Han emperor system

Chapter 154 Ling Emperor Lectures on Martial Arts

Chapter 154 Ling Emperor Lectures on Martial Arts
Liu Bian compared the various types of paper that appeared in later generations, and finally decided to produce bamboo paper instead of Caihou paper based on the specific conditions of the surrounding capital of Luoyang. As for those precious papers, the current production technology It may not be able to be achieved, and it has no practical effect. After Liu Bian truly becomes the emperor of the Han Dynasty and has established the world, he can be produced by others as a luxury.

Now from a practical point of view, it is better to produce bamboo paper, because the Silibu, Youfufeng, Zuofengyi and other counties around Gyeonggi all produce a large amount of bamboo, so the raw materials for production are very easy to find , especially before Liu Bian became the prince, he was named Hongnong King. In his fief Hongnong County, there are many mountains, and the common people planted green bamboos all over the mountains.

Although Liu Bian has now become the crown prince, Hongnong County is still his fiefdom, that is to say, it is his privately owned territory. The large amount of bamboo in the county happens to be the raw material for the production of bamboo paper.

After deciding on the type of paper he wanted to improve, Liu Bian began to compare the production techniques of Caihou paper and bamboo paper.The production process of Caihou paper can be roughly summarized into four steps: the first is the separation of raw materials, that is, the raw materials are degummed in lye by retting or cooking, and dispersed into fibers; the second is beating, that is, using The method of cutting and pounding cuts off the fiber, and makes the fiber broom, and becomes pulp; the third is papermaking, that is, the pulp is soaked in water to make a slurry, and then the pulp is drawn with a paper scoop (bamboo mat), so that the pulp is in the scoop. Wet paper interwoven into flakes on the top; the fourth is drying, that is, drying or drying the wet paper, and peeling it off becomes paper.

It has to be said that Cai Lun's improved papermaking method has a great effect on later generations, because these few basic steps are still the core steps in papermaking technology even in the modern and contemporary period of later generations.

As for the production of bamboo paper, it includes the following steps: cut bamboo and float ponds, cut bamboo and soak in ponds to make the fibers fully absorb water, and then add plant materials such as bark, hemp heads, and old fishing nets to mash; Boil 楻 over a high heat, boil the broken materials to disperse the fibers until they are boiled into pulp. The broken materials in the cauldron can be pressed with big stones to help them be completely boiled; put the materials into the curtain, wait for the pulp to cool, and then use a flat plate The paper pulp is scooped up by a bamboo curtain, and the water is filtered to form a paper film. This step requires skilled skills to fish out a paper film with a moderate thickness and even distribution; Fold it well, press it tightly with a wooden board, place heavy stones on it, and press the water out; bake it through the fire, stick the half-dried paper film on the edge of the fire for drying, and peel it off to get the finished product.

Liu Bian filtered the information in his mind, and confirmed that he could indeed remember the production process of bamboo paper, but as for whether he could actually successfully produce bamboo paper, he still had to go through some experiments. But he was convinced that with the production technology at this time, it should be possible to produce bamboo paper, so he cheered up.

As for the technology of engraving and printing, it was still unbelievable to people at this time, but it is not difficult at all to know the specific method.The process is roughly like this: after the manuscript is written, stick the side with characters on the board, and then the characters can be carved. The engraver uses different types of carving knives to carve the ink marks of the reverse characters on the wood block into raised ones. At the same time, remove the remaining blank parts on the woodblock to make it concave; the characters carved on the board surface are about 1~2 mm higher than the printed surface, rinse the carved board with hot water, wash away the wood chips, etc., and the engraving process is completed When printing, use a cylindrical flat-bottomed brush dipped in ink, brush it evenly on the board surface, then carefully cover the paper on the board surface, gently brush the paper with a brush, and the positive image of the text or picture will be printed on the paper. The paper is lifted from the printing plate, dried in the shade, and the printing process is complete.

This is like many things. When you don't think of it, you will think it is impossible, but once you get a hint, you will suddenly realize that it is so simple.

Liu Bian was in the imperial study room. Although he was holding a book in his hand, he did not read the content on it. Instead, he was meditating on his own ideas. After traveling to the end of the Han Dynasty, he hadn't used much of the vast amount of knowledge that his descendants had mastered. Knowledge, and now is the time for him to start showing some of it.

At the same time, Liu Bian also prepared that in the future, if it is not necessary or necessary for war, we should try to exchange as little food as possible, so as not to cause unnecessary troubles after a long time, and also encourage the lazy thinking of some ordinary people.

Therefore, he plans to promote high-quality crop planting technology in his Hongnong County. In the future, he will exchange some food crop seeds to teach the common people planting techniques so that they can use their own labor to create food wealth.

Of course, these are just Liu Bian's temporary ideas, and it is not something that can be done in a day or two to truly complete these ideas, so he just let himself stay in this quiet place in the imperial study for a long time, and put some things in the future. After thinking more thoroughly, he returned to the East Palace.

On November [-]th, the new wind was bitter, but the weather cleared up, not as gloomy as the previous few days.

Outside the city of Luoyang, the brigade of the Yulin Army and the Forbidden Army guarded Lingdi's dragon chariot and headed towards Pingoptimum more than ten miles away.

Ping Optimism is located in the middle of a mountain more than ten miles away from the east of Luoyang City. At this time, there are already a large army of imperial courts from surrounding places stationed here, all of whom came to participate in the martial arts competition under the order of Emperor Ling.

Prince Liu Bian was accompanying Emperor Ling at this time. Emperor Ling's dragon chariot was very large, galloping with eight horses, it looked as stable as flat ground, and even the drinks displayed on the tables in front of Emperor Ling never came from the wine. Sprinkle it out.

"The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying, Vega will return to his hometown, and the warriors will guard the four directions?" Lingdi didn't know whether he sent it out of feeling, or because of the aura brought by the surrounding Yulin army and the forbidden army, he immediately sent the big man The famous line of the founder of the country was chanted, and while shaking his head, he picked up the wine jue and swung it up.

"Father is so proud. Under Father's rule, my big man will surely live in peace and prosperity." Liu Bian said with a smile on seeing Emperor Ling happy.

"Prince, although I also intend to govern the country in a smooth and peaceful way, but there are also difficulties. It's just that you are young now, and you don't understand the hardships. You will know when you inherit the big man." There was a hint of helplessness in Lingdi's words.

"Father is in the prime of life, wise and wise, and is assisted by all the ministers of the court. My son believes that father will make my great Han country permanent, and make the people of the world happy."

"That's right. Today I'm going to talk about martial arts here. The purpose of selecting the strong generals in each army is to quell the rebellion in the world, restore a peaceful and prosperous world in the world, and make the great Han country as stable as Mount Tai, and then hand it over to the prince. Of course, in fact, it may still be There are some troubles, if I can't do it in my lifetime, Prince, you must promise me that you will be a good emperor in the future, and manage the Han Dynasty well, so that the people of the world can live a good life."

"Father is well-intentioned. I believe that all the people in the world will believe in Father. I just want to follow Father and see His great achievements."

Emperor Ling just smiled slightly: "Prince, I'm so optimistic, come with me to inspect my great army."

Liu Bian bowed his head in response, and then looked up, and saw a nine-foot-high earthen altar rising from the middle of the mountain in front of Pingliang, with a length and width of about [-] steps around it, which looked very majestic and majestic. , with great momentum.

On the altar, there are twelve canopies built. The canopy is as high as ten feet, towering into the sky, with brilliant colors and embroidery. The Han army looked sideways.

And to the northeast of the big altar, there is another small altar about three feet high, on which there is also a nine-fold colorful embroidered canopy, but the canopy is only nine feet high, and there are no dragons and phoenixes on it. Flag, with the words "General He Jin" written on it.

(End of this chapter)

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