Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 110 Using Science to Fight Wars

Chapter 110 Using Science to Fight Wars ([-])

Dozens of horses came galloping, and the prairie man pulled up the reins, shouting!The war horse raised its front hooves and stopped in front of Jin Yiwei and Shenji Ying.

"Is this how Daming welcomes envoys?" A Mongolian riding on a horse looked up at the waiting Daming army and said.

"I don't know what to call this envoy?" Yang Yiqing said.

Tang Bohu waved away the dust in front of his eyes and said, "Don't you Mongolians take a bath? It smells like sheep."

"Please dismount Envoy Duoyan." Yang Yiqing said with a smile.

"If I don't come down!" Duoyan's messenger continued.

Tang Bohu stood aside and said lazily: "Get off your horse and enter the city! This is the rule of Ming Dynasty!"

"Hehe!" Messenger Duoyan sneered, "Only the warriors on the grassland are worthy of my dismounting!"

"You mean we don't deserve it?" Tang Bohu straightened his sleeves.

"Hahaha!" Duoyan's emissary laughed and said, "Li Gao has turned back with tens of thousands of troops, and you still want to defend Liaodong?"

"I'm asking you once!" Tang Bohu said again with his hands behind his back: "Do you think we Daming people are not worthy of your dismount!"

"Are you worthy?"

In a few words, the smell of gunpowder has already permeated.

Tang Bohu waved his sleeves and said, "I'll let you know right now if you deserve it or not!"

"What do you want to do!" Messenger Duoyan was a little apprehensive when he saw Tang Bohu's gaze.

Tang Bohu shouted: "Kill the horse!"


Niu Er's eyes flashed and he pulled out the Xiuchun knife fiercely, without the slightest hesitation, he cut off the horse's leg with one blow.

The messenger of the Duoyan Tribe fell to the ground with both men and horses!Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment.

"The whole army is ready!" Yang Yiqing ordered loudly!
Wow!All of a sudden, everyone in the Shenji Camp picked up their guns and pointed them at the prairie people!

The rumors outside Liaodong City are jittery!

Seeing the posture of the Ming army in front of them, no one dared to act rashly. Although the number of opponents was small, this time they mainly came to relieve the officials of the Ming court.

If we act now, dozens of people are really not enough to see under the fire of the Ming court.

Everyone's nerves were tense, but Tang Bohu smiled and said, "Help up our envoy Duoyan."

The other party struggled to get up and looked at his horse with regret: "Ming dog!"

Outside the quiet city of Liaodong, a loud slap was so abrupt.

The Duoyan envoy looked at Tang Bohu who had just slapped him in disbelief.

"Listen up! My name is Edomu, and you will pay for your actions today!"

After speaking, he left Liaodong City with his troops.

"Didn't it be agreed to just talk? Why did this Tang Bohu kill a horse and beat people!" Zhu Houzhao stood on the city wall and watched.

"Tang Bohu is Tang Bohu!" Yang Yiqing shook his head helplessly, "He really is a ruthless person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes."

"What to do next!" Zhu Zhishan looked at the pair who left angrily!
"What else can I do!" Yang Yiqing said compromisingly, "Get ready to fight!"

"Why can't I control this hand!" Tang Bohu looked resentfully at the hand he just slapped.

"Brother Tang! You are impulsive!" Zhu Zhishan looked sad.

"This battle with Duoyan Sanwei must be fought!" Tang Bohu looked at the grassland and said, "Over the years, Daming has neglected the restrictions on the grassland a lot, and the frontiers have been ruined, which has also caused the braided tails on these grasslands to rise to the sky. , if we win the battle of Duoyan Sanwei, we can talk about life with these big braids, after all, no one wants to chat with you at the table without the strength."

Zhu Zhishan was confused. Tang Bohu's words were very different from the Confucian classics he had been studying all along. "I still don't understand. Why do we have to go to war when we can negotiate?"

"With your IQ, it's hard for me to explain to you!" Tang Bohu shook his head and sighed and walked into Liaodong City.

Zhu Zhishan: "..."

Tang Bohu watched Yang Yiqing worryingly repairing the defense of Liaodong City. After coming to Liaodong, this high-ranking official who wanted to do his best to govern the Ming Dynasty had not slept a few times. It is not a good thing for a good Ming official to be exhausted. .

"Yang Yiqing, go to sleep! I'll show you the fortifications here." Tang Bohu said to Yang Yiqing.

"No!" Yang Yiqing said anxiously: "I don't know when the grassland people will call! I can hear their hooves from the grassland when I sleep here, and I can't sleep!"

"You will collapse if you don't sleep!" Tang Bohu persuaded.

"Tang Bohu! You are different from me!" Yang Yiqing continued: "You are just a military governor! Your accusation is to supervise Liaodong, but I am different! I am the commander-in-chief of the three sides, and the frontiers of Ming Dynasty are tied to me. I'm afraid that if I relax my horseshoe outside the pass, I will fly across Liaodong and hit Shanhaiguan."

Tang Bohu carefully watched Yang Yiqing in the night!This guy is only a few years older than himself, but he can devote himself to accusing him so hard, I have to say that Yang Yiqing is a good official!But this guy was too stubborn, so he quietly gave Niu Er a look!
Before returning to his senses, Yang Yiqing only felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and lost consciousness.

Looking at Yang Yiqing who was knocked unconscious, Tang Bohu looked at Niu Er in surprise, "You are good at knocking the sap, I suspect that you were a robber before you became a Jinyiwei."

"The lower officials have never done robbery!" Niu Er explained!
"Don't hide it." Tang Bohu put his arm on Niu Er's shoulder and said, "Look at you, you are so skillful, it's a pity not to rob you. Do you want to help me rob those big braids on the horse?" .”

"Ah?" Niu Er looked confused!
"No way!" Tang Bohu said melancholy: "In order to pacify Liaodong, and for Yang Yiqing and Lord Yang not to give up so early, I have to make preparations early."

"What are your lords going to do?"

Tang Bohu smiled sullenly, Niu Er knew that whenever Tang Bohu laughed like that, someone would be in trouble, and the last time he smiled like this to the Japanese envoy, then this time it will definitely not be easy for anyone!
Standing on the city wall, the autumn wind was a bit chilly, Tang Bohu tightened his robe and said: "The terrain of the grassland is not good for us!"

Niu Er also nodded, "Your Excellency is right, if it is really impossible to arrange an ambush on the vast grassland, it will only increase the burden."

Tang Bohu nodded, "I don't know the art of war! But I believe in one thing!"

Niu Er: "My lord said..."

"Science!" Tang Bohu went on to say, "It's autumn now, and the horses on the grassland have eaten enough grass in summer. We don't have the time for this, and the terrain here is flat and suitable for horses to run, and the horses are the most indispensable for grassland people! And we There are only a few hundred Jinyiwei and thousands of Shenji Battalion here, and some bandits, so people and we don’t occupy it, it depends on the location, and you also said that the terrain here is not suitable for ambush! The location is not on our side either.”

(End of this chapter)

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