment clearly. This is a desolate island, but it is actually an isolated island. Is this the Island of Despair?The island of despair where so many comrades-in-arms were buried!

024 frowned, as if he could see her thoughts clearly through Ranchen, leaned down slightly, and brought that ghostly handsome face closer, Su Ranchen felt his neck stiffen suddenly, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

"Su Ranchen, Li Mufan is not easy. With your current strength, you are not enough to defeat him. You must complete Project K, otherwise you will..."

"Instructor Jiang, Su, welcome to Despair Island." The middle-aged man walked up with a smile, but interrupted 024's words.

024 coldly glanced at Instructor Sun who was walking forward, his aura was like a mountain, and the atmosphere became strange because of one of his eyes.

Otherwise, what will happen?
Su Ranchen looked at 024 puzzled, but saw that his expression was so cold and dangerous at the moment, yes, the instructor gave the impression that he was more dangerous.

"Instructor Jiang?" Instructor Sun asked anxiously.

"En." 024 nodded, as if the indifference just now didn't exist, he smiled and glanced at Ranchen beside him: "She is my student, please Instructor Sun arrange it."


Ranchen frowned, feeling that the atmosphere between the two instructors was a bit strange. They were both instructors, why their communication was different from that of their peers. Although it felt weird, Ranchen couldn't figure out what to do, so he had to give up.

Ranchen, who was assigned to the group, was distributed a dagger and a gun with only three bullets. This is the weapon she used to protect herself for the next month?
"If you find out in the future that you can no longer hold on and want to be freed by death, then use this bullet to end yourself."

She seemed to understand the meaning of the instructor's words yesterday. Here, either you die or someone else dies. In order to protect yourself, here, there is only killing and no mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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