Chapter 61

At the gate of Tianhe, Su Ranchen took a deep breath, and finally walked in. In the reception hall, young girls were holding number plates. They were all beautiful, full of energy, and dreamed of stars.

Not only because Tianhe is the most powerful and powerful entertainment company, they can create the most popular artists, but if they can't be popular, it is not a disadvantage to have the opportunity to take a look at the president of Tianhe who has almost become a myth in the entertainment business world.

"Hello, are you also here to participate in the selection of commercial heroines?"

The staff stepped forward, almost used to being in contact with all kinds of young girls every day. They only glanced at Ranchen, and pointed to the registration desk routinely: "Please register over there."

"Oh good." Ranchen nodded.

"Hello, name."

"Su Tan."

"Education, work experience."

Ranchen took out the stack of documents from the bag: "Everything you want to ask is here."

The staff raised his head, glanced at Ranchen, and said with a smile: "You are really well prepared, it's ok, here is your number plate, go over there to rest for a while, and prepare for the preliminary examination."

Holding the number plate, Ranchen chose a corner position. Although she didn't know if it was right to do so, she had to get close to Fan and win his favor. No matter what method she used, it only took one night. Xiao Nian needed younger brothers and sisters of cord blood.

Ran Chen raised his hand and touched his face, he should not recognize her
Soon, it was Ranchen's turn. Su Ranchen stood up and followed the girls in the same group into the preliminary examination room. The time difference between each group's entry and exit was extremely short, which was puzzling.

In the preliminary examination room, there were only three examiners sitting, and after glancing at them lightly, they ordered: "Okay, stay on the 128th and enter the deputy trial, and the rest I hope you will have better luck next time."

Ranchen opened his eyes wide in surprise, that's it?Didn't ask anything, didn't check anything, just glanced at the result?And she was actually among the "others".

The girls objected in dissatisfaction, but the three examiners seemed to be used to it, and raised their heads without changing their expressions: "You can go out now, thank you for your cooperation."

Ran Chen frowned, just about to say something, the door was opened, and everyone's eyes were on the person who came in.

Secretary Jiang put a stack of materials in front of the three examiners, then frowned, and looked at the girls who were dissatisfied and protesting: "Is there any problem? Why is it so messy."

Su Ranchen's hands behind her back were tightly clenched immediately. She wanted to look away in a panic, but unexpectedly, her eyes collided with Secretary Jiang. Ranchen lowered her head, afraid of being recognized by her.

Secretary Jiang froze for a moment, frowned and thought about something, and carefully looked at the strange girl in front of her. Her eyes were the ones that most resembled that person.
Secretary Jiang walked forward slowly. Hearing the sound of her high heels hitting the ground, Ranchen suddenly felt nervous. She hadn't been this nervous for a long time.

"What's your name?" Secretary Jiang stopped in front of Ranchen.

Su Ranchen sighed, and when he raised his eyes again to meet Secretary Jiang, there was nothing strange about it: "Su Tan."

"Su Tan?" Secretary Jiang seemed to be deliberating over the name that Ran Chen said, and then turned to look at the three examiners, "Did Miss Su Tan pass?"

"No." One of the examiners stood up: "She doesn't have any similarities with the standard you mentioned."

"Remember her name." Secretary Jiang ordered decisively. I don't know if it was because she had been with the president for too long, but Secretary Jiang's style of acting became more and more decisive and courageous.


Secretary Jiang interrupted the examiner: "The most similar one, but you just ignored it, I said write it down."

"it is good"

"Miss Su Tan, if time permits, can you talk to me?" Secretary Jiang looked at Ranchen with a smile.

"Of course." Ran Chen smiled without changing his face.

After Secretary Jiang walked out of the review room, Ranchen didn't take the initiative to speak.

"Miss Su Tan," Secretary Jiang smiled slightly, "Do you know why you can stand out?"

"Why?" Ranchen asked honestly.

"Because your eyes are very similar to a person's. This is your advantage. I hope you can stand to the end." Secretary Jiang said, stopping and walking towards him was a woman with a bright smile.

Ranchen was slightly surprised. It was undeniable that the woman's smile was very similar to hers, but she herself hadn't smiled like this for a long time.

Secretary Jiang introduced Ran Chen with a smile: "This is Chu Xiao, and she may be in the same company as you in the future. By then, she will be your senior sister. Before the final trial, Chu Xiao is responsible for guiding you to familiarize yourself with this industry."

Soon, only Ranchen and Chuxiao were left. Chuxiao was a very hearty girl. She warmly held Ranchen's hand and said mysteriously, "I know why you stand out."

"You know?" Ranchen asked back.

"Of course." Chu Xiao smiled complacently: "Your eyes are very beautiful. Two years ago, a senior sister suddenly turned red. Your eyes are very similar to that senior sister. Maybe it should be said, you The eyes of that senior sister are very similar to the same person."

"Really." Ranchen smiled lightly, but his eyes sank. Was he looking for her shadow? Why bother?
Chu Xiao excitedly tugged at Ran Chen: "A year ago, I just stepped into the entertainment industry. I guess, maybe I have something similar to this person. By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Su Tan."

"Su Tan? Do you know the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry?"

"Unspoken rules?" Ranchen repeated in bewilderment.

"Yes, unspoken rules." Chu Xiao smiled and lowered her voice: "*** seems to appreciate you very much, and might recommend you to the president. If you have such an opportunity, don't waste it. You As long as you have the opportunity to accompany the president well, you may be the next big name. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of opportunity, the happiest time is watching the president's back from afar."

Chu Xiao's face was full of longing.

Su Ranchen's complexion changed slightly: "Impossible."

How could Fan be such a person!He is so perfect, he is so proud!

Chu Xiao smiled mysteriously: "How is it impossible? Three years ago, a female college student was suddenly appreciated by the president, and then became popular like that. After that, several female artists became popular overnight after being favored by the president. But It's strange to say that these female artists all have such similarities."

Ranchen laughed at herself, what's the matter? If it's true, maybe it's not bad, she just needs one night, and she doesn't want to cause too much trouble.

A week later, all the reviews were over. Sure enough, she stood at the end and took over the ad.

In the dark interior shooting scene, all the light hits Ranchen, like being exposed, whether it is happiness or sadness, all are exposed to the light, that feeling is terrible
"Please make a happy expression, I want these things to show in your eyes, okay?" The director sighed and stepped forward. I really don't know how such a dull actor stood up to become The sky and the object to be cultivated.

Ranchen nodded, she is definitely a top-notch actress, she can play various roles and perform various tasks well, but this time, she cannot control her emotions independently, she can pretend anything, only the emotion in her eyes , must be revealed from the heart.

The director seemed very dissatisfied, and suppressed his anger: "Now, suppose you are standing in front of your favorite person, with sadness in happiness, can you do it?"

Su Ranchen took a deep breath, suddenly, her expression froze, she looked towards the door in disbelief, a man in a white suit leaned against the door, and he was looking in her direction
Time seemed to stop, she looked at him, even in the shadows, he was just as dazzling, and she couldn't ignore him, but why, there was no such warmth in his eyes anymore, he was so indifferent that she was afraid.

Ranchen looked at him quietly, she didn't know what mood she was in, there was something called indulging in her eyes, mixed with a touch of sadness.
"Very good, yes, that's the expression." The director clapped his hands in satisfaction: "The intercepted planar photos will be edited and handed over to me tomorrow. That's it for today, let's call it a day."

"President, why are you here?" The staff immediately stepped forward, and the president seldom personally inspected it. For the young staff, this is a great benefit.

This man is unbelievably handsome, and he is so perfect that people can only look up to him.

"Thank you everyone." Li Mufan nodded lightly, but seemed to be stingy with too many words, looked at his watch, turned and left.

Suddenly, Ranchen chased out regardless of the surprised eyes around her. She only knew that it would be a terrible thing to let that figure disappear before her eyes. What flashed through her head was not the memory of being with him, but the memory of being with him. Those three years without him.

When you love someone, you will remember the days you spent with him.If you love someone deeply, you will remember the days when you were separated from him.
Su Ranchen ran forward and grabbed Li Mufan's clothes.

Li Mufan turned around, raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the strange woman in front of him in surprise, and took his eyes away from her face with a quick glance: "Do we know each other?"

Ranchen was stunned, and realized that he was not in the situation at all, immediately lowered his head, flustered and didn't know where to put his hands: "I don't know."

"In this case, please let go of your hand." Li Mufan's eyes fell on her hand that was pulling his clothes.

Su Ranchen retracted her hand in a snap, like an electric shock. If she could, she really wanted to punch herself to wake up this short-circuited head.

"I'm sorry." Ran Chen put his hands behind his back in embarrassment, stood aside, and made a smirk in apology: "I'm sorry, I don't know what I did."

A smile unconsciously appeared on Li Mufan's lips. The women who could appear in front of his eyes were rookies with great potential, or queens who already had their own fan base. This woman was so stupid that it was unexpected.

The white figure was slender and straight, and gradually disappeared from her sight. When she was sure that he was gone, Ranchen patted his head heavily, and muttered, "Ouch. What am I doing!"

There was a burst of crisp laughter from the corner, Chu Xiao came out nervously, poked Ranchen's shoulder with his finger: "Hey, Su Tan, you are so bold."

Looking at the adoring Chu Xiao, Ran Chen giggled, "What are you talking about! I don't understand!"

"You don't know, the president is really a very cold person. It's been a long time since I saw such a smile. I can only see the president's smile while holding a magazine. His smile is the most beautiful in the world, but it's a pity , the president doesn't seem to like to laugh very much. I really don't understand, I heard that the president used to be an extremely gentle and friendly man, why would he be so cold. But the cold president is still very attractive." Chu Xiao looked fascinated expression.

Ranchen smiled lightly, she always knew that Fan's smile was the prettiest in the world.
"You think so, too, right? Judging by your actions just now, you are so stupid! The president didn't care about it, it's considered polite." Chu Xiao nervously bumped Ran Chen's shoulder with his shoulder.

Ran Chen opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything, just lowered his head, and quickened his pace, Chu Xiao's wanton laughter came from behind him.

On that day, the weather was surprisingly good. In the CEO's office, Li Mufan flipped through the print advertisements shot by the newcomers.

Suddenly, his hand stopped, and in the photo before his eyes, it was a woman who was completely different from her, but her eyes were very similar to hers.
From this woman's eyes, he saw the dependence, shock, and bewilderment that seemed to have settled for a long time.

Li Mufan sighed, pressed the photo heavily on the table, and covered the photo with his big hands, wasn't he always looking for the shadow of Ranchen, why was he afraid of seeing such similar eyes.

It's been three years, and it's hard to tell what kind of mentality he's thinking about her in these three years.A proud person like him hates betrayal, why can't he hate it, the more he wants to outline her in his mind, but there is only a blur.For so many years, he has hidden his emotions, but he has been unable to see himself clearly, only others, not himself, he clearly knows himself, and still cares about him.
"President, I'm Secretary Jiang." Secretary Jiang knocked on the door.

Li Mufan pinched the bridge of his nose tiredly, leaned back, and said calmly, "Come in."

Secretary Jiang held the coffee, opened the door, walked in, and put the coffee on the table: "President, what are you going to do with the investment in the Oushi Group."

"Withdraw." Li Mufan didn't even look at Secretary Jiang, and replied decisively without a trace of mercy.

"But." Secretary Jiang thought for a while, and said directly: "With this amount of funds, you will not lose anything to the president, and you can also turn the tide to turn Ou's extreme fortunes. In less than a year, the profits the president will get will be Twice the original output funds. If the investment is withdrawn now, the Oushi Group will be completely over. After all, Oushi has been our good partner for the past few years."

"I said withdraw." Li Mufan's expression was very indifferent, without any warmth, and he looked at Secretary Jiang indifferently.

"Yes." Secretary Jiang stopped his original words, but still couldn't help asking: "Why?"

Li Mufan smiled lightly, as if laughing at Secretary Jiang's womanly kindness: "Because they are worthless."

"Yes" If three years ago, Secretary Jiang would have been surprised by the extremely cold words of the president, but now, everything is so natural, this is the president, the iron-blooded president reported by the media, has always acted decisively , vigorous and resolute.

Secretary Jiang's gaze stayed on the stack of photos on the president's desk. Isn't this Miss Su Tan?

Li Mufan smiled lightly and asked, "Who is this?"

A look of joy flashed across Secretary Jiang's face: "Su Tan, her name is Su Tan. If the president is interested, I will immediately arrange for Miss Su to accompany you to dinner."

Miss Su?
Li Mufan frowned slightly, and then chuckled: "***, no matter how resembling she is, it's not her after all. In the past few years, my reputation has been ruined by you."

It's really a simple task to be famous by accompanying the president well.

"Miss Su, the president admires you very much and hopes to invite you to dinner." Secretary Jiang looked at Ranchen with a smile.

Su Ranchen was stunned, and looked at Secretary Jiang in disbelief, not knowing whether he was happy or disappointed, the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry, Fan.
Su Ranchen shook her head vigorously, it's nothing, isn't this what she wants.

Su Ranchen, don't forget!You came back this time, not out of selfishness!

"Miss Su Tan? Are you listening to me?" Secretary Jiang looked suspiciously at Ranchen's strange reaction, and shook his hand in front of her.

"Yes, I heard that." Ran Chen calmly smiled.

Secretary Jiang nodded in satisfaction: "Well, now we have to get busy."

"Huh?" Ran Chen's eyes widened in confusion, and he had been dragged into the dressing room by Secretary Jiang.
As twilight falls, the sleeping city seems to turn into a night girl in an instant, playing with a seductive figure, and the city boils at this moment.

Sitting on the passenger seat, holding hands tightly, the man beside him is so handsome and indifferent, he will not speak to her gently, nor smile at her dotingly, inside the car , only tranquility.

Su Ranchen simply looked out the window, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. This was not the road to the Li family's villa, but to the villa by the sea. Her heart was beating thumpingly.

"Shouldn't we turn left?" Ranchen asked unconsciously.

Li Mufan frowned slightly, this was the first time he focused on the woman beside him tonight, he raised his lips and chuckled, "Where do you think you're going?"

His tone of voice was very flat.

"No, no..." Ranchen covered her mouth, and looked away guiltily.

Fan, this is my self-righteous way to protect you, forgive my self-righteousness.
(End of this chapter)

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