Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 169 Green in Winter

Chapter 169 Green in Winter
Two months later, when the cold winter came, the coldest north wind swept in from the northwest, and the dark clouds all over the sky were screaming in the cold wind, and snowflakes fell unscrupulously to the mortal world.

The cold winter wind continued from the northwest grassland to the capital, and the whole north was covered with heavy snow. In the cold monsoon, there were still a few frigid birds calling.

Occasionally, a few families can be seen rushing home on the silver-white ground.

There is such a small village in the southwest of the capital, here in Tangzhuang, the heavy snow makes the world quiet.

"It's snowing!"

A large group of children were having fun on the snowy ground. The cold weather obviously did not affect the playfulness of these children. Tangyue's face was flushed from the cold, but Tangyue, who was leading a white tiger among the group of children, obviously became the leader of the group of children.

Under this piece of silver, there is still green blooming.

Tang Bohu really planted fresh green vegetables in winter. This incident caused quite a stir, from Tangzhuang to even the surrounding villages in the capital. For a while, Tangzhuang was crowded with people.Everyone's eyes were focused on Tang Bohu who was harvesting vegetables in the vegetable field, as if he saw a monster.

They have always regarded Tang Bohu planting cabbage in winter as a joke, but just when they saw the green in winter, they were stunned and speechless.

Tang Bohu said to his father beside him: "Father, I will give some of my kindness to the villagers."

Father Tang nodded his head, agreeing with his son's thoughts and said: "It seems that the New Year is coming, and the relatives in Suzhou and Hangzhou may not be able to say hello."

These people have no choice but to take care of them thousands of miles away, straightened up Tang Bohu stood up and said to Tian San: "Pack a few hundred catties of vegetables, I want to give something to the people in the capital, and another six hundred catties of vegetables Send it to the palace."

"I take orders from a humble position." Tian San hurriedly went to work.

Zhong Ling'er stood beside Mother Tang who was holding the newborn and said, "I never thought that cabbage could be grown in winter."

"I don't know where this kid learned these strange skills." Mother Tang looked at her son with a little pride, "This kid is always glib, but he is really good at sitting up and doing things."

Zhong Ling'er smiled and did not speak.

Leaving the work in the field to his father, Tang Bohu drove to the capital. The winter in the north was still cold, and Rang En couldn't help shaking his clothes, tightening his clothes and waving his whip again.

Seeing that the person carrying the carriage was Jin Yiwei Qianhu Tang Bohu, the guards outside the capital nodded in agreement.

Tang Bohu stopped in front of Yang Tinghe's house now, and the first person to visit in Beijing was planned to be Li Dongyang, a cabinet scholar. Although Yang Tinghe was against him, Tang Bohu did not avoid suspicion.

Many people in the capital knew Tang Bohu, the porter of Yang Tinghe's mansion immediately went in to report when he saw Tang Bohu coming, and after a while the servant of the porter came out and said, "Master Tang, please come in."

Tang Bohu brought a few bundles of vegetables to the door, handed them to the servants at the side, and walked in.

"Master Tang's visit is unique. Others come to give gifts, but you, Tang Bohu, give cabbage. It's the only time in my life." Yang Tinghe invited Tang Bohu to sit down and said to the servants beside him, "Come, let's have some tea."

A cup of steaming hot tea was brought to the seat next to Tang Bohu, and these tea leaves were still floating on the tea.

"There are more and more people in the capital in the past few days. The Chunwei incident has allowed students from all over the world to come to Beijing to take the exam. There is no trouble in such a crowded capital city, and it is also governed by Mr. Tang's Jinyiwei." Yang Tinghe said.

Is this a compliment to me?Tang Bohu was a little surprised, "Master Yang must be too busy with the imperial examination these days."

"Where, where." Yang Tinghe said while drinking tea by himself: "I don't need to interfere with this matter. The chief examiner of the imperial examination this time is Li Dongyang, Li Dashi, and the person who compiled the questions is the Hanlin Academy, but there is no official. Lots of things."

"Hehehe..." The two of them didn't talk for a while, Tang Bohu cupped his hands and got up and said: "I still have to go to Liu Jian, the home of the great scholar Liu Jian, so I will take my leave first."

"Send off Master Tang!" Yang Tinghe said to the servants beside him.

Walking out of the Yang Mansion, Tang Bohu shouted to his carriage in unison. The cart full of green vegetables was really eye-catching on the street, and many people stopped to look at the scene.

Liu Jian's home was not far away, and he arrived in less than an hour. Tang Bohu got off his horse and knocked on the old door.


The old door was pushed open, Liu Jian didn't want Yang Tinghe to have a rich family background, Liu Jian's family was indeed quite poor, a woman was a little surprised to see Tang Bohu in Jinyiwei uniform, and then hurried into the room as if to tell own husband.

Sure enough, Liu Jian walked out with a smile, saw Tang Bohu and said with a smile: "Tang Bohu, long time no see."

"Scholar Liu! Long time no see."

The two walked in with a smile, and Tang Bohu suddenly saw the science that his academy had been teaching on the side of Liu Jian's desk.

"Where there is a will, things will come true. If the boat is overwhelmed, the Baier Qin Pass will eventually belong to Chu."

"Those who work so hard will live up to the sky! You can swallow Wu with three thousand armor!"

After reading this sentence, Liu Jian said with a smile: "Tang Bohu, your couplet has already established a great reputation in the circle of scholars in the capital. I didn't expect you to say such things at such a young age."

"Thank you, thank you!" Tang Bohu smiled politely.

When Tang Bohu's entourage brought a large bundle of vegetables to the house, vegetables in winter?Liu Jian's old lady was speechless for a long time.

"I didn't expect you to grow it?" Liu Jian stroked his beard and said, "Tang Bohu, besides writing poems, you can also grow vegetables, make coal stoves, and perfume."

"I'm useless. I really don't have any. It's all squeezed out. There's nothing left." Tang Bohu said.

"I don't know what's wrong. The hospital is not peaceful these days." Liu Jian glanced at Tang Bohu pointedly.

Liu Jian's wife brought a cup of tea, looked at the tea, Tang Bohu saw that there were only two or three pieces of tea in the tea, the color was not very good, it seemed that it had been left for a while, this was different from the condition of Yang Tinghe's family Presumably it was not 01:30.

I don't know if the tea is moldy, Tang Bohu picked up the teacup and touched it to his lips in distaste, but he didn't dare to let the tea drink down, what if his stomach hurts after drinking it.

"Maybe it's because the recent feng shui in Tai Hospital is not very good." Tang Bohu perfunctory.

"Fengshui is not very good recently?" Liu Jian said in surprise: "Could it be said that Fengshui has a time limit? This is the first time I have heard of it."

"Hehehe..." Tang Bohu smiled awkwardly, but he really couldn't handle it.

(End of this chapter)

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