Chapter 122
The old and the young looked at each other and smiled, Xu Pu continued: "There are many smart people these days, but not many people know how to advance and retreat. What's your name?"

Xu Zhenqing looked at this old thing with sharp eyes. If he hadn't seen the cold light in the other person's eyes for a moment, he would not have dared to drag the matter out. He stood up and said respectfully: "Xu Zhenqing."

"Xu Zhenqing? Good name." Xu Pu sighed and said, "Do you want to be an official?"

I want to be an official... Xu Zhenqing has studied for more than ten years, so of course he wants to be an official. The old man in front of him is a cabinet minister. If he recommends him, he can skip the next imperial examination and directly enter the officialdom!What's more, it is not difficult to squeeze into the doors of the six ministers. For this old guy who has been in the court for decades, almost half of the court has been his wings after going through three dynasties.

But if he accepts Xu Pu's kindness, then his future official career will be tied to the same boat by Xu Pu.

Xu Zhenqing quickly counted the powerful relationships among them.

"What are you thinking!" Xu Pu's eyes were burning.

Xu Zhenqing came back to her senses and saw that Xu Pu's gaze also shuddered, but after thinking for a long time, she gritted her teeth and said: "My lord's kindness, Zhenqing appreciates it, but I still want to take the imperial examination to become an official! If the lord recommends it in one fell swoop, Even if I become an official, boy, I can't avoid other people's tongues."

"You go." After Xu Pu finished speaking, he stopped looking at Xu Zhenqing.

When Xu Pu was the only one left in the lobby of the mansion, he quietly looked at the chessboard and the chess pieces that Xu Zhenqing had dropped. Unconsciously, he found that the layout of Xu Zhenqing's chess pieces was particularly weird. After taking a closer look, he smiled. The old man With a smile on his face, wrinkles from the vicissitudes of life appeared.

"This kid turned out to be letting this old man go, but in fact, this old man has already lost!"

While waiting all the time, the servant whispered: "My lord, how dare this kid..."

Xu Pu interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said: "Young people are a little arrogant, and it is inevitable that they will make mistakes! Let him go."

"Yes!" The servant said unwillingly.

----------------------Dividing line
After walking out of Xu's mansion, Xu Zhenqing came to the bustling streets of the capital, feeling very uneasy in his heart!Xu Pu's gaze was always in his mind, but he couldn't get rid of it. His gaze was like a hungry wolf staring at its prey.

Walking all the way and watching the leaves falling under the autumn wind, I suddenly thought of Tang Bohu!I remember that when Tang Bohu came to the capital from the south of the Yangtze River, Tang Bohu was surrounded by enemies, but he still bit the bullet and stood firm in the officialdom. The inexplicable Xu Zhenqing admired Tang Bohu a little.

When they came to a restaurant, Xu Zhenqing was going to have something to eat.

Seeing a customer, Xiao Er hurried forward, "What would this guest officer eat?"

Xu Zhenqing: "Let me have a pot of wine, another pot of beef, and another pot of stir-fried vegetables."

Xiaoer took notes one by one, and then quietly said to Xu Zhenqing: "Guest officer, have you provoked someone?"

Seeing the other party's confused eyes, Xiao Er turned his eyes in one direction and whispered again: "Guest officer, look at the people at the tables at the door. They also came in after the guest officer came in. These people sitting there No food."

Xu Zhenqing looked sideways from the corner of his eye and there were indeed several people behind him, and he saw the sabers around their waists in a flash from the corner of his eye.

Xiao Er was busy going to the kitchen to order food, Xu Zhenqing threw a few pieces of silver on the table and turned away.

really!The opponent followed up again.

Who is following me?Xu Zhenqing had a question in his heart, is it Xu Pu's person?Jin Yiwei?Dongchang?He quickened his pace, and the opponent followed closely.

Walking out of the gate of the capital, Xu Zhenqing pretended to pick up things on the ground, and looked sideways to see those people still following her all the way.

The uneasiness in my heart is getting stronger and stronger, where are these people going to follow me!Hesitating in his heart, Xu Zhenqing thought of a place, and then changed direction in a few steps.

Walking on the hidden path outside the capital, several people who followed Xu Zhenqing taught each other with their eyes, and touched the sharp blade of the saber at their waist, and it was unsheathed little by little.

At the same time, a group of people appeared on this trail. Xu Zhenqing saw that the other party stepped forward as if seeing a rescuer and shouted loudly: "Brother Yan."

"Xu Zhenqing!" Yan Song also smiled when he saw the person coming, and at the moment he was leading a group of people to measure the land.

The killers following Xu Zhenqing turned their heads and left immediately when they saw that the other party was responding.

Looking back and seeing the few people who followed her leave, Xu Zhenqing let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you brother Yan for saving me."

"Those people are from Dongchang!" Yan Song explained: "Dongchang is taking people everywhere these days, and all the people who are arrested are people related to Xu Pu."

"Dongchang?" Xu Zhenqing understood just after thinking about it, "It seems that Xu Pu is about to fall."

After regaining consciousness, Xu Zhenqing felt that something was wrong, and asked, "Dongchang's arrest has been silent. I don't even know who is in the capital. How did you know?"

Yan Song said with a smile: "Master Tang built a three-acre land here. Although he is in Liaodong, he protects his home very closely. Since it is close to the capital, Master Tang has eyeliner in the capital. As long as there is something troublesome Of course I will know."

Xu Zhenqing nodded and accepted the explanation.

Yan Song continued: "Don't worry! People from Dongchang will never come to Tangzhuang to take people."


"Because the current admiral of Dongchang is He Ding! So even if the people of Dongchang dare to arrest the world, they will not move Tangzhuang."

Xu Zhenqing was a little puzzled and asked: "Tang Bohu has left behind? Let Dongchang play a trick?"

"No! It's because He Ding can't! He doesn't dare to offend Tang Bohu!" Yan Song said as he walked, "You came to the capital late, and there are some things you may not know. This He Ding has a deep friendship with Mr. Tang."

Nodding her head, Xu Zhenqing saw a group of people behind Yan Song and asked unconsciously, "What are you doing here?"

"There are more and more workers in the factory. To expand, are we measuring the land?" Yan Song looked at the flat terrain and said, "We plan to buy this place."

Seeing the busy Yan Song, Xu Zhenqing didn't want to interrupt his work and hurriedly said, "I'll go and see Wen Zhengming, so I won't disturb brother Yan."

Yan Song nodded, not knowing whether he was answering the workers behind him or himself, Xu Zhenqing turned around and walked towards Tangzhuang. Walking out of this tree-lined path, Tangzhuang suddenly opened up. There are people who know each other here. There are also bookstores with the sound of reading aloud, and factories in full swing.

"Dare to ask but Xu Zhenqing?" A young man came to him.

"You are?" Xu Zhenqing asked doubtfully.

"I'm Wang Shouren."

(End of this chapter)

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