Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 178 The Invitational Banquet

Chapter 178 The Invitational Banquet

"No emperor is selfless, and emperors have never been so tolerant." Li Dongyang continued: "Warring States, Spring and Autumn, Han and Tang, Wei and Jin, and Song, there have been many young talents like you."

Young wit?

"Master Li, please explain clearly." Tang Bohu cupped his hands and said.

Li Dongyang nodded and said: "There are some things, you should avoid them! It's not bad to be a dedicated Jinyiwei."

"Your official understands." Tang Bohu said clearly: "The things that I have done these days often cause waves in the court. A minister who is too capable and too smart will become a threat to the emperor. Master Li hopes that I will Lower your head and pretend to be a grandson?"

"Not too stupid." Liu Jian said with a smile: "It seems that this kid can live a few more years."

"It's almost time to talk, it's time to enter the palace!" Li Dongyang stood up.

Tang Bohu: "Enter the palace?"

Liu Jian explained: "Your Majesty invited our cabinet and six ministers to a banquet in the palace, and you, Tang Bohu, were invited."

"Invited me?" Tang Bohu smiled awkwardly, "Your official didn't receive the invitation."

"May I ask if Mr. Tang is here?"

Just when Tang Bohu was embarrassed, a young eunuch came in a hurry.

"I am Tang Bohu." Tang Bohu stepped forward and said.

"Master Tang, this is Your Majesty's invitation!" The eunuch continued, "Your Majesty invites Mr. Tang to enter the palace to celebrate the New Year."

Tang Bohu opened the invitation and took a look, looking at the little eunuch in the distance and said to Li Dongyang beside him: "Your cabinet is going to the banquet this time, and there are six ministers! The humble job is just a small Jinyiwei Qianhu, so going to the banquet is really difficult. ..."

"Don't worry! It's not because you are Jinyiwei Qianhu that you can go to the banquet this time." Li Dongyang explained: "Could it be that you have forgotten your other official position? Apart from being Jinyiwei Qianhu, you are also a servant of the prince."

"So I can go to the banquet only if I accompany the crown prince this time?" Tang Bohu said.

"By the way, that's it!" Li Dongyang nodded, "Follow us."

Following Li Dongyang to the capital, Tang Bohu saw a lot of carriages parked in front of the palace gate along the way, which should be the carriages of those six ministers.

Li Dongyang and Liu Jian walked to the Forbidden City, handed over invitations to the guards and entered the palace.

As soon as he entered the palace gate, Tang Bohu saw an acquaintance, and Liu Jin hurriedly said, "Master Tang, you are here, His Royal Highness has been waiting for you for a long time."

After bidding farewell to Li Dongyang and Liu Jian, Tang Bohu followed Liu Jin to the East Palace.

The situation here in the Eastern Palace has not changed, there is still a large group of guards surrounding the place so that even a fly cannot fly in.

"Master Tang, be careful!" A young eunuch said loudly, and then a hidden weapon flew from a distance.

A delicate china flower pot smashed to the ground.

"Tang Bohu, come here!" Zhu Houzhao squatted in the corner outside the house, and a lot of things were thrown out of the palace and smashed to the ground.

Tang Bohu walked up to him, followed Zhu Houzhao's example and squatted in the corner together and said, "His Royal Highness, has he been assassinated?"

"My east palace is completely surrounded, who dares to assassinate me." Zhu Houzhao said, "It's just that my father is losing his temper right now. It's not easy to see him in this situation."

"Why did His Royal Highness make His Majesty angry again?" Tang Bohu squatted on the ground and propped his chin with one hand.

"It's not because of your magic." Zhu Houzhao continued: "I thought there was a big change in your magic, that is, you put people in boxes, and then insert a sword into them, and then people will disappear out of thin air. Kind of."

"I just said this casually." Tang Bohu said in surprise: "Your Highness, the magician needs to know the tricks. It's a trick to deceive the eye, so it's not enough to just do it."

"Then when I was performing for my father, I thought of such a magic trick." Zhu Houzhao said.

Tang Bohu covered his head in pain, "Your Highness the Crown Prince..."

"That's right, I made my father lie down in the box." Zhu Houzhao described this: "Then I wanted to stab the sword into the box, and then my father thought I was going to stab, so he was furious."

"His Royal Highness wants to achieve this kind of level in the box, in fact, there are organs in the box." Tang Bohu explained: "People can't see inside the box, and there are other strange things in the box."

Zhu Houzhao clapped his hands and said, "The prince suddenly understands when you say that."

"His Royal Highness is suddenly enlightened, not suddenly enlightened." Tang Bohu said painstakingly.

"Don't they all mean the same thing!" Zhu Houzhao pushed Tang Bohu's shoulder and said, "What should we do now, I'm afraid Father's anger won't dissipate for a while."

"Your Majesty, why don't you run 30 meters first?" Tang Bohu raised his eyebrows and said, "See if your majesty's knife is 40 meters."

"Tang Bohu!" A roar came from the East Palace: "I heard your voice."

Hearing the roar, Tang Bohu shivered, and Zhu Youtang stepped into Tang Bohu's field of vision.

"Tell me, what did you teach the prince to do!"

Zhu Youtang's eyes were terrifying, Tang Bohu knew that the emperor must have thought of killing himself now.

"Your Majesty, please listen to me!" Tang Bohu explained: "Actually, this is a magic trick."

"You say it's magic?" Zhu Youtang trembled angrily and said, "You think it's magic to put a sword in my body, and you're going to kill me."

"Father, this is actually a kind of blindfold." Zhu Houzhao explained: "It's not like this."

"Your Majesty, all the ministers are here." A young eunuch came to report.

"Tang Bohu!" Zhu Youtang went on to say: "I want you to perform this magic trick in front of the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty. I want you to put a knife on yourself. If you can survive, I will let you go, but if you Can't survive? I want your life!"

"My minister, obey...obey your order." Tang Bohu bowed and saluted.

In the main hall, each of the six ministers and the cabinet are seated. The six departments were established from the Sui Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty.

To talk about the source of these six books, it starts from the Qin Dynasty. The Sangong Jiuqing at that time is the prototype of the six books of the present. It was only after so many years that it was not established until the Tang Dynasty.

All the officials took their seats in the hall, waiting for the arrival of the emperor.

Hubu Shangshu said, "It is said that Tang Bohu will also come this time."

"A Jinyiwei Qianhu is not qualified to come to this banquet." Another person said.

"Who can know His Majesty's mind?" said the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Listening to the words of each of the six ministers, Li Dongyang and Liu Jian did not speak, but just listened quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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