Chapter 79

024 patted Ranchen's shoulder lightly, as if to comfort her, but he didn't say a word of comfort.

Ranchen stared blankly at the front, the warm and smelly liquid in her hand gradually became cold. Although she had more than one life in her hand, she who had regained her comfortable life was so afraid of killing and death. .

"I killed her," Ranchen murmured. In a trance, she suddenly remembered Fan and Xiaonian who were still on the verge of life and death, and stood up abruptly, but only then did she realize that just now, her heart was burning with anger. can't see, but she still
She can clearly identify the direction, but at this moment, she is so dejected, so dazed, in the dark, so at a loss, she stumbles, but this empty place seems to have no end.

"Okay, you wait here." Finally, 024's cold voice sounded, grabbing Ran Chen's wrist to prevent her from groping around aimlessly, his voice was faintly angry.

024 took Ranchen to the car, and said indifferently: "Go up and wait." After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave without hesitation.He wasn't relentless, he just didn't want to admit that her helpless eyes would make him so absurdly decide to love someone he loved
An opponent who wanted to kill him reached out to help.

"Where are you going?" Ran Chen hurriedly grabbed 024's clothes, "It's dangerous, don't go."

"Very dangerous?" 024 picked up his lips and smiled lightly, but this smile no longer seemed to be mocking as usual, on the contrary, it was a little heavy: "Since you know the danger, just wait here obediently."

"No. I already owe you a lot and I don't want any more"

"Don't want to owe me any more?" 024 took Ranchen's words with such a relaxed tone, but his eyes suddenly cooled down and sank, very deep: "You want to have nothing to do with me? Can't you do that?" Yes, I won't allow it." He said like that
cruel.Rather than saying that he is used to being cruel, it is better to say that he cannot get rid of the way of defending his pride in this way.

Ranchen suddenly realized her aphasia, "Don't let the boss be lonely anymore, he is actually very lonely, don't let him be lonely anymore." Eleven's words before leaving still lingered in her ears, although she couldn't see the head clearly. Er'er's expression at the moment, although she

The boss's tone was so relaxed and arrogant, but inexplicably, she seemed to feel the boss's loneliness.

"That's not what I meant." She didn't know that what she owed him was not cleared, just like what she owed Qi, not only was she still not cleared, she didn't even have a chance to pay it back.Maybe she is selfish, she just wants the boss to live well, at least

Let her not stop thinking about it, so that she won't have endless guilt like Qi, she is selfish, she just doesn't want to make herself feel guilty
"I only regret giving you the opportunity to return to him." Maybe he should say that he just regrets and learned to "care" too late.

"I'm sorry, I..." Ranchen knew that she was slow, but no matter how slow she was, at this juncture, it was impossible for her to know nothing.

"I don't like these three words." 024 squinted his eyes, and sighed self-deprecatingly: "Did you never waver for me from the beginning to the end?" How proud he was, but he bowed his head helplessly.

Ranchen was silent, she was afraid of such a scene, she was nervous, irritable, confused, and never seriously examined her thoughts.

024 smiled lightly, but couldn't tell what it meant: "I see." As he spoke, his cold hand pushed away Ran Chen and pulled his hand without hesitation.

This is the reason why he has never given his sincerity to anyone for many years, he is indifferent, and he has a heart of stone.It's not that he has no heart, his heart is just not soft enough, his heart is cold ceramics, he doesn't know how to protect other people's hearts, let alone

I don't know how to protect my heart, and I'm afraid that once I give it, it will fall apart and be devastated, such as now.

Su Ranchen was pushed away, but she felt lost. She was afraid of such a feeling. She stretched out her hand, grabbed the air, and stubbornly wanted to grab [-]. For some reason, she felt sorry for him.

Have you really never wavered for him?She didn't know it herself.

During those years in the organization, she used to adore this mysterious leader whom she had never seen before; the first time she met him on Desperate Island, she hated him so much that this mighty instructor always laughed at her uncontrollably Soaking in the icy sea water, the instructor looked at her so indifferently that she was purple from the cold, but still said such sarcastic words to persuade her to give up; he always said not to let him down, but he didn't even let her go through the back door, It made her almost unable to get out of despair; but such an instructor who made her hate it, saved her from the mouth of the beast at a critical moment, and led her to stand in the safest place from despair, proud like a child Said that Instructor Sun never expected that she would hide here;

At that time, she admired and throbbed with him, she treasured the bullets that her boss gave her inexplicably, and her expression was in a trance.

But when she knew that the boss was using her all the time, and that the boss was so ruthless in wanting her to marry the man she loved so much, she hated him; when she cried to be his woman, she just begged him to let her quit K She was nervous about the plan, she was afraid that the boss would really want her, but the boss didn't, at that moment, she was grateful, and her feelings towards the boss were complicated, for this man, she respected and hated at the same time ; when the boss sent her abroad to let her flee right and wrong, she couldn't tell whether the boss was a devil or a kind person; But she couldn't hate it.

When the boss said he would take care of her and she would be his only woman, she was dependent on him; when the boss told her that with him around, he would not let her lose sight of her, she felt the protection of this man How solid; when she knew the chief

How grateful and helpless she was to have her personally test Sun Shiyi's virus; when the boss asked her if she had never been shaken by him, she was speechless. . . . . .
[-] lightly glanced at Ranchen's hand holding him, smiled lightly, with such a sarcastic smile: "Why, you want to tell me, are you shaken?"

The woman in front of her is innocent, kind, and at the same time the cruelest.

Ranchen was stunned, everything was complicated, so complicated that she couldn't figure it out, but as soon as she thought of Fan, everything seemed to become simpler again, she couldn't forget Fan A from the beginning to the end. . . . . .
"No, it's dangerous." Ranchen knew that she owed her boss too much, and if she could, she wanted to keep him out of the matter.

"In this world, it's rare to have the best of both worlds. You want to keep me safe, but you want Li Mufan to be safe. It's too naive. The eleven bombs are always a headache. If you don't want them to die, you can let them go." [-] said lightly.

Ran Chen's hand gradually hangs down feebly, and the corners of [-]'s lips curled up in a cold arc. He was the one who asked her to let go, but she did let him go, which disappointed him to the extreme.

Suddenly, Ranchen was pulled into a hug, Su Ranchen was startled, but didn't dare to struggle, why she could still feel the boss's heart through the clothes, it was cold.

"You heartless woman. I can do so many ridiculous things for you. It is impossible for you to have nothing to do with me. Just let you owe me until you pay it off..."

"Thank you for taking care of my woman for me when I was away." A spring-like voice sounded.

From the abandoned factory, a dazzling tall man walked out. His body was covered with some dust, but his nobility was not diminished.Li Mufan held Xiao Nian's hand, and the two were safe and sound.

"Mummy!" Su Xiaonian looked at the embarrassing scene, then at Anran's Ranchen, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Ranchen's unfocused eyes suddenly flashed with excitement.Are they all right?She just knew that her Fan could not have the ability to dispose of those bombs, there was nothing her Fan could not do.

Su Ranchen was dazzled by happiness, she resolutely rushed out from [-]'s embrace, and ran towards Li Mufan following the direction of the voice.

Li Mufan smiled slightly, spread his arms, withstood the impact of Ranchen, and firmly embraced her in his arms, his voice was so gentle: "It's okay, it's all over."

[-]'s eyes were extremely cold, and he chuckled a few times mockingly: "It seems that the grievances between us have dragged on for too long, why not settle it today."

Ran Chen was startled, at this moment, how much she regretted her impulsive actions, the boss must have felt chilled out.

She unconsciously increased the strength of her arms, blinking her eyes uneasily.

"Don't worry, this is a matter between men, just wait for me for a while." Li Mufan said it with such confidence, as if he could leave in a while.

"You're too confident." [-] raised his lips and smiled lightly, this is the boss, he didn't have the helplessness and gentleness when he was facing the dust, at this moment, he was only domineering and arrogant.

Su Xiaonian narrowed her eyes slightly, the boss and daddy finally declared war in this way.He still clearly remembered that in the hospital in Japan, they were also facing each other like this, and he knew that the matter between the boss and Daddy was definitely not that simple,
And this scene is bound to happen sooner or later.To his surprise, Mommy turned out to be the trigger. Perhaps it is undeniable that he himself also acted as the catalyst?

Xiao Nian looked at it calmly, at the beginning he would stand up and stop it because Mommy hadn't woken up, he didn't want to make Mommy sad, but now, since Mommy is here, who should he save, whom should he hate, what would he do? It's up to her to decide.

"Mommy, don't hinder their duel." Xiao Nian stretched out her small hand, pulling Ran Chen to stand aside.

Li Mufan took a few steps forward, still smiling calmly: "It's not impossible to kill me, at least let me die to understand. Why on earth do you hate me so much?"

Why? [-] put the last remaining mother’s bullet into the gun as if nothing had happened: “I just fulfilled my mother’s last wish before she died. She said she was unwilling, so I used her bullet to kill the one who made her unwilling. People, and the last one, belongs to you."

His voice was as cold as a ghost.

Li Mufan was slightly taken aback, watching [-]'s eyes turn from calm to complicated, and then smiled lightly, as if laughing at the fool of nature: "So it's you."

"It's not too late to know now." [-] raised his gun resolutely, facing Li Mufan, but instead of hiding, Li Mufan stood calmly, as if waiting for [-] to snap his index finger.

"Mummy, tell me, will Daddy preemptively shoot and kill the boss, or will the boss's gun be faster?" Xiao Nian was a little anxious, why didn't Mommy respond?As long as Mommy is willing to stand up, these two men will definitely be shaken by Mommy.

Xiao Nian said deliberately, her tone sounded nonchalant, but her little face was full of nervousness.

Li Xianjun?Li Mufan?Xian Jun, Mu Fan, Boss and Fan. . . . . .
Ranchen tried hard to recall what Shiyi said before he died, don't let the boss regret it, don't let the boss regret it, he and Li Mufan are the same. . . . . .
Suddenly something flashed in her mind, Su Ranchen suddenly realized, rushed forward recklessly, and instinctively blocked in front of Fan, she couldn't see anything, but tried her best to open her eyes wide and looked at [-]'s Direction: "No. Li Xianjun."

[-]'s back suddenly paused: "Don't call me by that name."

"You will regret it, you will regret it!" Ranchen shook his head vigorously: "No, Fan, just talk, don't do this! I don't want to see any accidents happen to any of you."

"One of us must die today, and you still hope that he will live, all this time you only hope that he will live well, don't you?" [-]'s expression is very disappointed, very hurt, full of mockery.

"I wish Fan the best, but I also wish you the best. You are brothers. Eleven said, don't let you do things you regret. Please, no matter what kind of hatred you have, let it go, it's very tiring. Ten As I said before I died, hating someone is very tiring, Xian, don't hate, okay?" Ran Chen pleaded to [-].

Li Mufan sighed lightly, and wanted to pull Ranchen away from him: "This is our business, Ran'er is obedient, no matter who we keep, we won't leave you alone." Li Mufan's voice was still calm.

"I don't want it!" Su Ranchen roared loudly: "Xian, it's been many years. It took me many years to find Fan. I don't want to give up, and I don't want to give up on you. It's hard to hate someone. You are so selfish, What should I do, your business? Can I stay out of it? Xian, let it go. If you insist on firing this shot, I will hate you, and I will go wherever I go. "

[-]'s eyes were cold, but still cold: "You mean, if he dies, you will die together too? I'm selfish? What about you! I can do so many unbelievable things for you, but this time, Don't think about it."

Li Mufan frowned slightly, ignored Ranchen's objection, and pulled Ranchen back: "I owe you."

Bullets were fired from the pistol in [-]'s hand.

Xiao Nian's eyes widened in surprise, he thought that Mummy could stop it.

That gunshot almost made Ranchen despair.Why, why does the boss have to be so stubborn, that is the hatred of the previous generation, why should he bear it, hating someone is really tiring!
Li Mufan chuckled casually, neither dodging nor dodging.

Li Mufan frowned slightly, the bullet grazed his arm, drawing a burnt bloodstain.

Su Xiaonian blinked in disbelief, the shot missed?No reason, the boss's marksmanship is so good.

"I thought it would hurt my muscles and bones, but I didn't expect it to be just a bruise, Mr. Xian, your marksmanship is really unsatisfactory." Li Mufan smiled calmly, he was so calm from the beginning to the end.

"Shut up, you don't deserve to be called that name." [-]'s face turned livid, and he turned his face away: "I've sent out the mother's bullet, we've settled it."

what happened?Su Ran was in a cloud of dust, and grabbed Li Mufan's arm uneasily.

Li Mufan frowned slightly: "Stupid woman, you are really accurate in pressing." Ranchen pressed tightly on the wound just scratched.

Su Ranchen withdrew his hand abruptly, with an embarrassed expression on his face, and muttered in disbelief, "Why did I only hurt my arm?"

"Where do you still want me to hurt?" Li Mufan smiled lightly, looking at Ranchen helplessly.

Su Ranchen smirked: "I didn't mean that." Then he said to [-]: "Xian, thank you, I owe you one more time."

[-] looked at Ranchen with a complicated expression, this woman couldn't see the way he looked at her, she was so struggling, so lonely, he finally turned around, and said: "Don't be too sentimental, I'm not It was just a momentary mistake and missed aim."

Su Ranchen chuckled, but didn't point it out, boss, the feeling of relief must be good.

"Li Xianjun." Li Mufan smiled slightly, and stopped [-].
He didn't like it, and he never recognized this name, but this time, [-] stopped in his tracks.

"After all, we are brothers, thank you for your mercy." Li Mufan said with a smile.

brother? A faint smile flashed across [-]'s eyes, but his voice was still so cold: "You, Li Mufan, are indeed a fox. It's the first time I've let [-] make accurate calculations, but... there won't be a next time." After a pause. Dun: "This stupid woman,

Since you are hopelessly stupid, let you be tortured by her for the rest of your life. Thinking of this, I feel balanced.However, you have to be careful, don't let me have a chance to take her away. "

[-]'s back gradually shrunk into a dot under the sun, perhaps, he was relieved.

Well, he admits that he has lost to his elder brother in every aspect, and his elder brother easily took away all the things that he could not get with everything he had, such as his father, such as Ranchen. . . . . .
Su Ranchen leaned against Li Mufan's arms, sniffing the scent on him that made her feel safe: "Fan, you already expected that the boss wouldn't attack you."

Li Mufan smiled softly: "After all, he is a brother. If he can do it, it won't be 11 years. This shot, he just wanted to find an excuse to let himself let go of his hatred."

"It's great, the rain is over and the sky is clear." Su Ranchen had a happy smile on his face.

"Well, the rain is over and the sky is clear." Li Mufan embraced Ranchen: "After we go back, let's get married."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Ranchen asked puzzledly, then curled her lips, but her face was slightly red: "I don't want it, I don't want to be a blind bride, I can't see myself in a wedding dress, I can't see everyone in a groom's dress." It's a pity to pretend, the last time I got married, I ran too fast and didn't see my handsome Fan."

"You still dare to say it." Li Mufan patted Ranchen's head: "This time, you are not allowed to run away. To avoid long nights and dreams, I will let you marry me first."

Seeing the two people's elongated figures under the sun, Su Xiaonian smiled lightly, Mommy, finally happy.

Su Xiaonian smiled, but her face was pale, she collapsed down, her smile remained unchanged.

"Xiao Nian! Don't scare Mommy! Fan, what's wrong with Xiao Nian, I don't want to lose Xiao Nian..."

"Get in the car, let's go to the hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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