Chapter 222
"How else can you see." Zhu Zhishan said disapprovingly: "See with your eyes."

Tang Bohu took a sip of his wine in a muffled voice, and Zhu Zhishan continued, "But after hearing what you said, I remembered that Xu Zhenqing really looked a little strange."

Hearing Zhu Zhishan, Tang Bohu frowned and said, "What kind of strange method?"

"I can't say what's wrong with it." Zhu Zhishan continued: "This guy has changed, giving people a very different feeling."

"Why is it different?" Tang Bohu continued to ask.

"How should I put it?" Zhu Zhishan recalled, "It's like changing a pair of eyes. This strange feeling is like this Xu Zhenqing is not the previous Xu Zhenqing, very strange. At first I thought it was because I hadn't seen him for a long time, but now If you think so, I think there is something wrong with Xu Zhenqing."

"This man has done something." Tang Bohu put down his chopsticks and said.

"Let's not talk about him." Zhu Zhishan pointed to himself, "Now let's talk about my affairs, how do you plan to arrange me."

"Start with a hundred households by my side." Tang Bohu said.

"Be Jinyiwei?" Zhu Zhishan smiled with some displeasure: "Is there any other position for her?"

Tang Bohu raised his eyebrows: "How about going to Dongchang?"

"I won't be a eunuch!" Zhu Zhishan put down his wine glass.

"Hehehe... just kidding." Tang Bohu explained: "Although I am now a thousand households of Jinyiwei, I don't have much right. At most, I will put you in Jinyiwei."

"Oh..." Zhu Zhishan sighed: "I thought you were doing well, but it turns out that you can only give me a hundred households."

"That's not bad." Tang Bohu said: "How many people have been a small flag for a lifetime and are still small flags in the end, and how many people have stayed in the position of the general flag all their lives."

"Can't you be a civil servant?" Zhu Zhishan asked again.

"No way!" Tang Bohu shook his head, "The entire civil servant group of Ming Dynasty was selected through layers of officials and His Majesty. Unless the sky is over, I don't have the means to pull you into the civil servant group now."

"Okay." Zhu Zhishan compromised and said, "Then I'll do what I can to make a hundred households."

"Arrange it!" Tang Bohu continued, "I won't stay in Jiangnan for too long this time, at most until your child is born, probably two or three months."

"Enough." Zhu Zhishan nodded, "At that time, my child should also be on the ground."

"You explain everything and make arrangements. I will pick you up in three months." Tang Bohu turned and left after speaking.

Zhu Zhishan's mother came with a plate, "Why did Bohu leave so quickly?"

"He has something to do." Zhu Zhishan replied.

Zhu Zhishan's mother sat at the table and looked at her son and said, "Have you said everything your mother told you?"

"No!" Zhu Zhishan replied decisively.

Zhu's mother picked up Zhu Zhishan's ear, "How did I tell you, to find an official position."

"Mother, let go first!" Zhu Zhishan hurriedly explained: "Actually, Tang Bohu arranged an official position for me, and he has already thought about it."

"Oh!" Zhu's mother patted her son's shoulder with a smile, "That's good, don't worry for my mother."

Back home, Tang Bohu found a lot of guests at home, including Sangu's cousins ​​and some neighbors.

"Bohu, are you back?"

"Bohu, you are really promising."

"Bohu has grown so big."


Greetings one after another, Tang Bohu greeted them with a smile, Tian San hurried over, "My lord, the situation at Zhang Lin's place is not very good."

"Come and talk." Tang Bohu brought Tian San to the backyard.

Seeing no one around, Tian San said: "Master Zhang Lin's life seems very ordinary, and there is nothing wrong with it at first glance, but after several inquiries, I found that Mr. Zhang has not left the house for seven months. It's like being under house arrest."

"House arrest?" Tang Bohu was a little puzzled.

Tian San went on to say: "I originally thought that there were many servants in Mr. Zhang Lin's family, maybe there were just too many, but according to my observation, those so-called servants were just those who took care of Zhang Lin. Anyway, I have never seen such a low-level job. There are a lot of servants standing in their courtyards with knives."

A few days later, Tang Bohu came to Zhang Lin's mansion, looked at the line of guards at the door, "Please pass the report, Tang Yin is here to see Master Zhang Lin."

"Wait." The guard at the door glanced at Tang Bohu, and went in to report.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Bohu stepped forward and said to a guard in front of the door: "I haven't been here for a long time, why is there such a guard in this Lord's house?"

"I heard that someone is going to assassinate Mr. Zhang." The guard said.

lie!Lie, Tang Bohu can tell the clue from his expression at a glance.

"Go in." The guard who went to report came out and said.

"Thank you!" Tang Bohu cupped his hands and walked into the door.

Seeing Tang Bohu walk in, the Jinyiwei spies who were setting up the house immediately dispersed, and began to block Zhang Lin's mansion from all directions.

"My lord said, don't act rashly!" Tian San said vigilantly: "If Mr. Tang can't come out within two hours, we will attack by force immediately."

Walking into Zhang Lin's mansion, there were all standing guards with knives, Tang Bohu walked up to Zhang Lin and said, "Master Zhang, long time no see."

"I thought many people would come to see him, but I didn't think it was you, Tang Bohu." Zhang Lin looked disappointed.

"Master Zhang, are you safe?" Tang Bohu asked with a smile.

"Tang Bohu, are you here to see my joke?" Zhang Lin asked.

"How dare I." Tang Bohu whispered to Zhang Lin with a compliment, "Old Duke Xu asked me to save you."

Hearing Tang Bohu's intentions, Zhang Lin was silent for a while, and then laughed, "Hahahaha! I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, what a retribution!"

Looking at Zhang Lin's appearance, Tang Bohu suspected that this old man might be in a daze.

"Tang Bohu, are you pitying the old man now?" Zhang Lin put away his laughter and said in a low voice, "I handed you over to Chen Guang and cut off your official career. Don't you hate me?"

"I hated it before." Tang Bohu said helplessly: "Times have changed, what's the point of talking about the past, and thinking about it carefully, Mr. Zhang is helpless."

"It was all forced." Zhang Lin said: "If I don't do this, King Ning will kill you! In order to compromise King Ning, and to protect the interests of the Jiangnan officialdom, we have no choice but to send you out of the officialdom."

"I don't care what happened back then. Even if I want to change, I can't change the past." Tang Bohu, the guard looking around, said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Master Zhang, do you want to go out?"

(End of this chapter)

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