Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 164 Painful people, God pays off!

Chapter 164 Painful people, God pays off!
Yan Song said again: "Because Mrs. Zhong wants to enter the Tang family, if Mrs. Zhong doesn't want to do this, she won't do what Qiuxiang has done. Madam Zhong is undoubtedly showing that she is not inferior to Qiuxiang. After leaving, this place became a vacant position, and Mrs. Zhong just took advantage of this loophole. Even if she didn't do well, as long as she came into contact with this factory and helped her for a long time, Mr. Tang will definitely remember your feelings, or Let Mr. Tang realize that he is inseparable from Mrs. Zhong's help. Even if he can't become the housewife of the Tang family, he can stay by Tang Bohu's side, and even become Tang Bohu's woman. Mr. Tang can let Mrs. Zhong get in touch with this place. It means that Mr. Tang already has the heart to accept you, but he just didn't say anything, he just wanted to try you, is what I said right?"

Zhong Ling'er leaned back on the chair behind her, she began to admire Yan Song who had only been in Tangzhuang for a few days, this young man could see his intentions so clearly, she thought Yan Song was just a smarter scholar, but now this young man Zhong Ling'er had to admire the wisdom and vision shown, she could believe that this young man would become Tang Bohu's right-hand man in a few years.

"You are so sharp at such a young age." Zhong Ling'er said: "If you behave like this in front of others, I'm afraid you won't survive next year."

"Because I know that Mrs. Zhong and I have long been aware of Mrs. Zhong's thoughts, Mr. Tang, but he just didn't say anything. Mr. Tang needs me, so he will never kill me. If I am in front of others, I will never Dare to speculate!"

Zhong Ling'er said with a blank face: "You are very smart, but you are also very proud, but you are also tactful. I understand what you mean after talking so much. I will find opportunities to get you closer to Tang Bohu in the future." , let that man see your intelligence."

"Thank you, Mrs. Zhong! I will definitely help Mrs. Zhong manage the factory well and not cause trouble to Mrs. Zhong." Yan Song bowed and saluted, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He finally achieved his desired goal. He knew that Zhong Ling Er'er's background is not simple, and he also has affection for Tang Bohu, and has his own purpose, and Yan Song also has his own purpose. Did the two of them temporarily form an alliance in this conversation, and each takes what he needs.

Zhong Ling'er and Yan Song reached a consensus. Tang Bohu found that he was a little cold after sitting for a long time, so he walked out of the house step by step, and watched the unchanging scenery here step by step in Tangzhuang. There was the sound of reading in the academy. Tang Bohu stood Looking at everything in the academy outside the academy, I stopped.

The academy used to be just some peasant children, but now there are more faces in the academy, some are old and some are young. Tang Bohu also saw a few Gongsheng students from the Imperial College for the first time, and after seeing the magical construction Master Li, who is in charge, is also among them.

Wang Shouren was explaining a physics topic about the interaction of forces. When he saw Tang Bohu coming, he stopped his lecture, bowed and said, "I've seen Mr. Tang Zhuang."

"I have met the owner." A group of children and students also stood up and saluted.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Tang Bohu waved his hands and said, "I'll just take a look, you guys continue."

"You rarely come here." Wang Shouren whispered to Tang Bohu, "Say something to these children."

Tang Bohu wanted to refuse, but seeing the eager eyes of these children, he couldn't say no. Tang Bohu stood in front of everyone under Wang Shouren's gaze.

All the students also sat down together, wanting to listen to Tang Bohu.

In the circle of scholars, although Tang Bohu's conduct is not good, but this talented man from the south of the Yangtze River is worthy of the admiration of many scholars, but Tang Bohu has a few poems written by literary talents, which are also unforgettable. Can't keep it, Zhu Yan Ci Jinghua Ci Shu, this poem also expresses the love between boys and girls.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your class." Tang Bohu said with a smile: "I just heard Wang Shouren, your teacher is explaining physics to you, maybe you will ask me why I want to learn these things, learn some sage philosophy, study Wouldn't it be better to read the eight-part essay, whether it is for future conduct or the imperial examination?"

The eyes of all the students in the hall were focused on Tang Bohu.

Holding a fan in his hand, Tang Bohu said, "Indeed! Learning the philosophy of sages can help you learn how to be a human being, and learning stereotyped essays can pave the way for your future imperial examinations, but is this enough? I often wonder why the water goes downhill. Didn't Liu think about the reason?"

"Of course I have thought about this question, and many, many people have thought about it, but I just thought about it and haven't explored it!" Tang Bohu took a book on a child's desk and said: "The name of this book is called physics. Is it the study of everything?" , to study everything in front of our eyes, as small as a speck of dust, reaching beyond this world!"

"But even if you don't study these things, if you only read sage books, you will be able to become a master in the future, but is it just for the imperial examination? Being an official may be able to live comfortably, but there are many options besides being an official. You can be a A wealthy businessman can be a teacher, a farmer, or a worker in Tangzhuang.”

"Live and learn." Tang Bohu continued to ask: "Do you know how to farm to maximize the grain yield?"

Many students here shook their heads, because their parents supported them to study and hardly let them do field work.

"Do you know how to earn a fortune from a tael of silver?"

The students still shook their heads.

Tang Bohu wrote two words on the big wooden board on the wall: Choice, and then said: "You are still young and you have many choices. I know that most of you still want to be officials, and so do your parents! They all hope that their children will become dragons. A girl becomes a phoenix! But do you have to be an official to be famous? What if you become a corrupt official? That is not to be famous, but to be famous.”

"There are very few students in Ming Dynasty who can get high in the imperial examinations every time." Tang Bohu continued: "What if you lose your name? Continue to let your parents support you to study? What if you don't pass the second time? Do you want your parents? Support you for a lifetime?"

No one in the room spoke.

Tang Bohu continued: "We have a choice, we don't have to be an official! Even a farmer can be the head of the family, as long as he has a few acres of land, he can support his parents, even if he has no land, he can be a businessman, at least he doesn't have to wait to starve to death. , so we have to learn, there are many things we have to learn.”

"You understand physics, you know how to forge iron, you know how to make paper kites fly into the sky, you know how to pry a boulder with the least cost..."

"What if you can't learn well!" said a student.

"Can't you learn well?" Tang Bohu said with a smile: "Where there is a will, there will be a way. If the boat is overwhelmed, the Baier Qin Pass will eventually belong to Chu."

When the students below heard this sentence, they talked one after another, and some students also nodded.

Tang Bohu put away his fan and said loudly again: "For those who work hard, the sky will pay off! You can swallow Wu with three thousand armor!"

(End of this chapter)

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