Chapter 139
Many people in the Zhuangzi knew about this. A boy brought back by the Tang family fell in love with the widow. Now it is almost winter, and the crops are finished. Most people in the Zhuangzi are free. Naturally, there will be more tongues, and the story of Su Mao climbing the widow's wall has also spread.

Now it can be said that everyone knows it, and many people point fingers at the widow and the Tang family boy, and this matter has also spread to the ears of Tang's mother, "Tell me that this bastard boy Bohu handed it over to you!" some friends."

Seeing his wife's big belly, he smiled helplessly at Tang Bohu's hatred of iron and steel, and said, "Pay attention to your body! Don't move your tire gas."

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"What a pity? No matter how unfortunate it is, it's someone else's business!" Tang Bohu looked at Su Mao, who was fooling around, and said, "Tell me about you! How can such a nice young man fall in love with a widow!"

Seeing that Su Mao stopped talking, Tang Bohu knew that this guy grew up in a den of bandits, and he was born with some bandit spirit, unlike his Jin Yiwei who at least knew the rules and would not do outrageous things.

"Tian San, you go to the capital with me!" Tang Bohu said, looking at Su Mao with disgust, "Take this kid with you!"

The imperial examination is about to begin.This is the biggest scientific examination this year and it is also before the imperial examination.The most valuable time, the results of the imperial examination are related to the achievements of a person who has studied hard for ten years.In fact, the vast majority of people who have reached this stage of the book can still be a talented scholar even if they don't get on the list.

The capital is crowded with people, and it is very lively.Major taverns and restaurants.No empty seats.Tang Bohu is a Jinyiwei.He is responsible for the public security of the capital, and it is inevitable that he will get involved in the bustling capital today.A mixed bag of characters.For example, what about illegal traders, or cunning wrenches, and those scammers who swindle money.

Jinyiwei patrolled all the streets in the capital.

Tang Bohu warmed up a pot of wine, sat on the teahouse and watched the crowds walking back and forth on the streets of the city.This is the first time he has seen the ancient imperial examinations in a real sense.

Unexpectedly, the tension of the ancient imperial examinations was no worse than that of the modern college entrance examinations.Tang Bohu saw that the most crowded people on the street were students and scholars from all over the world.

There is a student who reads stereotyped essays while walking on the street, and another student who only sleeps every day.He even takes part of his meal time to read books.

I have to say how hard the ancients worked for their own future.From this point of view, scholars have not changed since ancient times.They study only to change their destiny, get rid of poverty, and get ahead.

Tang Bohu squinted at Su Mao who was squatting in the corner of the wall and said, "Can you eat instead of squatting like a lion.

Su Mao adjusted his posture, still squatting and said, "I'm used to it. People in the mountains squat like this without relying on anything to settle down."

"Why don't you even let the widows of other people's families go." Tang Bohu said looking at Su Mao who was eating everything.

"My sister said. I want to leave a queen for our Su family. I want to give birth to the child first, and then I can make contributions without any scruples."

"If you want to have a child, you need to raise your body first. You are 14 years old now. When you become an adult, I will personally matchmaking you to marry a wife, and then let you have a good child. Don't harass me any more. That widow."

"Understood." Su Mao replied absent-mindedly.

"Tian San!" Tang Bohu said worriedly, "I'm going to Dali Temple for a few days off in a few days. You have worked so hard these days to take care of the capital with your brothers so that no big troubles will happen."

"Subordinates understand." Tian San clasped his fists and ordered, but he was thinking about going to Dali Temple for vacation!Then he realized that it was probably caused by the prince's cannonball.

Looking at Su Mao worriedly, Tang Bohu ordered again helplessly: "Prison this kid in the days when I'm not here, so that he won't provoke that widow."

"My subordinate understands."

"Hmph!" Su Mao turned his head unconvinced.

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Niu Er watched Tang Bohu leading a group of Jinyi guards towards Dali Temple, he couldn't help but asked Tian San in doubt, "What are you going to do, my lord?"

Tian San explained to Niu Er in a low voice: "Your Excellency is going to Dali Temple for vacation again."

"Oh!" Niu Er held back a smile and nodded knowingly.

Tang Bohu brought hundreds of Jinyi guards to the entrance of Dali Temple. Feng Qi was a little confused when he heard the report from his servants, "Tang Bohu brought hundreds of Jinyi guards to Dali Temple in the Ministry of Punishment?"

"Yes!" The clerk on one side replied.

"There was Mou Bin in the past and Tang Bohu in the future!" Feng Qi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, said in pain, "What's wrong with this world, so that no one can become an official quietly."

Although Feng Qi knew that Tang Bohu would come to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to be imprisoned for a few days, he did not expect Tang Bohu to have such a fight.

"Tang Qianhu, what do you mean by that?" Feng Qi cupped his hands and said to Tang Bohu.

"My official position is low." Tang Bohu returned the courtesy and said, "I can't afford to be polite to Feng Shangshu."

Feng Qi said nervously: "Then Mr. Tang is here today..."

"Oh!" Tang Bohu said in a small voice: "Your Majesty has a decree to let the officials come to Dali Temple to stay for a few days!"

Stay for a few days... This is the first time Feng Qi has heard that being in prison can be described so freshly and refinedly.

"Don't worry!" Tang Bohu patted the old Feng Qi on the shoulder, "I will definitely not demolish your Dali Temple."

"Hehehe..." Feng Qi looked at the group of Jinyi guards behind Tang Bohu. Indeed, it would not be difficult for these people to tear down the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Threat!This is the threat.

"Since Master Tang is here, let's invite!" Feng Qi invited Tang Bohu into Dali Temple, laughing at everyone along the way.

Just as the two were walking towards the cell, a small official hurried over and said to Feng Qi: "My lord, His Royal Highness has a letter for you."

"A letter from His Highness the Crown Prince!" Feng Qi took the letter with a puzzled expression, and after reading it, his face gradually turned blue.

Tang Bohu also glanced at the content of the letter. The general content is: Feng Qi, you old bastard, if you don't take good care of Tang Bohu!The prince will demolish your Dali Temple!
Sure enough, it still needs to be dismantled!Feng Qi rubbed his forehead in distress.

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East Palace
Zhu Houzhao was holding a brush, and asked Liu Jin with a thoughtful face: "Liu Jin, do you think I should write a letter to Tang Bohu?"

"Master Tang is so lucky to have His Royal Highness caring so much!" Liu Jin came to Zhu Houzhao's side and said, "This old servant is grinding ink for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

After dipping some ink with the brush, Zhu Houzhao was about to write but stopped, and asked Liu Jin hesitantly, "How should I write Tang Bohu's Tang?"

(End of this chapter)

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