Chapter 40

Ran Chen who had just walked out of the room bumped into Xiao Nian who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Mommy!" Xiao Nian raised her head happily, and suddenly saw KISON following her, Xiao Nian's small face suddenly stepped down, and she reluctantly called out: "Uncle KISON."

KISON nodded: "Why are you alone, Fan?"

Xiao Nian curled her lips: "Daddy said something happened, let me come back and look after Mommy."

"He told you to watch me?" Ranchen puffed up her face childishly: "Xiao Nian, you stay here, Mommy will be right back."

Saying that, Ranchen lifted the hem of her skirt, stepped on her high heels, and ran away quickly.

"Mum, where are you going!"

"Go to the bathroom."

KISON touched his forehead and said with a headache: "The wind is the rain! Brat, there is a person tied up inside, you stay here and watch, I'm responsible for your mommy's safety."

After finishing speaking, the two adults left Xiao Nian and quickly disappeared around the corner.

Xiao Nian blinked her eyes, scratched her head, and sighed: "Mommy is amazing, she can run so fast while stepping on high heels."

in the living room.

"Fan, should you explain this matter?"

The middle-aged woman was a mixed race, but she couldn't tell who was the mixed race. She wore a bright dress and behaved enchantingly, but her expression was full of dissatisfaction.

Li Mufan sat leisurely on the sofa, shaking the wine glass in his hand, and raised his lips with a smile: "What is Miss May referring to?"

The woman raised her eyebrows: "Fan, in front of Sister May, don't play this game. I asked Lin to come into your house to help you remove obstacles, but in the end, the little agent was still there, but Lin disappeared. "

"Sister MAY also knows that she is a trained agent after all. It's normal that Sister Lin is not her opponent. Why did she ask me for an explanation instead?"

The woman frowned, slapped her right hand on the table, and smiled after taking a breath: "Okay, let's not talk about this matter, if Ah Lin dies, she deserves it, if she doesn't die, I will punish her for dereliction of duty .Then the gunmen I arranged didn't complete the task. I heard that you have been protecting her. What's the matter with you."

Li Mufan chuckled a few times indifferently: "Fan just invited his female partner to dance, but I didn't expect to interfere with your arrangements, Sister MAY."

The woman stood up and glared at Li Mufan: "Fan, what's going on this time. In the past, the spies around you were dealt with by our logistics team for you. You never interfered. Tell Sister May honestly, what are you doing? What are you thinking?"

Li Mufan suppressed that smile that could be perfect for anyone, and stood up expressionlessly, making it impossible to see his emotions: "Fan didn't think it was wrong in the past, but now that I think about it, when I do things, I don't like other people's interference. I will handle my affairs, I want to organize the tasks assigned to your logistics team, not just staring at me."

The woman sighed: "Okay, let's get down to business, when will you give me that information."

Fan chuckled, and said unhurriedly: "In my computer, if she and the little ghost can return to the shore safely, I will naturally give it to you."

The woman was full of anger: "You are threatening me!"

"Don't dare." Li Mufan shrugged nonchalantly, "I'm just giving Sister May a suggestion."

Across a wall, outside the gap in the door, there is a pair of beautiful eyes full of anger.

Su Ranchen frowned and stretched out a hand.

KISON looked at that hand puzzledly: "What are you doing?"

Ran Chen pouted: "Lend me your gun."

KISON looked at the woman who said that the wind is the rain with a funny face, and said jokingly: "I thought you guys should carry a gun with you."

Ranchen frowned, lowered his body and said, "Look at me dressed like this, where am I hiding my gun?"

KISON took advantage of the opportunity to look at the dusty attire. The slim and tight-fitting dress really couldn't hide the gun: "It looks pretty good."

Ranchen sighed with a headache, this guy!Did she ask him to comment!
KISON restrained his teasing smile, and asked seriously: "What are you going to do?"

Ranchen glanced at the woman in the door with disapproval: "Preemptive attack."

Hearing this, KISON raised his eyebrows, pulled up Ranchen and forced him to go elsewhere.

No one was there, Ran Chen threw KISON's hand away: "What are you doing!"

"Are you crazy?" KISON raised his eyebrows rather dissatisfied: "Now they don't dare to act rashly because they have no intention of taking action. Are you lighting a fire?"

"Since he knows our purpose, why does he pretend to be nonchalant! And you, you know who he is and who I am, what are you going to do!"

KISON sighed and made a calm gesture: "I'm not interested in intervening because you conceal each other and suspect each other. Now that you have to intervene, I advise you not to exceed his bottom line, otherwise, I can't guarantee that I can continue to help You. Since Fan pretends not to know, why do you need to break this balance. After getting the information you want, it is best to get away and leave forever!"

"Are you helping me?" Ran Chen opened her beautiful eyes, then immediately turned back to the glory, and chuckled softly: "Why are you helping me?"

KISON smiled but did not answer, and softened his tone and said: "Now everyone has the intention not to hurt you and the kid. If the situation is different, the reason why I attend this banquet tonight is to protect you."

Ranchen smiled disdainfully: "I'm not as vulnerable as you think."

"Really?" KISON raised his eyebrows and said with a provocative smile: "I was just bored for a while, so I thought of being a kind person by the way, but Miss Su is so powerful, it seems that KISON is unnecessary."


Ran Chen was dumbfounded, turned around with a hum, stepped on her high heels, and still walked fast.

Looking at the proud but innocent and lovely back, KISON smiled and shook his head, then looked in the direction of the conference room where Li Mufan was, and shrugged his shoulders with emotion.

I really don't know, how could such a woman with no qualifications join their country's secret service?How could such a shrewd man get himself into such a troublesome situation.

Chinese people, it is really hard to guess what they are thinking.Maybe there is a chance, he should also meet the leader of this organization for a while, and see if it is as difficult to guess as the Chinese he has seen?
From the looks of it now, Fan, who has never suffered a loss, made a big bet this time, and it's going to be a big game.Maybe, this guy will lose ugly, and this woman may not be as easy to handle as you imagined.Although it is easy to deal with her, the difficulty is that she is too loyal to that person, but you cannot afford to lose.

Returning to that room again, I saw Xiao Nian sitting in front of the bed, looking at this "grandma" gloatingly. Su Ranchen walked in with her head downcast, and asked inexplicably, "Stinky boy?" ,

what are you doing. "

"It's 'schadenfreude'!" Xiao Nian blinked and confessed honestly.

KISON chuckled and walked in: "Let her go."

"Why!" Xiao Nian protested dissatisfied.

It's fine for this old woman to show his mommy's face. Mommy, an idiot, really needs to be beaten up, but it's beyond his bottom line to do harm to mommy.

KISON stepped forward disapprovingly, ignored Xiao Nian's objection, loosened the rope for the woman, and teased, "Be quiet, go back and ask your sister May what punishment she has prepared for you."

Ran Chen who returned to the suite with Xiao Nian sat down without saying a word.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" Sitting beside her, Xiao Nian asked curiously: "Did Uncle KISON bully you, Xiao Nian will help you teach him a lesson!"

Su Ranchen frowned, suddenly remembered the information he had obtained from their conversation just now, and looked at Xiao Nian seriously: "Xiao Nian, did you bring Fan's notebook?"

Xiao Nian scratched her little head and thought about it seriously: "It should be in his bedroom."

"Very good, now, there is a piece of information on his computer that may be helpful to us, Xiao Nian, Mommy needs your help."

"Yes." Xiao Nian jumped out of the bed, and the two quickly came to the guest room where Li Mufan lived. The waiter who bumped into them by chance had long believed that this woman was brought by President Li, and it was only natural that they were together at night.

Sitting in front of the computer, Xiao Nian, with a very serious face, manipulated the system skillfully, and quickly cracked the computer password and entered all the files inside.

"How is it?" Ranchen sat aside, always vigilantly paying attention to the sounds outside.

After clicking on a file, Xiao Nian smiled and analyzed it accurately after scanning it: "The two files are very important. One is the comprehensive collection of weapons and equipment and production blueprints in the world, and the other is It's the equipment information and evidence secretly developed by our country's military department." Xiao Nian tilted his head and let out a sigh: "It's strange, Daddy is from the military department and also from the International Dark Police Department. It's not surprising to have these two pieces of information , However, does he intend to hand over the international secret information to the military department, or the information of the military department, or both? Then, what is his position?"

Ranchen shook his head with a headache: "Make a copy first."

After the words fell, the sound of opening the door came from outside, Ranchen and Xiao Nian looked at each other, suddenly, Su Ranchen took a deep breath: "If we can't give up all our previous efforts, how long will it take?"

"It's locked, I need 15 minutes to decipher it." Xiao Nian replied neatly.

"I'm going to hold him back, hurry up!" After saying that, Ranchen walked out of the study quickly, sat on the sofa calmly and waited for Li Mufan.

Li Mufan looked a little tired, but after seeing the dust clearly, he wasn't too surprised, and said with a smile, "What's the matter? Looks like I have something to ask."

This man, knowing that she approached him with ill intentions, yet he kept silent, pretended not to know, and even wanted to protect her life?She couldn't understand more and more what such an excellent man was thinking.

Ran Chen frowned, she didn't know what to say, but she had to hold him back, Xiao Nian needed time.

Taking a deep breath, Ranchen raised his eyes. Li Mufan's eyes were very deep. He just looked at her like that, waiting for her next words. No one could resist the deep attraction emanating from those deep eyes. Chen was so frightened that she wanted to avoid him, but she forced herself to look directly at him.

"What's the matter?" He smiled lightly, but he was not in a hurry, and patiently waited for what she was about to say.

"You" Ranchen was surprised to find that his voice was trembling.

Li Mufan laughed, and sat down: "Don't be nervous, it seems like it's hard to talk about it?"

"You..." Ranchen gritted his teeth, raised his head, and said firmly, "I like you very much!"

"Really?" Li Mufan's reaction was too calm, he stood up, and slowly approached Ranchen: "What is the reason why you said this to me today."

"I" Ranchen really wanted to bite his own tongue, if he wanted to delay, he didn't need to find this topic!
"It's okay, it's my honor." He smiled lightly, and said casually, "Since you and I were able to have a child many years ago, there must be some entanglement. I should be responsible for you."


For some reason, in her ears, this word was very harsh, and she didn't like it very much.But this topic clearly happened when they had their own plans, so why should she take it too seriously?

"I think I saw the little bees circling around you, and I feel uncomfortable!" Ranchen puffed out her mouth almost childishly, but it wasn't entirely false.

"Oh?" Li Mufan raised his eyebrows, but smiled along with her topic: "So you think you like me very much?"

"I am jealous!"

Xiao Nian, who was hiding in the study to process the documents, was almost stunned, swallowed heavily, and almost laughed out loud.

Li Mufan seemed to be in a good mood, but compared to her nervousness, his reaction was surprisingly calm. He said with a light smile, "I think, I can understand why my past self likes you." Maybe he likes such a woman , no matter how long it has been, how many reincarnations, it has almost become his instinct, just like him now, sister MAY asked well, what is he thinking, why should he protect her, even he himself wants to No way.

Maybe, protecting her is just because he doesn't hate her, or maybe, there is something called liking vaguely?
"What's the matter with you?" Ran Chen, who hadn't received his response for a long time, was so annoyed that she almost wanted to die. She was crazy, she was about to go crazy. When she was on a mission before, she performed such a confession scene beautifully. Now Not only trembling, but also stuttering
Li Mufan smiled slightly, leaned down, moved his face closer to Ranchen, and looked at the blushing woman in front of him seriously and with interest, but smiled with satisfaction, as usual gentle: "I was thinking, for your confession, I How should I respond?"

"You don't need to respond." Ran Chen stepped back nervously: "I just, just want you to know, not your answer."

"Isn't that unfair to you?"

Su Ranchen almost thought that she was wrong, the man who was so elegant at that moment, his smile was a bit playful?

She felt him leaning over, his breath warming her face.

Then there are two thin lips.
(End of this chapter)

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