Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 152 The cheating father and the cheating eunuch

Chapter 152 The cheating father and the cheating eunuch
Although the scene of the factory guards fighting was very chaotic, Tang Bohu and He Ding were not chaotic at all. They smiled at each other and made eye contact. They even made an appointment where to eat after the fight.
A few guards standing in front of the palace gate saw Dongchang and the guards in uniform fighting. Seeing the scene uncontrollable, they hurried into the palace to report to the emperor.

And Zhu Youtang, who was watching the snow scene in the back garden, was accepting the cries of the imperial physicians. An elderly imperial physician knelt on the ground and said, "Now the imperial hospital is full of stench, and there is no way to go in."

"Many old imperial doctors in our imperial hospital have stood in the cold wind, but they are so old that they get sick when they catch the cold. Now many imperial doctors have contracted the cold and cannot work normally."

After listening to the imperial doctor's talk, Zhu Youtang already knew all about what happened in the imperial hospital.The anger towards Zhu Houzhao before was directed at the Imperial Hospital, and Zhu Houzhao did it in all likelihood.

As for the description of the old imperial doctor, the thing thrown into their imperial hospital at that time should be the smoke bomb developed by Tang Bohu and Zhu Houzhao together. The smoke bomb played a miraculous effect during the war in Liaodong. Tang Bohu and Zhu Houzhao knew nothing about it, so it is most likely that Tang Bohu and Zhu Houzhao worked together to do this.

Zhu Youtang held his forehead in pain, wondering why his son was so restless, why other people's fathers could enjoy his son's filial piety, and why being a father himself was so tiring.

Zhu Youtali had a sudden thought in his heart, suddenly he didn't want to be this father anymore, he was so tired.

Fortunately, according to what the imperial physicians said, when Zhu Houzhao threw the smoke bomb into the imperial hospital, these imperial physicians did not realize that it was Zhu Houzhao who did it.

Thinking about it this way, his son is still smart.Zhu Youtang let out a sigh of relief, there is still room for turnover in this matter.

"Several highly respected imperial physicians in our imperial hospital were caught with a cold and couldn't get out of bed for a while. They are old and don't know if they can continue to work in the imperial hospital after catching the cold this time. I also ask your majesty to investigate and deal with the criminals. Find out this murderer and set the record straight."

"I know, I will definitely investigate strictly."

"Your Majesty, leave." Several old imperial physicians supported each other to leave.

"Come on! Tell a team of imperial guards, His Royal Highness, to watch over them."

Hearing Zhu Youtang's words, the little eunuch said in a low voice: "Your servant understands, I will make arrangements now."

With a long sigh, Zhu Youtang lay tiredly on the recliner, watching the snow scene while drinking hot tea, enjoying the scenery in winter, but saw a guard rushing over and shouting: "Your Majesty Not good, Dongchang and Jinyiwei are fighting."

Zhu Youtang closed his eyes and said, "Just pull people away. Those who committed crimes will be sent to prison to wait for punishment."

"But..." the guard faltered and said, "This time is different from usual. Now there are hundreds of people fighting in front of the gate of the Forbidden City from both sides of the Jinyiwei processing factory, and the team is led by He Ding, the admiral of the East Factory, and Jinyiwei. Thousand households Tang Bohu."

"Hundreds of people? Still in front of the Forbidden City? It's simply presumptuous!" Zhu Youtang yelled angrily: "Dongchang and Jinyiwei are simply lawless!"

"His Majesty!"

When Zhu Youtang was furious, Empress Zhang strolled over with the newborn princess in her arms, "I don't know what happened to make His Majesty so angry, and I wonder if my concubine can relieve His Majesty's worries."

"Dongchang and Jinyiwei are simply too lawless." Zhu Youtang was furious, "How dare they each lead hundreds of people to fight in front of the gate of the Forbidden City."

"Especially this Tang Bohu. It's okay to mess around. Tang Bohu is already seventeen or eighteen years old, and he still messes around like this. And that He Dingzhen trusts him a little bit. He is so lawless and arrogant. They still have it in their hearts." There is no emperor like me."

"Your Majesty, please don't get angry." Empress Zhang carefully held a cup of tea to the current Emperor Hongzhi.In front of Zhu Youtang.

Empress Zhang continued: "The concubine has always lived in the harem, and the eunuchs and maids often come and go in the harem. The concubine has also heard some news. This He Ding and Tang Bohu have always gotten along well, and the two have had many times in private. Logically speaking, the two of them should not have reached the point where they would lead hundreds of people to fight each other. Even if there was a conflict between the two, they would not be so open and aboveboard. Fighting in front of the Forbidden City, this It is tantamount to courting death, and they understand it in their hearts. So there must be something tricky between the two of them, Your Majesty must be careful."

Hearing what Queen Zhang said, Zhu Youtang immediately woke up, and his anger dissipated. What Queen Zhang said was right, Tang Bohu and He Ding were both smart people.Compared with bringing down Li Guang back then, Zhu Youtang saw that there must be something tricky between He Ding and Tang Bohu. He didn't believe that Li Guang's downfall was not designed by someone.

But this time He Ding and Tang Bohu came to fight each other. , this matter is not as simple as it seems, Zhu Youtang calmed down and thought that both of them knew.The crime of crashing into the Forbidden City.Even if the two are in high positions, it is a capital offense.

Thinking of this, Zhu Youtang couldn't help laughing, did Tang Bohu and He Ding count themselves as the emperor?If I come forward to stand up for the two or even punish one side, will I fall into the game designed by He Ding and Tang Bohu? Assuming that Tang Bohu and He Ding are doing this for others to see, then who are they doing it for? Obviously not Me, what if they want to lure me into the bait?Then I should ignore them.

"The empress is right, I was confused by them." Zhu Youtang hugged his little daughter and said.

Empress Zhang also looked at her little girl kindly and said: "Your Majesty can't help but think about it. Tang Bohu and He Ding are the Qianhu of Jinyiwei and the admiral of Dongchang respectively. Behind them represent Dongchang and Jinyiwei. The factory guard Who is most willing to see the fighting, and who is most afraid of Dongchang and Jinyiwei being in the same breath."

"The queen reminded me." Zhu Youtang coaxed his daughter and said, "Tang Bohu and He Ding are very cunning, I can't fall into their trap."

"Then His Majesty doesn't care about them?" Empress Zhang also sat beside Zhu Youtang and said.

"Hehe..." Zhu Youtang let out a long sigh: "This Tang Bohu and He Ding are really prophetic. They are acting for those civil servants and ministers. Let them see the illusion of Dongchang and Jinyiwei fighting, so that They also want to protect themselves. If Jin Yiwei joins hands with Dongchang, the threat will be too great for civil servants. When they realize this threat, Manchu officials will try their best to get rid of Tang Bohu and He Ding. And now Tang Bohu Together with He Ding and the two of them, the scene of the fight between Dongchang and Jinyiwei was brought to the stage. This is also to paralyze the vigilance of those civil servants and to protect themselves."

(End of this chapter)

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