Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 213 New Inventions

Chapter 213 New Inventions

After staying overnight at Cheng Minzheng's house, Tang Bohu returned home exhausted, saw the candlelight in his study and opened the door to see Zhong Ling'er reading a book.

"Back?" Zhong Ling'er put down her book and looked at Tang Bohu with a smile.

Walking into the study, Tang Bohu sat on a chair and said, "I'm thirsty."

Listening to what Tang Bohu said, Zhong Ling'er flattered and said, "I'm not your servant."

"Didn't the matchmaker bring some more pots of peach blossom wine?" Tang Bohu said while relaxing on the chair with his eyes closed: "I want to have a sip."

"I'll get it." Zhong Ling'er stood up and walked out of the study.

Tang Bohu had a lot of troubles in his heart. It was the first time he was tired of this era after traveling to this era. What he had experienced in these years made him very tired, and the exhaustion came like a tide.

When Zhong Ling'er returned to the study, she saw Tang Bohu was still leaning on the chair and fell asleep, smiling at the young man, Zhong Ling'er picked up the delicate jug, poured a glass on the wine glass, and looked at the young man's eyes. The tired sleeping face drank the wine on its own.

On the second day, Tang Bohu woke up feeling that the bones in his body were about to fall apart, and the bones all over his body were sore. This is the consequence of sleeping on this chair. He wondered when the sofa started to exist. It would be great if there was a sofa Now, stretching his muscles and bones, Tang Bohu thought about making the sofa, which must be big and soft.

Tangzhuang is very peaceful, everything here is the same as usual, the farmers who have started to plant in the spring, the workers working in the factory, there are still groups of children, and the sound of reading in Tangzhuang Academy.

Today is the opening of Chunwei's imperial examinations. The poor students have studied hard for ten years to see this dynasty. The capital is crowded with people.

In front of the exam room, it was packed with people!They are all the students who came to take the exam in this year's Chunwei. They looked at the names posted on the wall, their eyes were disappointed and excited, and they also looked at which place they were in.

Xu Zhenqing, Wang Shouren, Wen Zhengming, the three of them have good grades, all within their acceptable range!Although the imperial examination questions this time are different from those of previous years, stereotypes and scriptures are still inseparable from it, and the names of three people in the Jinshi list are impressively included.

Wen Zhengming and Xu Zhenqing came to Tang Bohu's house together, "Tang Bohu, what are you doing?"

Now Tang Bohu is researching the making of glass. Some ores were tossed and scattered, and he didn't even raise his head when he heard Xu Zhenqing's words: "I'm making glass."

"What is glass?" Xu Zhenqing looked puzzled.

Wen Zhengming scratched the back of his head and said, "Is it the same thing as sunglasses?"

"Yes." Tang Bohu nodded, then picked up a brush and wrote down the chemical equations on a wooden board. Only he could understand the silicon dioxide and so on.

Xu Zhenqing looked at the rows of chemical equations on the wooden board and asked, "Where is this writing? I have never seen it before."

"There are so many you haven't seen before." Tang Bohu wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "You haven't seen perfume before, have you?"

Xu Zhenqing was momentarily at a loss for what Tang Bohu said.

Wen Zhengming said embarrassingly: "The results of this imperial examination have already come out. I, Xu Zhenqing and Lao Wang are all tribute students of this dynasty now. We can enter the court as officials after the palace examination."

"En, it's pretty good." Tang Bohu said without stopping his hands.

"But even if we get into the gold list, we still have to stay in the Imperial Academy for a few years." Xu Zhenqing said.

"Brother Tang!" Wen Zhengming came to Tang Bohu and interrupted Tang Bohu's movements and said, "Now the capital is full of cheers, let's have a drink together to celebrate."

Before Tang Bohu nodded, Tian San ran up with something and said, "My lord, I found the messy mat you mentioned."

"I found it so quickly." Picking up the soft cushion Tian San brought over, Tang Bohu looked at it and said, "It's not bad, but it's a little rough. How is the spring thing factory doing?"

"Yan Song is looking for craftsmen to develop it, and it seems that there should be results soon."

Looking at what Tian San found was of course not a sponge, but a kind of cushion wrapped with soft plants. Tang Bohu knew that this kind of thing was not durable, and he had to change it every few months, or the things inside would rot or grow bugs?

"Bohu, are you going to make something new again, like perfume?" Wen Zhengming was curious.


In Huagai Palace, Zhu Youtang finished processing the memorial in hand and listened to Wude's report and asked, "Is Tang Bohu ordering something new again?"

"I don't know." Wude replied.

Zhu Youtang knew in his heart that Tang Bohu had been hiding the production of new firearms, but he didn't want to push too hard. He thought that people like Tang Bohu must be willingly surrendered to him. If he pushed too hard, things would backfire. Said: "Stop Tang Bohu, what is this guy going to do?"

Wen Zhengming and Xu Zhenqing followed Tang Bohu, and went to see what Yan Song was doing in the factory.

There is a blacksmith workshop in the factory, which is in full swing at the back of the factory. Seeing Tang Bohu coming, Yan Song also stepped forward, "Master, this spring has been improved several times and encountered some problems."

Hearing Yan Song's words, Tang Bohu picked up the spring just out of the oven. There was no big problem with the shape, but it broke when pressed, and there was no elasticity: "Increase the width of the spring."

In fact, the reason is not difficult. It is the problem of the force-bearing area and the length of the spring. As long as the ratio is mastered, there is no big problem.

Wen Zhengming looked at the springs on the ground and didn't know what they were for, so he said, "Xu Zhenqing and I will have a drink first, we are at Lao Wang's house."

"En!" Tang Bohu nodded, although he agreed, but now he doesn't know how to face Xu Zhenqing, or even Wen Zhengming. In Tang Bohu's heart, he hopes that Xu Zhenqing will remain the same as before, but since Xu Jing's incident, he finds that Xu Zhenqing is no longer It was Xu Zhenqing from before.

Maybe the four children back then were no longer the four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River, but Tang Bohu was also glad that he still didn't know whether Xu Zhenqing was the real mastermind behind the scenes. He hoped that all of this had nothing to do with Xu Zhenqing.

Following Yan Song, Tang Bohu took Tian San to look at the current factory, and since the factory got on the right track, he has been sitting on the hands-off shopkeeper who is making money every day.

"It's very good here." Tang Bohu said.

Yan Song also bowed and said, "This is all my duty."

"Is it hard these days?" Tang Bohu asked.

"It's not hard." Yan Song replied.

"Workers are always our capital, you have to remember!" Tang Bohu said to Yan Song: "It doesn't matter if we lose the factory, but if we lose the workers, we lose everything."

(End of this chapter)

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