Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 167: I will never leave Daming in this life

Chapter 167 I will never leave Daming in this life ([-])

Even though He Ding drew circles around Tang Bohu in his heart, there was still a smirk on his face, and Tang Bohu was obviously a little uncomfortable. Zhu Youtang's eyes were very strange, as if he wanted to eat himself alive It's like watching a big boiled crab, ready to shell and mouth.

"Your Majesty, I'm just a small minister." Tang Bohu said aggrievedly, "It's not worth mentioning."

"Tang Bohu, tell me what you and the prince have done these days."

Tang Bohu stood up straight and said, "I've been very obedient recently, um, very obedient."

Zhu Youtang's eyes gradually brightened and he said again: "I heard that a young eunuch in the palace said that there was an accident in the Imperial Hospital that day, so you and His Royal Highness were sneaking around outside the Imperial Hospital."

"I happened to be passing there at the time." Tang Bohu said in a low voice.

"Just passing by?" Zhu Youtang asked again.

"Killing is nothing but nods, your majesty, what exactly do you want to do, just tell me." Tang Bohu knew that it was impossible to hide this matter from the current emperor. After all, there was such a big twists and turns in the imperial hospital. Will understand the whole story!
"You also know that killing people is just a nod?" Zhu Youtang said again: "But you know that after these days, none of the imperial doctors came to the door."

What Zhu Youtang said made Tang Bohu feel a little strange, right!This matter was done very roughly, and it can be said that it was full of loopholes. Why didn't these imperial physicians come to the door and quietly glanced at Zhu Youtang? Could it be that His Majesty the Emperor in front of us is our accomplice.

"Tell me about you!" Zhu Youtang felt a little resentful, "It's fine to mess around with the crown prince, but I want you to wipe your asses! If He Ding hadn't reported it in time, how could those imperial physicians have let you go!"

"It turns out that His Majesty is also a man of temperament." Tang Bohu continued, "We are with us."

"Who is with you." Zhu Youtang said with a stare.

"I know I was wrong." Tang Bohu bowed and said.

He Ding stood aside without saying a word, looking around and listening to the conversation between the monarch and his ministers

Zhu Youtang said again: "You cured the princess' illness?"

"I happened to keep some special medicine." Tang Bohu said, "It's just a coincidence."

"You cured the disease that the imperial physicians could not do anything about." Zhu Youtang said.

Tang Bohu continued to explain, "Actually, Her Royal Highness's treatment is not that complicated, but it is not easy to achieve immediate results, and it is also difficult to find a suitable prescription! If you are a mature person like Chen, you may only need to take the medicine on time for a few minutes. It will recover within a few days, but Her Royal Highness is young and weak."

Speaking of this, Tang Bohu stopped talking, and he realized that he had said the wrong thing!The Tai Hospital is full of doctors with rich medical experience in Daming. Why do they let themselves cure the diseases that cannot be cured?It is obvious that there is a loophole in the discourse.Healed the princess?Perhaps the tragedy of the Hongzhi Dynasty will not happen again, and the princess will grow up happily. Tang Bohu is not afraid of changing history, but he is also worried that if history does not follow the original track, he may have to face a situation he never expected.

"Tang Bohu, have you ever studied medicine?" Zhu Youtang asked again: "My princess got sick, and even the imperial physician was helpless, but you cured her."

"Actually, I don't know how to cure diseases." Tang Bohu continued, "It's just that I know that Her Highness will not have bad consequences even if Her Highness takes this medicine. What if it is cured?"

"You are so daring!" Zhu Youtang stared at Tang Bohu, "My princess has golden branches and jade leaves, how can she use drugs indiscriminately."

"I don't dare." Tang Bohu said: "But I don't want to lose a young life in front of my eyes."

"I really want to thank you." Zhu Youtang said.

"I'm very honored." Tang Bohu continued.

The breeze blew, and the air was still so cold, Zhu Youtang continued to ask: "As for the rewards for your expedition to Liaodong, I have already withdrawn my life."

"Your Majesty is wise." Tang Bohu bowed and said.

"Tell me, what you used in the imperial hospital." Zhu Youtang wanted to cover his nose when he thought of the stench, the stench was so fresh in his memory.

Tang Bohu explained: "It's actually a smoke bomb, an improved grenade."

"It's another new firearm." Zhu Youtang continued, "Recently there are reports that the Japanese kingdom and Koryo have fought in the East China Sea. Do you know, Tang Bohu?"

"Your Majesty's great cause can be expected!" Tang Bohu said with a smile.

"Now the Wa country has fallen into complete civil strife." Zhu Youtang continued: "And Goryeo also started to attack the Wa country for revenge. What is the next step?"

Tang Bohu went on to say: "If there is internal turmoil in Wa, Koryo is also attacking Wa! Now, although all the big names in Wa are fighting for the land, it is not enough for us to cause domestic strife."

"When is the right time for us to intervene in the East China Sea?" Zhu Youtang asked again.

Tang Bohu smiled slightly, "Nowadays Goryeo did not use all the power of the whole country to attack the Japanese country. In a fundamental sense, they just wanted to seek justice, so no matter how fierce the Korean people shouted, they would not be able to kill the Japanese pirate island. And the timing of my attack It is the inner circle of the Wa Kingdom, and when the Wa Kingdom and Goryeo each use the power of the whole country to fight, it will be the time for us to take action."

"Woguo and Goryeo are not fools. They all know that there is a Ming Dynasty outside the East China Sea! They will naturally look forward and backward." Tang Bohu continued: "The seeds that I planted at the beginning can be mobilized at this time."

"How?" Zhu Youtang asked.

Tang Bohu looked at his own Tangzhuang and said, "Actually, this matter is not difficult, as long as we plant a few dark threads among the Japanese and Koreans, instigate, alienate, assassinate, and buy!"

"What you said is not the way of a gentleman." Zhu Youtang said, "I can't do these things."

"Your Majesty is a gentleman, so there is no need for Your Majesty to do this matter." Tang Bohu continued: "Dongchang and Jinyiwei have the right to monitor the world, and Goryeo and Wa are the vassal states of our Ming Dynasty, so naturally they are under the supervision of our Jinyiwei and Dongchang. within range."

"You mean to let Jin Yiwei and Dongchang interfere in the East China Sea?" Zhu Youtang asked again: "Then who will I send?"

Tang Bohu naturally knew that Zhu Youtang would definitely not send him there, because he possessed the essentials and technology of new-style firearms manufacturing in his hands. As an emperor, he would never let his country be threatened, so Zhu Youtang would never let himself leave Ming step!
"What? Tang Bohu, do you want to go?" Zhu Youtang nodded at Tang Bohu.

(End of this chapter)

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