Chapter 136
"Wow ha ha ha ha." Zhu Houzhao laughed and said, "The crown prince transferred a cannon from the Shenji camp. Tang Bohu, let's go and shoot the deer together."

"Shoot the roe with a cannon?" Tang Bohu was surprised for a long time and said, "His Royal Highness really..."

"It's really exciting, isn't it!" Zhu Houzhao looked excited, "Father finally agreed to let me play with a cannon, hurry up! Tang Bohu, let's not delay."

Tang Bohu: "..."

Pulling a cannon, Tang Bohu walked out of the house, feeling the cold northwest wind!The dark clouds in the sky were thick, and Tang Bohu realized that it was already winter when he watched a few snowflakes fall.

"It's snowing!" Tangyue jumped up and down when she saw the snowflakes all over the sky, and Xiaobai ran behind Tangyue in the snowflakes.

A group of people walked out of Tangzhuang with a cannon. Tang Bohu didn't know where Zhu Houzhao was going, so he took a few guards in brocade with him. After walking for about two hours, Tang Bohu and others finally arrived at the destination!
"Isn't this a painting boat?" Tian San's surrounding environment.

Painting boat!This place is the same as the Qinhuai Painting Boat in the south of the Yangtze River. Most scholars come and go here. Most scholars in this era regard visiting kilns as an elegant thing.

"Liu Jin! Set up the cannon!" Zhu Houzhao ordered loudly!

Tang Bohu immediately sensed that something was wrong, and secretly thought something was wrong!Looking back, it turned out that the pitch-black cannon port was already aimed at the painting boat!
"Your Highness the Crown Prince can't do it!" Tang Bohu went numb on the spot, what does the Crown Prince want to do!This shot is going to be terrible.

"These scholars say that what the prince is doing is disgraceful!" Zhu Houzhao gritted his teeth and said, "Which is tolerable and which is unbearable! The prince is so angry!"

"His Royal Highness, you will kill people if you go down with this cannon!" Tang Bohu persuaded, and now he finally understands that those poems are indeed somewhat indecent, and it is not surprising that many scholars scoff at them.

"Tang Bohu, let me ask you!" Zhu Houzhao said with one foot on the muzzle of the cannon, "If someone throws your literary talent on the ground and stomps you vigorously! What will happen to you if you are trampled to ruin your reputation?"

"He was bombarded!" Tang Bohu said viciously.

"That's it!" Zhu Houzhao ordered loudly: "Liu Jin, light the fire!"


"Wait!" Tang Bohu immediately shouted: "His Royal Highness, you are going to have big troubles!"

"No! The Crown Prince must bombard them today!" Zhu Houzhao said with a jump.

"His Royal Highness, the boat is too far away! Our artillery can't hit it!" A small official from Shenji Battalion stepped forward and said.

"Then wait until they reach the shore!" Zhu Houzhao said fiercely with his hips akimbo.

Tang Bohu heaved a sigh of relief, and finally stopped firing.

A few snowflakes fell on everyone's heads, and gradually the snow became bigger and bigger!From the sporadic snowflakes at the beginning, under the swaying of a westerly wind, heavy snow fell all over the sky.

"It's snowing for Tang Bohu!" Zhu Houzhao said.

"I know." Tang Bohu nodded while looking at the snowflakes in the sky.

"It's snowing!" Zhu Houzhao emphasized again.

"I know!" Tang Bohu still nodded.

Zhu Houzhao looked at Tang Bohu with a smile: "Is it possible to write poems now that it's snowing?"

"Ah?" Tang Bohu didn't turn around the prince's huge brain circuit for a while, so he could only say: "It should be possible to write poems."

"Liu Jin! Bring the wine!" Zhu Houzhao greeted and said, "Since the last time I wrote a poem, the prince has tried several times! But I have been unable to write poems these days after getting drunk."

"Actually, writing poetry depends on fate." Tang Bohu said nonsense seriously, "Yes, it depends on fate!"

"Come on!" Zhu Houzhao held up the flagon and said, "Let's have a drink first, the prince must drink if he wants to compose poetry!"

Tang Bohu drank a cup, this is Nurhong!It's been a long time since I've had Suhang wine.

Zhu Houzhao went on to say: "It is said that you Tang Bohu is a talented scholar in the south of the Yangtze River. Why don't you make a song first? Let the prince weigh it."

Looking at the scene in front of him, and thinking about what he had experienced in the whole year of coming to the capital, Tang Bohu looked at the wine glass in his hand, but he was a little emotional about the ups and downs of his life this year.

"Reading all the farewell pains of farewell, returning without a way, like scattered flowers."

Zhu Houzhao nodded when he heard Tang Bohu's first sentence, although he didn't understand what it meant, he also pretended to be very gentle.

Tang Bohu thought of the spring in the south of the Yangtze River, and said again: "There is nothing to look at at the bottom of the flower, and there is nothing in the green window spring."

Several passing scholars stopped when they saw Tang Bohu sitting in front of the cannon and reciting poems. Two lines of poems aroused their interest.

Only to hear Tang Bohu chanting again: "Wait to put down the lovesickness lamp, a strand of new love, thousands of strands of old hatred."

Tang Bohu drank a glass of wine when he thought of Qiuxiang's innocent smile and hasty parting in the officialdom in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Good poem!" Some scholars nodded and applauded before finishing listening.

Looking at the snow-covered sky, Tang Bohu waved his sleeves and said, "It's the world that can't keep it, Zhu Yan Ci Jing Hua Ci Tree."

"it is good!"

"Nice poem!"

"A good sentence can't be kept in the world!"

The passing scholars applauded one after another, and some people also quietly wrote down the poem, which can indeed be said to be a rare good thing.

Just looking at this young Jin Yiwei who wrote a poem, everyone unconsciously felt familiar!
"It's the most difficult thing to keep in the world, the most difficult thing to keep in the world, Zhu Yan's speech is a mirror, a flower is a tree." Zhu Houzhao exclaimed: "Good poems, good poems!"

"Now it's His Royal Highness' turn." Liu Jin said quietly.

Zhu Houzhao burned his own brain cells, drank one cup after another, but couldn't think of poems, and unconsciously felt a little dizzy and looked at the scene in front of him a little blurry.

"Does His Royal Highness have a masterpiece?" Tang Bohu asked.

Zhu Houzhao drank another glass of wine and said, "I'm going to make a good poem, and it's the kind that can brighten the eyes of those scholars!"

Grabbing his own scalp, Tang Bohu watched Zhu Houzhao drink one cup after another, worried in his heart what would happen if the prince was poisoned by alcohol at a young age.

The scene was quiet for a long time, everyone stood in the wind and snow, only heard the sound of the wind, and saw Zhu Houzhao drinking one cup after another.

"Oh! What a poem!" Tang Bohu clapped his hands and shouted, "The literary talents of His Royal Highness, I admire the lower officials."

"Did I just write a poem?" Zhu Houzhao was so drunk.

"It's not a big deal!" Tang Bohu said, "The poem His Royal Highness just wrote shocked the lower officials' ears."

"What poem did I make!" Zhu Houzhao had a serious face, but there was no doubt in his eyes, it seemed that he really believed Tang Bohu's nonsense!

"His Royal Highness, do you really not remember?" Tang Bohu said: "This poem is really amazing!"

"Quickly tell me!" Zhu Houzhao looked expectant.

(End of this chapter)

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