Chapter 66

Xiao Nian's drug treatment is very effective. His physique is different from ordinary people, but the ten-year-old boy's tolerance for drug side effects is so strong that it is unbelievable. After several months of chemotherapy and physical therapy, the doctors and nurses Never seen this stubborn
The little boy frowned, making one wonder if this boy is pain-free.

This time, Su Xiaonian left a note in the ward openly: Mommy, Xiao Nian is going home first.The discharge procedures are troublesome for Mommy, the three chapters of the agreement will continue to take effect, and Xiao Nian will come back regularly to receive medical treatment.

In that apartment, Xiao Nian sat on the sofa and fell asleep, the remote control in his hand fell to the ground, and a cartoon was playing on the TV screen. At this time, Xiao Nian looked like an ordinary child. Compared with Xiao Nian many years ago, he is more serene and calm now. After all, Su Xiaonian, a child genius, will inevitably grow up, and slowly, he will become more and more like the stalwart God of War. man.

As the sky gradually darkened, the night lights of the entire apartment garden were turned on, and the light yellow lights shrouded the flower garden path, which was very romantic. The fitness center in the community had an open-air swimming pool, reflecting lights and starlight, sparkling Lin.

Xiao Nian shivered, woke up, rubbed his eyes, lazily climbed off the sofa, walked to the French window, opened the curtains, and stood on the balcony. It's late autumn.

Su Xiaonian, who was just about to turn around and go back to get a coat, suddenly stopped, squinted her eyes, and looked at the figure in the line of sight under the light yellow light.

I saw the woman being supported by the man in embarrassment, and the good-looking man exuded a cool temperament all over his body, which made people elusive and unapproachable, but he patiently supported the woman and walked slowly with her, so delicate and gentle, Happened in such an indifferent

It's unbelievable on the man.

Su Xiaonian sighed helplessly, shook her head, she was a big kid, and unconsciously commented: "This stupid woman is really shocking and strange, she must have sprained her ankle. I don't want to be 'ordinary'. Mommy has a big fall in three days and a small bump in two days
Yes, such a woman can not only give birth to Xiao Nian, keep the baby, but also become a member of the organization, it is incredible. "

Xiao Nian, who suddenly realized something, restrained his helpless look, became aroused, and suddenly became serious, and focused on 024 who sent Mommy back.How could the boss tolerate such a crazy and stupid woman?There is also the expression of the boss, God, the boss who also represents strength and power like Shura, how can he have such an expression?Like laughing?
The situation, seems a little out of control?

In his eyes, he wouldn't think Mommy's ridiculous shortcomings are cute, would he?
Xiao Nian scratched her head, it seems that not only daddy has a unique taste, the boss, Uncle Qi's taste is also very different, maybe, that Uncle Superintendent also has a problem with his taste.Why are so many people robbing him of this thunderbolt invincible stupid mummy?It's really puzzling.
Su Xiaonian narrowed her eyes thoughtfully, ran back to the living room, and dialed the phone.

"Daddy, the situation seems to have changed. Mommy is very likely to cheat." As soon as the call was connected, Xiao Nian spoke first, with a slightly teasing and entropic tone in his tone.

"Huh? How should I say it?" The voice of a nice man on the other end of the phone sounded.

A strange smile flashed in Su Xiaonian's eyes, well, he admitted that he did have some elements of fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"Xiao Nian saw Mommy and Uncle Chu Qiao walking together very intimately, as if they were dating, it's night now." Xiao Nian reminded "kindly".

The man on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, Li Mufan frowned: "We are allies." He was reminding this little guy not to forget his position.

Xiao Nian almost laughed out loud. Xiao Nian was very curious about what kind of expression Li Mufan would have when he said such words.
The sound of the key opening the door sounded, and Xiao Nian hurriedly lowered her voice: "Mommy is back, let's not talk about it, I'm hanging up. Don't worry, Daddy, Xiao Nian will report to Daddy at any time." Speaking of this, Xiao Nian Nian hung up the phone with a snap, the smiling little

His face straightened in an instant, and he sat back on the sofa with a calm expression, pressing the remote control boringly, the speed of emotional changes was top-notch.

The door was opened, and the first thing that came out was Ran Chen's voice: "Qiao, come in and have a seat, thanks to you today."

"No, I'm leaving." It was still 024's calm tone without too many emotional elements.

"Sit down, you're really serious. Last time I went back to the orphanage, it took a lot of patience to make you more friendly. You have to stay and testify for me. I have to teach you a lesson today." Said, dyed Chen looked at his feet aggrievedly: "It hurts people

It's a lottery again. "

Su Xiaonian shrank her head, feeling a chill down her spine. Just now, this woman seemed to say she wanted to deal with him?

024's expression is awkward. When a wounded beast hides alone in the cave for many years and licks his wound to heal himself, he is used to being scared and lonely. be friendly like this

The intimacy of the man will make the beasts who are used to the dark and lonely atmosphere feel alarmed.

Before 024 could answer, Ran Chen closed the door.

Xiao Nian raised her face, carelessly, she had nothing to do with herself, she poked her head out innocently, only to see Su Ranchen, who was being impassioned, raised his legs and wanted to come here, but as soon as he moved his feet, there was a "hiss", and his face wrinkled A ball: "Ah, my feet"

024 raised his eyebrows, helplessly supported Ranchen, and put her on the sofa.

"I forgot I sprained my ankle." Ranchen sat on the sofa, lowered her head in embarrassment, and secretly raised the corners of her eyes, observing 024's reaction.

"Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved." The corner of 024's mouth was filled with a faint smile. Her unique memory and thinking really deserved her reputation.

Xiao Nian narrowed his eyes, the atmosphere seemed harmonious and normal, but Xiao Nian's inquiring gaze was like a sharp straight line from a crowd of perfect curves, which was soon noticed by people. 024 turned his head, facing Shang Xiaonian's probing eyes, raised his lips and chuckled, looked at

He didn't seem to care much, and didn't show any taboos. He noticed 024's detection, but Xiao Nian didn't mean to avoid his eyes. Instead, he looked at 024 with a deep and meaningful expression, with a weird and cunning smile, extremely mischievous .

The strange atmosphere between the two did not make Ranchen feel abnormal. He still wrinkled his face dissatisfiedly, looked at his ankle pitifully, and complained without raising his head: "Su Xiaonian! Tell me clearly, who will allow you to leave the hospital !"

"Me." Xiao Nian looked away and said innocently: "Did Xiao Nian make any mistakes?"

"You" Ranchen gave up and continued to mourn her injured ankle, and raised her head: "Mommy has been looking for you for hours, look, your ankle is sprained too, it's so embarrassing." Lift the foot, shake it, the pain drilled again

Coming up, Ranchen frowned again in pain.

"So embarrassing? What's going on? Mommy tell Xiao Nian." Su Xiaonian suddenly became interested, and curiously approached her upper body, curious about the baby's expression and movements, as if she was waiting for Ranchen to tell a story.

"You don't know, when Mommy went to the hospital, she found that you, a brat, was not there. She searched everywhere in a hurry. In the busy street, she sprained her ankle and died of embarrassment."

"You can sprain your feet while walking on a flat road. Xiao Nian really admires Mommy." Su Xiaonian secretly smiled. When encountering emergencies or rough and complicated obstacles, with Mommy's skill, she will not let herself fall. Yes, she chose to take the broad road and escaped from that kind of dangerous life that ordinary people can't imagine. On the contrary, Mommy is in a lot of situations.Or the old ancestors said well, born in sorrow, die in peace.
"Huh?" Ran Chen raised his eyebrows, pretending to be angry and glared at Xiao Nian: "Brat, who are you laughing at?"

"Nothing." Xiao Nian shrank her neck, giggled, and lowered the risk index without showing any signs: "Then what happened after that, after spraining your ankle?"

"Later." Ranchen thought about it seriously, and the train of thought was taken away by Xiao Nian: "It was thanks to Chu Qiao, otherwise I might not be able to come back tomorrow."

"Oh? Uncle Chu Qiao is so kind to Mommy." Xiao Nian looked at Chu Qiao with a smile on her beautiful pupils.

024 smiled lightly, as if he didn't care, shrugged his shoulders, and did not deny Xiao Nian's meaningful words: "It's okay."

Ranchen suddenly felt that the atmosphere between them was a bit weird, but he couldn't tell why, and fell silent belatedly.

"Mummy doesn't know how to call back first, let's see if Xiao Nian is back?" Xiao Nian shrugged and shook her head with a look of helplessness on her face.


"I know, guessing in the past, Mommy must be confused and looking for it without a goal. I never thought of it." Xiao Nian sighed, sometimes she was shrewd and admirable, and sometimes confused and unprecedented, what in the world? there will be something like

What about such an extreme combination of Mommy?It's incredible.

024 chuckled unconsciously. The way the mother and child got along was really surprising. Fortunately, this was not the first time he realized this.

Xiao Nian raised his eyes, just about to continue teasing Ranchen, but found that the situation seemed not very optimistic for him, so he suddenly smiled and changed the subject: "Xiao Nian left a note, didn't Mommy see it?"

"Maybe it was picked up and thrown away by the nurse." 024 leaned on the sofa and said casually with a smile in his eyes.

Xiao Nian twitched the corner of her mouth suddenly: "Are those women idiots?"

024 smiled lightly and stood up. The gray windbreaker and the turned-up collar made this handsome man full of mystery. He walked up to Ranchen, looked down at her, and said lightly: "Take a good rest, tomorrow is the best day." Don't go to work, I'll go first
Yes, if you need anything, please contact me anytime. "Speaking, without waiting for Ranchen to react, 024 put his hands in his pockets and walked straight to the door.

King Shura 024, he even babbled and exhorted a woman. It was a wonder in the world. Xiao Nian opened his mouth half-opened and blinked his eyes until he heard the sound of the door opening. Jumped out.

"Stinky boy, where are you going again!" Ran Chen's voice came from behind, if she hadn't injured her foot, she would have stood up and dragged the brat back, Xiao Nian has always said that the wind is the rain.

"Xiao Nian sent Uncle Chu Qiao to Mommy." Su Xiaonian stepped on her shoes, raised her face behind her hands, and looked at 024 with a smile: "Let's go, Uncle Chu Qiao."

024 raised his lips and chuckled lightly, but remained silent, which was regarded as tacit consent.

The light yellow light stretched the shadows of two guys, one big and one small, long. Su Xiaonian followed 0 with her hands in her pockets and a cool expression on her face.

"Uncle Chu Qiao, are you dating Mommy?" Xiao Nian turned her head and looked at 024 with a smile in her eyes.

"Huh?" 024 paused, and then smiled lightly: "What do you think?" The smile on his lips became more intense, and his voice subconsciously softened: "This idea seems to be good."

"Then, does Uncle Chu Qiao like that woman, Mommy?" Xiao Nian's tone of voice has always made people laugh.

024 paused, the light yellow light came from behind, his back was slender and straight, but the backlit handsome face under the raised collar was half under the light and half hidden in the darkness, he squinted his eyes, He frowned slightly, and became silent and serious.

He gave people a strong sense of oppression, but Xiao Nian didn't care. Instead, he smiled proudly and stood quietly, waiting for the man's reaction.There are often young girls passing by, looking at them with eyes full of curiosity and admiration.
Normally, Su Xiaonian is the one who hates nympho women the most, but today, she seems to be in a particularly good mood, Xiao Nian mischievously winks at the women who are still reluctant to give up and look back at 024 with a smile, and vomits. Sticking out her tongue, the girl seemed to be prying into her feelings and secrets, blushing from embarrassment, and fled quickly.

Does he like that woman?

024 was silent, although he was a high-ranking leader, and even though he had contacted many women due to business, most of them were acting on the spot, or he didn't treat them as women at all.024 was lonely and arrogant since he was a child, and he didn't even have many friends.

He has never cared about people, and he has never known what it feels like to like a woman, but maybe, it is because of this that he can not be influenced by emotions and stand at the top. Now, he discovered the world for the first time on, also has his ideas
Things that cannot be controlled, such as that strange feeling.

"Uncle Chu Qiao?" Xiao Nian tilted her head and tugged at 024's sleeve.

"Then, what do you want." 024 smiled lightly, but he knew exactly what this little guy was planning.

"A few days ago, Xiao Nian found out who my daddy is." As he spoke, Xiao Nian looked at 024's reaction with a smile.

024 frowned, but without much expression, asked calmly: "You know?"

"Yes." Xiao Nian smiled innocently: "Xiao Nian has two things to say, benefits and conditions, which one does the boss want to hear first?" This time, he called "Boss", And not that dispensable name.

"Whatever." 024 raised his eyebrows, this brat dared to negotiate terms with him.

Xiao Nian chuckled, his eyes flashed brightly: "Uncle Qi left a note for Xiao Nian, there were four characters in it that Xiao Nian couldn't understand, presumably it was written for the boss, why is it 'dare to hate, dare to love' ', rather than 'dare to love and hate', although Uncle Qi used to
I always compete with Xiao Nian for Mommy, but..." Xiao Nian suddenly became serious, but he was in awe of that self-righteous man: "This time Xiao Nian agrees with Uncle Qi's words. "

024 lowered his eyes, but remained silent, that guy Qi really has a lot to worry about, "Dare to hate and dare to love", is this the advice Qi gave him?
"The second thing?" Xiao Nian lengthened the ending, pretending to be mysterious: "Since it's a fair competition, Xiao Nian hopes to understand why Daddy doesn't remember about Xiao Nian and Mommy."

024 squinted his eyes, chuckled and said, "How can you be sure, I know?"

"Because the boss is the boss." Xiao Nian laughed.

Suddenly, an unsmiling man in a black suit came running not far away, stopped in front of 024, lowered his head, and said something in a low voice.

024 nodded, raised his lips and chuckled, and looked at Xiao Nian: "There is nothing you can get for nothing. If you want to know something, you have to rely on your own ability to get it. Come here, you don't need to give it away."

024 passed Xiao Nian and walked straight forward. The tall figure was hidden in the night, thick and quiet.

Seeing his leaving back, Su Xiaonian stood on the spot, narrowed her eyes slightly, restrained her playful expression, and stood thoughtfully.

Cao Cao Liu Bei can be an ally or an enemy. A real hero, his goal is to achieve the goal, and it doesn’t mean anything if he doesn’t know his position. What he wants is that Mommy can be happy, in case he is gone
Xiao Nian's thinking suddenly stopped, and the calm and windy voice of that god-like man sounded in his mind. Xiao Nian's eyes were swept away, and he became clear. How could he, Su Xiaonian, give up easily? he can no longer accept any

Quest, what a pity, life will definitely become very boring. However, if this is the case, let him mind his own business, maybe this kind of game is also very good.
(End of this chapter)

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