Chapter 51

When the plane arrived in Japan, Su Ranchen walked out beside Li Mufan.

Ranchen was wearing a tight-fitting vest and a small casual suit, and her long hair was tied up so casually that it was quite willful.

"Master Fan, sir has been waiting in the car for a long time." A serious man in a black suit came up, bowed politely, and seemed to respect Li Mufan.

"Master Fan." The men behind the serious man greeted respectfully.

Ranchen began to rejoice that she had learned some Japanese, otherwise, according to this situation, she would have to think that Fan would be involved in the underworld and seek revenge.

Li Mufan smiled slightly and nodded, "You're welcome."

Wherever this man who always smiles walks, he carries a kingly air.

Li Mufan took Ranchen's hand and whispered in her ear, "Stay by my side obediently."

When he spoke to her, he was always extremely gentle, as if she was a child.

Outside the airport, a stretched black car stopped in front of them, and soon someone opened the door respectfully and made a gesture of invitation.

This battle. Su Ranchen looked at it suspiciously. She really suspected that these people came from the underworld.

Li Mufan smiled lightly: "Go in."

Su Ranchen looked at him suspiciously, but Li Mufan's smile dispelled all her worries. She smiled slightly and got into the car.

As soon as she got into the car, Ranchen saw the man sitting opposite her, he was dressed very casually, unlike the people I saw before, who were meticulously dressed in a suit and black leather shoes, the man in front of him was over middle-aged, and he looked very handsome. Amiable.

Su Ranchen straightened his body, and said hello in Japanese angrily: "Hello."

Soon, Li Mufan sat beside her, and the car started when the door was closed. She didn't know where they were going.

"Fan, I don't know, but you will bring friends this time. Please forgive me for not being considerate." The middle-aged man looked familiar to Li Mufan. He looked like an ordinary man. The young man's respect confirmed Ranchen's thoughts, the sea water is immeasurable.

"Mr. Miki, you're being polite." Li Mufan smiled lightly, but his smile was alienated.

Miki?It turned out that he was Mr. Miki who invited Fan to come to Japan, Miki?I seem to have heard it somewhere
"Miss, what's your name?" Mr. Miki turned to look at Ranchen.

"Hello. My name is Su Ranchen." Ranchen nodded politely.

"Su Ranchen?" Miki repeated Ranchen's name in a low voice, and the woman dressed as a secretary next to Mr. Miki whispered something to Mr. Miki. Ran Chen nodded, "So it's Miss Su."

Hearing these meaningful words, Ranchen couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle, and suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the car had become a little weird.

"Miss Su looks about the same age as my daughter." Miki said with a faint smile, but after all, he is a person who has experienced the world, and he still has a smile on his face, but what is hidden in the smile is unknown. .

Hearing this, a trace of displeasure suddenly flashed across Li Mufan's indifferently handsome face, and he still replied with a smile: "It's a pity, Fan can only give a bouquet of white chrysanthemums to mourn Miss Miki."

"You are interested, the girl will be happy to know that you will visit her." Mr. Miki still nodded with a smile, but when he looked at Ranchen again, the deep meaning in his eyes made people shudder.

Miss Miki?Ranchen frowned subconsciously, as if she remembered.Miss Miki who robbed her once, is she dead?
Su Ranchen, who suddenly thought of something, looked at Li Mufan with a sudden realization. He took her on a trip and said that everything would be settled when he came back. Could it be that Miss Miki is because of Fan?
"Since I met Fan, the girl has never cared about others. Although she is gone now, as a friend of Fan, Miss Su will be very happy if she is willing to visit the girl." Mr. Miki looked at it with a half-smile With dyed dust.

Su Ranchen frowned slightly, and suddenly felt shuddering, and suddenly, there was warmth on his shoulders.

Li Mufan reached out his hand very naturally, hugged Ranchen's shoulder, and patted her lightly, as if to comfort her, he did not hide his doting on her.

"I'm afraid it's not good." The extremely handsome and elegant man smiled lightly, holding Ranchen's hand still on her shoulder: "No matter what you say, you should politely call Mr. Miki uncle. When you come back to Japan, On the one hand, it is for the invitation of Mr. Miki, and on the other hand, it is also to take my woman out for a walk. Her status is not suitable to worship Miss Miki."

his woman?

Miki narrowed his eyes slightly, Fan is trying to challenge him?While talking and laughing, he was showing his position?What a Li Mufan, he dared to threaten Miki.

The atmosphere in the car was extremely tense, Li Mufan was still talking and laughing, as if everything was not caused by him.

"That's right. The girl likes you so much, she will inevitably be jealous when she sees Miss Su. It's because I didn't think carefully." Miki smiled calmly.

"It's good that Mr. Miki can think like this." Li Mufan smiled slightly: "She's different." The implication is that he won't turn a blind eye, as long as he is here, she will be safe.

Mr. Miki laughed: "Fan Ke has never admitted who is your woman. It seems that Miss Su is really different. To be honest, I do have hostility towards Miss Su, but since the girl is no longer here, I, Miki, naturally He will not blame Miss Su who is also a little girl. Uncle Sanmu will naturally not trouble her with anyone who needs to be protected."

Li Mufan nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "The Miki clan has always kept promises in the Tao. With Mr. Miki's words, everyone believes in you unconditionally. I believe that this trip to Japan will be very enjoyable for you and me."

They talked and laughed, but they each had their own deep meanings.Ran Chen listened to the conversation between them, but was clueless and unable to analyze calmly.

The strong must be talking and laughing, and let the walls and sculls fly to ashes and annihilate.

Taiwan, China.

When Xiao Nian woke up, Ranchen and Li Mufan had already gone to the airport and got on the plane.

Aunt Li took the schoolbag for Xiao Nian: "Young master, the driver is already waiting outside. It's time to go to school."

"Well, I got it, Aunt Li, bye. Xiao Nian wants to eat mashed taro tonight." Su Xiaonian giggled, took the schoolbag, turned around before going out, waved at Aunt Li, and emphasized : "I want to eat mashed taro."

Seeing Xiao Nian's tender face and innocent smile, Aunt Li couldn't help laughing even more happily, the young master looks so much like the young master.

Walking out of the door, Xiao Nian who got into the car no longer laughed as before, her face sank, and she was thinking about something seriously.

"Young master, get ready to go, Superman takes off!" The driver smiled and said words to coax Xiao Nian, and stepped on the accelerator.

Xiao Nian raised her head, and cooperatingly squeezed out a smile that was brilliant: "Oh, it's taking off, it's taking off!"

The driver laughed even louder, the young master is just so cute.

Suddenly, Xiao Nian cunningly tilted his head and leaned forward: "Uncle Driver, Xiao Nian doesn't want to go to school."

"How about that, the kids just want to go to school." The driver coaxed Xiao Nian patiently.

"But Xiao Nian is No.1, and No. 1 doesn't need to go to class." Xiao Nian said seriously, and then added slyly: "Aunt Li only ordered the driver uncle to take me to school, and there is no rule that uncle should watch over me. I go to school."


Xiao Nian smiled slyly: "So uncle has not neglected his duties."

The driver sighed compromisingly: "Okay, where the young master is going, uncle will take you there directly, so as not to leave the young master alone and cause trouble if something happens on the road."

Xiao Nian smiled triumphantly: "Chu Qiao book, thank you."

"Chuqiao bookstore? It's weird, my daughter also runs there every day, so the young master is also interested in the bookstore." He originally thought that the young master who wanted to run away wanted to go to the amusement park.

"Welcome to Chuqiao Bookstore."

After coming and going, Xiao Nian became acquainted with the female shop assistant, tilted her head and asked, "Sister, is Uncle Chu Qiao here?"

Seeing that it was Xiao Nian, the female clerk smiled slightly: "The boss is not here, but the boss left a note saying that you will definitely come."

Saying so, the female shop assistant took out a note, Xiao Nian took a look, and saw four simple words written on it: Do not go to Japan.

Oops!As soon as Xiao Nian's complexion changed, he knew something was wrong, so he ran out of the book bar without looking back, got into the car, and said, "Uncle, do you know Uncle Kison?"

"I know you. The young master's good friend, who are studying at university in England together, what's wrong with the young master?"

"Uncle, does Uncle KISON know where Uncle KISON lives now?"

"It should be the Blazing Hotel. Is the young master going to see Master Kison?"

(End of this chapter)

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