Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 193 The Imperial Examination Situation

Chapter 193 The Imperial Examination Situation ([-])

Tang Bohu and Yang Sheng have similar tastes, and under the combination of the two, a new Jinyiwei Baihu was born. Since Niu Ertiansan, Tang Bohu has a new Baihu under his hands.

Young Master Yang put on the uniform of Jinyiwei and walked on the street, Tian San was walking beside the new Baihu. In his opinion, Tang Bohu pulled Yang Sheng into Jinyiwei like a shameless dang daughter rescued a determined man Biao Zi, imagining the picture in his own mind, Tian San unconsciously fought a cold war.

Yang Sheng walked leisurely on the street and asked his colleague Tian San: "What do you Jinyiwei usually do?"

"It's just patrolling and spying on the news, but if Master Tang didn't order it." Tian San thought about it and said: "We usually bully and bully those disobedient hawkers who set up stalls, or collect protection fees, or go to which It’s easy to bully good business and good shops to eat and drink for nothing, or to beat up when they see local hooligans making trouble.”

"Thinking about it this way, Jin Yiwei's life is quite colorful."

Yang Sheng nodded and said, but Tian San was laughing in his heart. This uncle Yang seems to regard Jinyiwei as a place to experience life. He has never experienced the kind of days when blood is added to the sword, and he regards Jinyiwei as a place to play in the world. , he was very wrong.

"What would you do if you met a hooligan?" Yang Sheng asked.

Tian San said bluntly: "Of course I beat him!"

"Okay! Since that's the case, my uncle Yang wants to uphold justice today!" Yang Sheng squeezed his fist and walked towards a young man who was molesting a little sister from a good family.

"Justice?" Tian Sanyi didn't feel right. Looking back, he saw Yang Sheng walking towards a very familiar boy, and rubbed his eyes vigorously. It turned out that he was an acquaintance.

"That person can't be beaten!" Tian San shouted loudly.

Tian San's voice was drowned out in the crowd, Yang Sheng obviously turned a deaf ear, "Young man, what are you doing?"

Zhu Houzhao looked up at the guy in Jinyiwei's uniform and said, "Are you blind? Didn't you see that I was flirting with a good little sister? Get out!"

"Oh! What a gentle scum, so arrogant and domineering!" Yang Sheng sneered and threw out a punch!
"Ah!" Zhu Houzhao screamed, his nose was hit, and the nosebleed immediately flowed out, staring at the guy in front of him: "How dare you hit me?"

"See!" Yang Sheng shook the Jinyiwei uniform he was wearing, "I am Jinyiwei, fighting against violence and Anliang! Is it reasonable to beat a rogue like you?"

"You!" Zhu Houzhao held his bleeding nose and said, "Okay! Jin Yiwei, right? You Jin Yiwei have a kind! You wait for me, what's your name!"

Yang Sheng flicked his sleeves and said, "I will not change my name or surname, Jiangnan Yang family! Yang Sheng is too!"

"Okay! I remember you!" Zhu Houzhao gritted his teeth and said to Liu Jin beside him, "Let's go Liu Jin! Are all the people under Tang Bohu's hands so short-sighted? I must ask him carefully!"

Zhu Houzhao left in a huff, while Yang Sheng was feeling the admiring gazes from the people around him, thinking in his heart that justice is what it feels like.

"You got into trouble!" Tian San walked over and patted Uncle Yang on the shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Yang Sheng looked disapproving, "I just beat up a gangster and got into trouble?"

Tian San said earnestly: "That guy just now can't beat him."

"Is there anyone who can't be beaten in front of our Jin Yiwei?" Yang Sheng asked.

"Of course!" Tian San said, "Did you know? You beat up the current prince of Ming Dynasty, Zhu Houzhao! I have to say that you are really kind."

"Is he too... too... the prince?!" Yang Sheng suddenly felt his heart go cold.

"My condolences."

Yang Sheng turned around and was about to leave, Tian San stepped forward and asked, "What are you doing!"

"Go back and clean up the things, this capital can't stay here!" Yang Sheng said with a look of panic.

"Is it useful?" Tian San continued: "You reported yourself just now, do you think it's difficult to get you out if you want to be wanted all over the world as a prince?"

Yang Sheng's face was pale.

"Alas..." Tian San sighed and said: "Our Lord Tang has always been on good terms with the Crown Prince, maybe His Highness the Crown Prince can leave you a whole corpse for the sake of our Lord Tang!"

Yang Sheng returned to Tang Zhuang in despair and came to Tang Bohu and said, "Brother Tang, I don't want to be a Jinyiwei anymore?"

"What's wrong?" Tang Bohu observed the newly planted potato Wendong, with Niu Er and Su San standing beside him.

"Just an hour ago, I caused a catastrophe!" Yang Sheng said with blank eyes.

"Big disaster?" Tang Bohu stood up and asked, "Whose widow did you sleep with?"

Whose widow was put to sleep?Niu Er and Su San glanced at each other, and then quickly withdrew their gazes. The two looked at Yang Sheng. Could it be that they want more competitors?

"Damn! Tang Bohu, am I that kind of person?" Yang Sheng immediately jumped up and said, "I'm not so hungry and thirsty. It's too beastly to even let a widow go."

Hearing this, Niu Er and Su San quietly breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay to be beasts, but there can be no more competitors.

"Then what did you do?" Tang Bohu knelt down and continued to observe the potatoes.

"I..." Yang Sheng hesitated to speak.

"What the hell are you doing, whose girl did you sleep with!" Su San couldn't bear it anymore, and asked directly.

"I beat the prince!" Yang Sheng said loudly.

The spring breeze blew gently under the sun, and the scene fell into silence.

After a long time, Tang Bohu looked at the sky and let out a sigh of relief, "It's time to have lunch!"

"Tang Bohu, I beat the crown prince!" Yang Sheng followed Tang Bohu and said, "Did you hear that?"

"I heard it." Tang Bohu said with Gu Jing Wubo on his face: "Presumably His Royal Highness should be gathering soldiers and horses, and is going to cut you off!"

"Let me just say, I'm definitely going to die!" Yang Sheng looked sad, "I'm the only son in the Yang family, what should I do with my father and mother's inheritance after I die."

"Don't worry, your mother will have a second child." Tang Bohu comforted.

"It's over...it's over..." Yang Sheng walked slower and slower.

Niu Er took out his earwax while walking and said: "What's the big deal, why don't you beat the prince!"

"That's right!" Su San said, "Our Lord Tang and the Crown Prince were born and died together, murdered and set fires, extorted and extorted, we have never done anything bad! With the friendship between Mr. Tang and the Prince's dead brother, nothing will happen, you just Do not worry."

"Really?" Yang Sheng looked confused.

"Serious!" Niu Er and Su San said in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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