Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 116 Warning

Chapter 116 Warning
Chahar's army shot out the last round of arrow rain, the cold metal arrows mercilessly harvested life, one after another Duoyan fell to the ground.

There are explosions of landmines everywhere, and some people would rather endure the stench in the smoke than move too much!

Because in this thick smoke, it is possible to step on a landmine at any time.

The rain of arrows fell from the sky again, and Mo Lian watched the warriors of his tribe fall one after another, and the indignation in his heart was incomparable.

Yang Yiqing also rode to Tang Bohu's side: "I was wondering what would happen if someone like you became Daming's enemy."

Tang Bohu frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Behind Yang Yiqing and Tang Bohu, the Ming army was about to go out, but now the two top commanders of Liaodong City were chatting in front of the formation.

"Tang Bohu, what you have done is too dazzling!" Yang Yiqing continued, "Your abilities and those new firearms are too dazzling in Daming."

"What are you trying to say!" Tang Bohu asked further.

Calming the horse under him, Yang Yiqing continued, "Muxiu must be destroyed by forest winds. What did Emperor Hongwu Zhu Yuanzhang do? Tang Bohu, do you know?"

"I know!" Tang Bohu nodded. "Back then, Zhu Yuanzhang pacified the Central Plains and expelled Yuan soldiers! The Ming Dynasty was established with the efforts of all civil and military ministers."

"Some words are so treacherous that I will be beheaded if some people hear them," Yang Yiqing continued, "In the early days of the Ming Dynasty, there was another big reshuffle. At that time, many ministers were executed! And most of the people who were executed Most of them are heroes of the founding of the country, because Zhu Yuanzhang discovered the threat of these people! Because they can make Ming Dynasty or destroy Ming Dynasty! Tang Bohu, do you know now?"


Only Tang Bohu laughed to answer Yang Yiqing.

"My lord! It's time!" Tian San stepped forward and said.

"Okay!" Tang Bohu ordered loudly: "All Jinyi Guards obey the order! Surround most of Duoyan!"

Yang Yiqing also ordered loudly: "All the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion obey the order! Surround most of Duoyan!"

When the thick smoke cleared away, Mo Lian, the leader of the Duoyan Tribe, raised his head in embarrassment. The clearing of the smoke gave him a lot of peace of mind, but the next scene made his scalp tingle!
All the warriors of the Duoyan Tribe had just survived the foul-smelling smoke, but when their Mingjun surrounded them, their hearts were mostly cold!
Yang Yiqing looked at the messy Duoyan people and said, "Why did you attack me on the frontier of Ming Dynasty!"

"Wait, why did I attack our Daming border!" Nearly [-] Daming soldiers surrounded Duoyan's army shouted in unison, the momentum was very large.

Every Jin Yiwei held a knife in his hand, and every soldier of the Shenji Battalion held a firecracker in his hand.

"I'll fight you guys!" Mo Lian roared angrily!

The warriors of the Duoyan tribe rose up to resist and wanted to break through the siege of the Ming army, but before these Duoyan people rushed to the front, thousands of firecrackers from the Shenji Battalion fired, and the Duoyan warriors who rushed forward looked like dominoes Like dominoes, falling one after another, Mo Lian watched his clansmen fall one after another, his eyes were red!

Zhu Houzhao and Zhu Zhishan also rushed over to distinguish the real mines from the fake mines according to the marks in the minefield, and came to Tang Bohu safe and sound: "You are in such a hurry, don't wait for me! Tang Bohu, you are too mean."

"His Royal Highness, the military situation cannot be delayed." Tang Bohu explained.

"Huh!" Zhu Houzhao turned his head and said, "Excuse me! Why don't you just change your armor and you rush out! You obviously don't take this prince seriously."

Tang Bohu: "The minister is guilty!"

"You can pull it down, there is still a crime! I have never seen anyone say that he is guilty so arrogantly." Zhu Hou took care of the dead bodies of Duoyan people on the ground and said, "The battle is over!"

"It's almost there!" Tang Bohu looked at the scene where there were thousands of Duoyan people protecting their leader in the center.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion fired gunpowder again, and the encirclement shrank!Fire again!
With the sound of dense gunfire, Tian San saw the blood dripping and corpses all over the ground. This was the first time he saw such a scene!Human life is so worthless in a real war, he still stood firmly by Tang Bohu's side despite the nauseating feeling.

At this point in the battle, it has become a unilateral massacre by the Ming army.

"Don't fight! Don't fight!" Mo Lian, the leader of the Duoyan Tribe, hurried to Yang Yiqing and Tang Bohu and said, "We surrendered!"

If this continues, all the men in my own tribe will die!

"Is he the leader of the Duoyan tribe?" Zhu Houzhao looked at the big braid who was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy and said, "He looks really ugly!"

"Exactly!" Tang Bohu echoed, "As ugly as Eunuch Liu!"

Liu Jin: "..."

"Get out of the way!" Zhu Houzhao got off his horse and said, "Let the prince personally recover him."

Mo Lian looked at the valiant Zhu Houzhao and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Of course the prince is here to teach you a lesson!" After Zhu Houzhao finished speaking, he punched Mo Lian in the face.

"His Royal Highness!" Yang Yiqing wanted to step forward to persuade.

But Zhu Houzhao waved his hands and said, "To deal with this kind of big braid, the prince alone is enough..."

Before Zhu Houzhao finished speaking, Mo Lian also punched back!
Covering his eyes in pain, Zhu Houzhao had dark circles around his eye sockets, "Well, you dare to fight back with a braid!"

Hearing Zhu Houzhao's words, all the Shenji battalion army raised their guns again and aimed at the silent sickle. If they fired together, the leader of the Duoyan tribe would be beaten into a sieve.

"It's his mother!" Zhu Houzhao gritted his teeth and began to perform his own punches and kicks on Mo Lian!
One big and one small wrestled together, Zhu Houzhao grabbed each other's big braids, and Mo Lian also pressed Zhu Houzhao to the ground...

Tang Bohu nodded towards Su Mao.

Knowing what Tang Bohu meant, Su Mao raised his bow!As long as the leader of Duoyan, Mo Lian, dares to make any big moves, he will be killed immediately. The safety of the prince is very important.

The battle between Zhu Houzhao and Mo Lian reached a fever pitch. The two rolled on the grass, and Zhu Houzhao used a monkey to steal peaches!Mo Lian let out an inexplicable groan.


Looking at Zhu Houzhao's moves, Tang Bohu couldn't help but gasp. When did this prince learn such insidious moves.

"Enough!" Yang Yiqing didn't want Zhu Houzhao to continue messing around, so he sent a few people to arrest Mo Lian!

Zhu Houzhao looked at Mo Lian angrily and then spit on his face.

"It happens that there is a lack of labor for the construction of Liaodong City!" Yang Yiqing ordered: "Take these captives into Liaodong City and use them as labor labor to build Liaodong!"

(End of this chapter)

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