Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 105 The Wind Mountain Crisis

Chapter 105 The Wind Mountain Crisis
This young man is Zhu Zhishan's quasi-uncle, and also Su Long's younger brother, the second head of Fengshanzhai!
Su Mao said, "I can shoot a leopard ten miles away with just one arrow!"

"So?" Tang Bohu looked at Su Mao.

Su Mao organized his words and replied: "I am very accurate in archery."

"Oh!" Tang Bohu replied coldly and was about to turn around. Su Mao stepped forward and said again: "I want to fight, I want to protect this place, and I want to kill the enemy!"

"Yellow mouth kid!" Tang Bohu sneered.

"Daddy's last words said that I want to protect my sister." Su Mao said loudly, "I want to fight too."

"Very good!" Tang Bohu nodded: "I hope you can survive the battlefield."

Jin Yiwei wandered around tonight, and Jin Yiwei appeared everywhere in Fengshan!Su Long, the head of Fengshan Village, sat on the roof of the mountain and watched Jin Yiwei's movements, feeling more and more worried. It seemed that his guess was correct.

Tang Bohu asked his Jin Yiwei to collect a lot of things!With the experience of making grenades last time, Tang Bohu is much more proficient this time, and Tang Bohu is busy with his hands and feet in a dark place!Don't dare to nod, the extract in the grenade is very unstable, and can only be produced by moonlight, until dawn Tang Bohu dragged his tired body and finally completed the extraction of raw materials.

The core secret recipe of the grenade has been agreed with Zhu Youtang!It can only be controlled by Tang Bohu alone, and it must not be leaked out. Even if there is a grenade that is not made by Tang Bohu, then Tang Bohu will inevitably fall to the ground. In fact, the amount of extract in each grenade is not much. Tang Bohu's three faces The contents of the pot are enough to make thousands of grenades.

Tian San led people to quickly assemble the wooden handle grenade, and Su Long also brought hundreds of bandits from Fengshanzhai ready to go.

"Has Niu Er come back?" Tang Bohu asked in a low voice.

"My lord!" Niu Er hurried back and said, "The [-] Liaodong defenders have already left Liaodong City, and are now heading towards Fengshanzhai."

Tang Bohu said to Su Long: "You take the people and go first, they are coming for me, the people are innocent!"

I thought that Liaodong's actions would not be so fast, but Tang Bohu still didn't expect them to make a move so quickly. Looking at the baskets of grenades gave Tang Bohu confidence!
Su Long said to Wu Lao Si beside him: "You take Zhu Zhishan and the people to leave here first! I'll cut off the queen for you!"

"No!" Wu Lao Si stood up and said, "My old Wu is a tough man, how can I let a woman cut off my queen! Master, you take the people and go first, and I will cut off the queen."

"If you still think that I am the head of your family, then obey my orders!" Su Long said loudly, "Fourth Wu! My father has a saying that the people are the first priority in everything! !"

"Report!" Captain Jin Yiwei came forward to report, "The Liaodong soldiers have surrounded Fengshanzhai, and we can't get out!"

Everyone suddenly turned their heads and saw that there was a huge crowd at the foot of the mountain.

The Liaodong City brigade surrounded Fengshan, Tang Bohu's face was very grim!He said loudly: "The person who went to ask Yang Yiqing for help hasn't come back yet.!"

Su Long looked at this scene with sadness in her heart, those guys from Liaodong City finally came!From very early on, Su Long knew that there would be such a day in Fengshanzhai sooner or later.

"Fight with them!" Wu Laosi held the knife in his hand: "It's just a death! I, Wu Laosi, will still be a good man in my next life."

Li Gao rode his horse to the foot of Fengshan Mountain, looked at Bugaoshan and said, "I heard that the bandit leader is a woman."

"Yes!" Li Gao's subordinate said: "It is said that this woman has not yet left the court!"

"It's a novelty!" Li Gao smiled ferociously.

"This subordinate must live the bandit leader of Fengshan Village, and dedicate it to your lord!"

"Hahahaha!" Li Gao laughed loudly, "Okay! Whoever can capture this woman alive, I will remember him first!"

With an army of thousands of people at the foot of the mountain, Zhu Zhishan was really anxious!Unable to get out, "Tang Bohu, how sure are you of keeping here!"

Tang Bohu said coldly: "Thirty percent!"

The people who had been hiding in Fengshan were very quiet. They looked at Tang Bohu's Jin Yiwei and the hundreds of strong men in Fengshan. A little girl handed Tang Bohu the cold rice ball.

Seeing her movements, Tang Bohu said, "Do you want to feed me?"

"En!" The little girl nodded, "My mother said that you can beat bad people only when you are full."

"I'm not hungry! You can eat." Tang Bohu pushed the rice ball into her hand.

She forced the rice ball into Tang Bohu's hands, and then hurried to her mother's back.

------------------------------split line
Yang Yiqing's people intercepted a memorial, which was sent to the capital by Marquis Shou Ning!He threw the memorial in his hand into the bonfire and burned it to ashes in front of him. The content in it was that Tang Bohu and Yang Yiqing colluded with the bandits to take Liaodong City as their own. I was right in thinking that the people of Liaodong City really did not welcome it. myself and Tang Bohu,
"My lord! Liaodong City sent a large group of troops to surround Fengshanzhai!" The scouts who went to spy came back to report!
Standing beside Yang Yiqing, Zhu Houzhao said in surprise, "Didn't Tang Bohu go to Fengshanzhai? What do they mean by surrounding Fengshanzhai now?"

"His Royal Highness!" Yang Yiqing said: "Liaodong City has already mutinied! If it is as expected, they will come to deal with us when they destroy Fengshanzhai and kill Tang Bohu!"

"Mutiny! They want to kill Tang Bohu!" Zhu Houzhao said angrily, "These guys are going to turn against each other, Yang Yiqing, let's go support Tang Bohu together!"

Looking in the direction of Fengshanzhai, Yang Yiqing continued: "His Royal Highness, we can't support them right now! There are more important things to do."

"What are we going to do!"

Yang Yiqing said with a smile: "I think if Tang Bohu was here at this moment, he would do what he would do!"

"Come on!" Yang Yiqing said loudly: "All the generals of the Shenji Battalion, lightly packed and quickly occupied Liaodong City!"

"Yes!" All the soldiers answered in unison.

Liaodong City is afraid that such a large wave of troops will be allocated!Yang Yiqing also gambled again, betting that Li Gao would lead the army out in person, hoping that Tang Bohu could last longer and wait for him to take Liaodong. As long as he takes Liaodong, the situation in Liaodong will be settled.


Yang Yiqing swung his whip down!The horse neighed and galloped towards Liaodong City.

At this moment, Li Gao's soldiers surrounded Feng Shanzhai, countless people drew their longbows to the full string and aimed at the top of Feng Shan, but they hadn't opened their bows yet, little black things appeared one after another under the sunlight of these words!The soldiers with full bows looked at these little things that were about to fall from the sky, full of doubts, what is that!Looks like it was thrown from a wind cottage.

(End of this chapter)

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