Chapter 216

"Married at the age of 13, it's too beastly." Tang Bohu lowered his head and said nonuo.

Yang Sheng also said: "You are already 16 years old, it is too late to get married at 16, I already have two children."

"Ahem!" Swallowing the wine down his throat, Tang Bohu couldn't believe it, "You already have two children?"

"That's right!" Yang Sheng disapproved, "In fact, my family has a lot of money, so it's okay to marry more. Look at Xu Zhenqing, Wen Zhengming's family is poor, so they won't be able to marry a wife for a while."

"After the palace examination, it will be Qingming." Tang Bohu asked.

"That's right." Yang Sheng drank his wine and said: "Qingming is going home to worship the ancestors, thinking that if you don't participate in this test, you will probably be scolded by your parents, and even joined the Jinyiwei, and you will inevitably be beaten."

A month later...

The last palace examination of the imperial examination of the Ming Dynasty began. After layers of screening, all the students ushered in the moment when all the students received their titles on the gold list. Xu Zhenqing watched her name appear on the gold list. It was very difficult to get a title on the gold list, and it might be a bit of luck Wang Shouren and Wen Zhengming are among them.

Now they are Jinshi of this dynasty, although they are not the number one scholar, nor the second place, but they have become the reserve officials of the Ming Dynasty, as long as they pass the assessment of the Ministry of Officials, they can enter the court as officials.

"From now on, we will be not only classmates but also colleagues." Wang Shouren said standing between the three of them.

Tang Bohu didn't want to participate in the imperial examination at all, and he didn't want to participate in it. Cheng Minzheng's death made him very tired and tired.

The palace examination is over, Tang Bohu and his family are going back to the south of the Yangtze River to worship their ancestors in time for the Qingming Festival.

The Tang family's return home was very grand, with hundreds of Jinyi guards escorting them, including Wen Zhengming and Xu Zhenqing, and of course Wang Shouren, but there was one guy in the team, Tang Bohu, who was very reluctant to see him.

A shiny bald head appeared in the team, Tang Bohu walked up to Wude and said, "I'm going back to my hometown to pay respects to my ancestors, so you guys also want to keep an eye on me?"

"Master Tang, you misunderstood." Wude said leisurely on the horse: "I want to go back to the Great Thanksgiving Temple, just drop by and let's go together."

"I know that the monk next to me is someone else's undercover gold medalist, but I still want to take care of you with a smile on my face." Tang Bohu said helplessly.

"Master Tang, what are you talking about?" Wude explained with a smile in the spring breeze: "The old monks have been monitoring Master Tang all these years. Whenever something happens, His Majesty can wipe your ass first. If it weren't for His Majesty, Master Tang must have already died Heads fell."

"Xiaobai, hurry up!" Tang Yue rode the little white tiger and leaped past the convoy.

Before he knew it, the little white tiger had grown so big, Wude looked at Baihu riding Tangyue and said, "What a handsome tiger."

"It's not that bad." Tang Bohu said: "And Xiaobai is very human. If he lets it run over a dog, he will never catch a chicken. He will bite whoever he wants to bite."

Wude heard the meaning of Tang Bohu's words, "I don't have much meat on my body, and I don't have any meat for him to bite!"

The motorcade stopped and stopped until evening, Niu Er said to Tian San, "Should we send someone to scout the road first?"

"I really want to explore the way." Tian San said: "The officialdom in the south of the Yangtze River is nervous about Mr. Tang, and the civil officials of the Ming Dynasty are not afraid of anything. Jiangnan is not like the capital, where the sky is high and the emperor is far away. If something happens to the lord, it will destroy me The future of the two."

Back then, Niu Er and Tian San were almost dead ends when they were trapped in Donghaiwei where Japanese pirates were rampant!They still remember the experience at the time, if it wasn't for Tang Bohu's arrival, they would either be starved to death or killed by Japanese pirates.

Niu Er said again: "There are still two days to go to Nanjing. I don't know what will happen when I arrive in Jiangnan."

Tian San said: "I'll send a few spies to take a look right away, you know the art of war and you must be prepared along the way to avoid accidents to your lord."

"Don't worry." Niu Er and Tian San said three words.

Su San is very happy these days. Returning to Jiangnan means that he will see his sister. After a year of separation, he doesn't know how his sister is doing now.

Zhong Ling'er sat in her carriage and watched the evening gradually approaching. Tang Bohu was about to marry Qiuxiang into the house. She had mixed feelings about how to get along with Tang Bohu and how to face Qiuxiang in the days to come.

While the group was resting, a group of fast horses came from a distance. The person who came was an official in official clothes, and said to Tang Bohu and his team: "Nanjing guards Wei Guogong's grandson, Xu Pengju has a letter!"

Tian San stopped the messenger and handed it to Tang Bohu.

Opening the letter, Tang Bohu saw the crooked words on the letter, which seemed to be written by Xu Pengju himself, the content: Tang Bohu!You still know that when you come back, do you know that I am bored to death, Master, bring me something delicious and fun, come back empty-handed to see Master, I will not let you go!
After reading the letter, Tang Bohu threw it aside, a blatantly threatening letter.

Delicious and fun... Looking around, Tang Bohu couldn't find anything interesting, why don't you send some roasted pigeons?The little prince should be tired of eating this kind of thing.

Yang Sheng came over, looked at Tang Bohu and said, "Do you know Xu Pengju?"

"I know, my good brother who is in charge." Tang Bohu replied.

"This won't work!" Yang Sheng said with a troubled face, "I have a problem with Xu Pengju."

"What's the holiday?" Tang Bohu became interested.

"At the beginning, the boy in the brothel robbed me of the oiran, but later that boy didn't have as much money as me and couldn't rob me." Yang Sheng recalled, "At that time, he was so angry that he called the officers and soldiers of the other country's government to beat me up. .”

"So you and Xu Pengju also know each other." Tang Bohu said with a smile, "We are really destined."

"That's not right!" Yang Sheng said, "Master Tang and Xu Pengju are sworn brothers, right?"

Tang Bohu nodded.

"That's fine." Yang Sheng said, "We are either destined or have enmity."

"What are you talking about!" Tang Bohu took Yang Sheng's arm and said, "We are destined to meet thousands of miles away."

"Wrong!" Yang Sheng said, "I am the enemy Luzai."

"Don't be so fussy." Tang Bohu said: "Where is Xu Pengju such a grudge, maybe he has forgotten it long ago."

"He won't forget." Yang Sheng said eloquently: "After he beat me up that day, I asked Aunt Gu to beat him up too, and the young man was beaten out of bed for more than ten days."

"Even today's young father-in-law dares to beat him up." Tang Bohu cupped his hands and said, "Sure enough, he is bold and has the demeanor of my generation. I admire him."

"We're about to reach the border of Nanjing now." Yang Sheng was a little worried: "Master Tang, why don't we part ways here, and I'll just bypass Nanjing City."

"Don't!" Tang Bohu said, "Young master asked me to bring him some fun things, how could you leave?"

"What does it have to do with me?" Yang Sheng had a bad feeling.

Tang Bohu raised his eyebrows, "The fun thing is you, Uncle Yang!"

Yang Sheng's expression froze.

(End of this chapter)

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