Chapter 4

"Xiao Nian, wait for Mommy's message in the dark, you know."


At the banquet, Su Ranchen appeared very naturally. She elegantly held a glass of whiskey, and quickly blended into these high-class people. They were either young ladies from famous companies, well-known celebrities in the entertainment industry, or celebrities in the political circle.

Today's auction is a national treasure illegally flowed out from our country. Su Ranchen's task is not only to bring back the national treasure, but also to judge the most dangerous person to our country's military.

The lights dimmed, and the spotlight shone on the rostrum. The celebrities all fell silent and focused on the appearance of the theme of the banquet.

In the darkness, Su Ranchen scanned the crowd keenly, his eyes suddenly fixed on one place, a smile appeared on his lips, and there was a gleam in his lazy eyes, and he started to walk towards the goal.

"Miss Maya?"

A pleasant male voice sounded behind him, Su Ranchen stopped in his tracks, turned around naturally and smiled, his acting skills were top-notch.

"Yes, who is sir?"

The light was very dim, but as an agent, Su Ranchen's eyesight was excellent, even in the dark.

The man who stopped her was tall. Even though he was wearing high heels, Su Ranchen was still nearly a head shorter than him. He was wearing a white suit with a few slits at the neckline. It is undeniable that he was very handsome, probably Some Japanese artist.

Su Ranchen stood calmly, waiting for the man to speak.

"Miss Meiya doesn't remember me?"

Does he know Hanada Mia?Impossible, the boss didn't tell her about this information, could it be that there is such a person as Hanada Miya?
Su Ranchen smiled calmly, and it's a gamble!

"Sorry, I don't remember, sir, did you admit the wrong person?"

The lights started to turn on. The man was indeed handsome, but Su Ranchen didn't have the heart to pay attention to him too much. He looked at the target again, but found that he was no longer there. Live with your own man, waiting for him to explain.

"Sorry, I made a mistake." The man smiled gentlemanly.

Su Ranchen frowned, nodded slightly and ignored the man, and searched for the target 0147 in the crowd again with sharp eyes.

"Miss Meiya, are you looking for him?" The man smiled and looked sideways at a place.

Following the man's gaze, Ranchen saw 0147 again.

"Number, 0147." The man spit out slowly, with a calm and natural tone, as if telling you that the weather is good today.

Su Ranchen became alert and looked at the strange man sharply.

He suddenly laughed softly, and comforted him: "Miss Meiya, don't be nervous. I think you will be happy to watch this banquet end smoothly."

Ran Chen, who quickly regained his composure, smiled: "Of course."

The man smiled and handed Su Ranchen a new glass of wine: "My client will also be very grateful to you."

Ranchen's hand trembled slightly, and the wine spilled out, looking sharply at this man, who is he.

The man quietly handed Ranchen a piece of paper, and said with a smile, "Miss Meiya is nervous again?"

"Who are you."

"Kison, I can't guarantee that you won't be arrested today, Miss Su."

Suddenly all the lights went out, it was because the electric switch was broken, Su Ranchen smiled slightly, and the light that he only had when performing the task came back, Xiao Nian, good son, well done.

"It's no wonder that the gentleman looks so familiar. It turns out that he is a well-known police superintendent in Nichia."

"I learned from the confidential information that Ms. Su has a great forgetfulness. It's really not easy to remember me."

"The superintendent knows so much? May the sir ask for his own blessing."

Su Ranchen tied her hair tightly, and moved through the crowd extremely fast. She is an agent, not a killer. She won't meddle in people other than the target, unless necessary, such as the woman who died by her gun last time , As for Kison, he is a dangerous person, and the organization will handle it himself.

Approaching 0147, Su Ranchen staggered, and pressed his limp body against it: "Sir, I'm sorry, I drank a little too much, could you please send me to the hotel to rest?"

This is a blatant invitation. In Japan's high society, it is not uncommon for ladies who like excitement. 0147 did not have much doubts about Su Ranchen, but such an affair is not something that can be extended. 0147 quietly took Su Ranchen out. I left the banquet hall and got a room in the hotel.

Su Ranchen, who was "drunk" on the bed, was dressed in a sexy dress with various styles.

Su Ranchen didn't understand what 0147 said in Japanese. Before carrying out the task, Su Ranchen only learned some words for communication. As for what the high-spirited man would say, it was not within the scope of what she needed to understand. within.

0147 took off his coat, grabbed Su Ranchen's waist, and sought her lips to kiss her.

Before touching the alluring lips, 0147 frowned suddenly, and fell down before moaning.

Ranchen dodged lightly, and 0147 fell on the bed, entering through the bullet hole in his back, which happened to be his heart.

At this time, Xiao Nian, who was already wearing a miniature version of the combat uniform, put away the gun and looked at Ran Chen with a smile: "Mommy, Xiao Nian should take this shot in time."

Su Ranchen took the backpack handed over by Xiao Nian, put on the combat uniform, and brought the necessary equipment. The exquisite pistol was hidden in the sleeve, the dagger was inserted into the boot, and the backpack was placed on the shoulders.

"Xiao Nian's marksmanship is getting more and more accurate." Ran Chen picked up Xiao Nian and kissed him on the cheek.

Xiao Nian covered the dusty lips with her hand, and jumped down: "Go home and kiss again, Mommy, hurry up, we have to move on to the next task."

Two figures, one big and one small, sneaked out of the guest room, took the elevator to the top floor, where the national treasure to be auctioned today was hidden.

Xiao Nian stepped forward proficiently and operated in front of the computer. After 25 seconds, the electronic control door built with the latest technology opened.

Su Ranchen patted Xiao Nian on the head and said with a smile, "My son is smart."

As he spoke, he approached the door first.

"Wait, Mommy, you forgot to put on the special detection glasses again."

Su Ranchen, who put on glasses, patted his chest: "It's so dangerous, it's double insurance, and I almost touched these infrared police lines. It seems that the national treasure that the organization wants us to steal is really important."

Xiao Nian dexterously got in, and reminded her with a big head: "Mummy, you are so wordy, come in quickly."

The national treasure was successfully stolen, and the two light figures quickly disappeared on the top floor of the hotel.

"Complete the task and retreat."

Ran Chen turned around with a smile, and made a "come here" gesture to Xiao Nian.

Xiao Nian ignored Ran Chen, took out his gun and pointed it at Ran Chen with a very serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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