Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 187 The Imperial Examination Situation

Chapter 187

Just as Tang Bohu was soaking in the swimming pool, his eyes seemed to be in a trance, and his eyes seemed to be reflected by something under the sun. From another angle, he took a closer look at the pool, and there was something in the pool, and then Tang Bohu took a breath. someone!Thinking of certain plots in those horror movies, I couldn't help but shudder.

"The sky is bright and bright, so it won't be haunted!" Tang Bohu muttered and walked towards it step by step.

I saw the person under the water suddenly moved, and it was too late and then too fast, Tang Bohu raised his kick like a conditioned reflex, and hit the ground.

goo goo goo...

The people in the water were struggling, Tang Bohu's expression became ruthless, and he frantically beat up the guy in the pool.

"Don't..." The underwater person struggled vigorously, "Stop!"

"Don't stop?" Tang Bohu sneered, "I have never seen such a strange request in my life."

Tang Bohu continued beating his hands and feet. The person at the bottom struggled to come out of the water but was held down by Tang Bohu, "Tang... Tang, you are the one who killed me? I am immoral! You bastard!"

Hearing the other party's words clearly, Tang Bohu punched him hard again.

Wude tried to distance himself from Tang Bohu, stood in the not very deep swimming pool and cursed: "Tang Bohu! How did I offend you, do you really want to kill me?"

"Oh!" Tang Bohu said in surprise, "It turns out that you have no virtue. I thought it was some kind of monster."

Wude touched his shiny bald head and said, "Does this old man look so much like a monster?"

Leaning against the edge of the pool, Tang Bohu also had a look of contempt on his face: "What are you doing hiding under my swimming pool, you stinky monk! Do you want to peek at me taking a bath?"

"Old man..."

"Damn!" Tang Bohu said in surprise: "So you still have this hobby? It seems that I keep a distance from you."

"Tang Bohu, you misunderstood me." Wude looked embarrassed, "I just saw that the square of your bathtub was so strange, so I came down to see if there is any way."

"My swimming pool is crystal clear, you don't need to be at the bottom to see it clearly." Tang Bohu was very unimpressed by Wude's sophistry.

"It's not important." Wude shook his head and said, "It's just that I've been traveling around these days, and I finally came back to think of an old friend who has made a big splash in front of Liubu Shangshu these days, so I came to have a look."

"Are you going to work for your Majesty again?" Tang Bohu splashed water on his face, as if washing his face.

The point of no virtue is exhausting.

"It doesn't seem to be a big deal these days." Tang Bohu went on to say, "What is it that requires you to go to such lengths?"

"Can't say!" Wude replied.

"I knew it." Tang Bohu continued: "The things that one of His Majesty's gold-medal undercover agents do must be unknown, but you are too disrespectful. We have known each other for a while, but I didn't expect that we were still so defensive. I."

"Your Majesty has an order, don't allow me to say it! I can't say it." Wude continued: "Tang Bohu's world is much more complicated than what you have seen. The things His Majesty asked me to do involve too much. A house needs someone to keep cleaning and repairing it so that the house doesn't fall down."

"Your Majesty asked you to repair the house?" Tang Bohu flattered.

"Don't make trouble, Mr. Tang, this is a metaphor! Do you know the metaphor?" Wude explained: "Your Majesty has become more and more nervous these years, and some things have shown bad signs, Tang Bohu! What I have experienced is far worse than The things you have experienced in the past few years are much darker and more complicated!"

"Oh? How do you say it?" Tang Bohu continued to talk.

"For example, you and King Ning." Wude continued: "At the Taihu Lake, King Ning's daughter appeared but King Ning did not appear, right?"

"That's true." Tang Bohu nodded and said, "I was entrusted to deliver letters on Taihu Lake back then."

"Yes!" Wude went on to say: "Actually, the reason why King Ning did not appear on Taihu Lake that night was because His Majesty had already arranged the end for King Ning at that Taihu Lake event. His Majesty did not want to let the forces in the south of the Yangtze River King Ning has intervened, so this time King Ning will go to the south of the Yangtze River to fetch water from a bamboo basket, and the so-called matter of marrying a daughter, Washington will definitely mess up the matter of recruiting a son-in-law."

"Before our people entered Taihu Lake, King Ning discovered us! For this reason, King Ning was afraid and did not enter Taihu Lake. Although King Ning left the fief this time, he should not be too blatant, because the feudal king's departure from the fief is a This is a very sensitive matter, King Ning dare not enter easily."

"There are loopholes in your words." Tang Bohu continued: "It sounds like your words are flawless, but they don't stand up to scrutiny. You said that King Ning discovered you, but you belong to

The existence of hidden personnel in His Majesty's hands, even the Queen doesn't know about it, will King Ning know about it?Another point is that you said that this is a game set up by His Majesty. How long has this game been set up, but will you know when and where King Ning will come to Taihu Lake?If King Ning didn't come to the Taihu Grand Meeting, wouldn't it be a waste of time to fetch water from a bamboo basket. "

Wude said calmly: "Believe it or not, this is the way it is! As for why King Ning didn't fall into our trap at the beginning, maybe the reason for leaking the news, we don't know."

"Do you still remember the people who chased and killed you on Taihu Lake?" Wude said leisurely.

"Of course I remember!" Tang Bohu said coldly: "I almost lost my life that time, and it was because of that incident that I met Chen Guang, the man who made me a Jinyiwei!"

Wude submerged his body in the water, only showing his bare head, "Actually, that wave of people was arranged by us temporarily. At first, we just wanted to drive you out of Taihu Lake, and didn't really want to kill you."

"You also set the fire." Tang Bohu said.

Wude observed Tang Bohu's expression, and found that the guy in front of him was very calm, as if the surface of the water was calm, as long as he calmed down, there would be no waves in his eyes.

Wude went on to say: "A rat droppings ruined a pot of porridge. No one thought that you, Tang Bohu, would come back to spoil the situation. It was supposed to be a good invitation to warm up, but it was disturbed like this. We didn't set the fire. We didn't start the fire. I didn't expect that Washington would catch fire, and I didn't expect that you Tang Bohu would come to disrupt the situation, and I didn't expect that King Ning didn't enter Taihu Lake. There were too many unexpected things that night. The fire was actually Taishi Hua himself It was released for the purpose of interrupting the grand event in order to prevent many changes."

"I was recruited by King Ning, I was rejected by the Jiangnan officialdom, and I was pulled into the Jinyiwei because of the Jiangnan forces, Chen Guang, Ning Wang, the Jiangnan officialdom, and you! It was you who changed my original life trajectory."

(End of this chapter)

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