Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 230 Talented Scholar and Beautiful Lady

Chapter 230 Talented Scholar and Beautiful Woman ([-])

"It turned out to be a Bawang car." Tang Bohu looked at Wude with a smile, "I must be in a hurry now."

"That's the case." Wude looked anxious, "I wonder if Donor Tang can lend me ten taels of silver."

"No money!" Tang Bohu turned his head without saying a word.


Hearing that Tang Bohu felt so decisive, Wude didn't recover for a long time.

"It's okay to ask for money." Tang Bohu stared at Wude and said, "Tell me, what's the secret about Zhang Liang, why someone wants to put him under house arrest, and even kill him!"

"Good boy, you threaten me!" Wude said loudly.

"Hehehe..." Facing the spring breeze, Tang Bohu said with a smile, "I'm just threatening you, what can you do with me!"

"I don't know!" Wude waved his sleeves and said, "You can do whatever you like, I don't care! Today I'm lying in the middle of the road, if you have the ability, you can run over me."

Seeing that Wude had the momentum to risk his life for a few taels of silver, Tang Bohu stood still, looked at Tian San beside him and said, "I remember there is a small way to go around here, right?"

"Yes, my lord!" Tian San replied with a bow.

"Okay!" Tang Bohu nodded and said, "Let's change the road!"

Pulling the horse, Tang Bohu and his party walked in the opposite direction, Wude stood there blankly, this guy really left...

"You should help him." Sitting in the carriage, Qiuxiang poked her head out and said, "At least I have been friends with you for so many years."

"No help!" Tang Bohu rode his horse leisurely, "This monk is too wicked."

Looking at Tang Bohu's helpless face, Qiuxiang took out a few taels of silver from her cuff, "Tian San!"

"Humble job here." Tian San stepped forward.

"Give these taels of silver to Wude." Qiuxiang was given the silver to Tian San.

"Yes, Mrs. Qiuxiang!" Tian San collected the money and went in the direction of Wude.

"You, you!" Qiu Xiang looked at Tang Bohu and said, "You are also an official in the court, so you must accumulate good karma! He is a Buddhist disciple, so maybe he can help you in the future, so don't offend him to death."

"Alas..." Tang Bohu looked at the kind Qiuxiang and sighed.

--------------------------split line
After a long journey for a few days, Tang Bohu was closer to his home. Tangzhuang had already started to decorate and prepare for the wedding. Today is the day of the wedding of the owner of the village. Tang Bohu and his party came to Tangzhuang, and the farmers in the village flocked Meet at the curb.

Father Tang came to his son and said, "You have finally brought Qiuxiang here."

Mother Tang said to Tang Bohu with a phoenix crown and Xiapei: "Let's dress up Qiuxiang well, the bride should look like a bride, and you will pick up Qiuxiang in two hours, the groom's clothes have been prepared for you at home. "

"Hey, good!" Tang Bohu nodded obediently, absolutely obeying his parents in front of such rules.

"Wow ha ha ha!" Zhu Houzhao came laughing, "I heard that Tang Bohu is getting married today?"

"I have seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Tang Bohu saluted respectfully.

"Ah ah ah..." Zhu Houzhao said with a smile: "Today is your big day, so don't be too polite. If it wasn't for your invitation, I wouldn't know that you got married today, so don't tell me sooner! You are too embarrassing."

invitation?Tang Bohu did not arrange invitations.

Looking up, I saw Zhong Ling'er standing at the door of the house, as well as Li Dongyang, Yang Tinghe, Liu Jian...

Tang Bohu came to the door of the house and said to Zhong Ling'er: "You arranged all of this."

Zhong Ling'er nodded, "This is your first wedding, and your parents don't understand your relationship in court, so I'll make my own decision..."

"Thank you!" Tang Bohu looked at the other party. What Zhong Ling'er said was the parents of the family. It was obvious that she had regarded herself as the Tang family from the bottom of her heart.

"I want to be a father and head of the family in the future, so I can't mess around anymore." Li Dongyang said looking at Tang Bohu who was changing the groom's clothes.

"It's a nonsense at his place, it's obviously a nonsense." Liu Jin nodded and said: "Look at this kid, once you go to the south of the Yangtze River, there will be a riot, and even our court will not be peaceful."

"It's the kid's recklessness." Tang Bohu laughed repeatedly.

"Brother, brother!" Tangyue rode on the little white tiger and said, "It's time to pick up my sister-in-law."

Tangzhuang is full of red makeup, and even the little white tiger has a big red flower hanging on its body. If you look carefully at Tangzhuang, there are quite a lot of people watching the excitement.

Turning on his horse, Tang Bohu pulled up the reins and drove the horse towards Qiuxiang. When he came outside Tangzhuang, he said loudly, "My lady, I'll take you home!"

Sitting in the coquettish room, Qiuxiang kept her voice low and silent. Although she was in a hurry, Qiuxiang was very happy in her heart. It was a great happiness for a woman to be able to marry a man worthy of her wishes!
"Bride, come in!"

The aunts in Tangzhuang shouted one after another to open the way for Qiuxiang.

The spring breeze wafts through Tangzhuang, and catkins fly all over the sky. At the gate of Tang Mansion, young talented scholars lead the bride to enter. Parents sit in the high hall, offer tea and then kowtow three times. Husband and wife pay respects and drink wine.

Tang Bohu helped Qiu Xiang up, looked at her beautiful face and said in a low voice, "We will be a couple for life."

"Half-drunk, half-drunk, half-floating." Qiuxiang also answered in a low voice.

"Look!" The matchmaker jokingly said, "Bride, it's time to enter the bridal chamber!"

Qiuxiang was surrounded by a group of three aunts and went towards her backyard. Tang Bohu, who was wearing a red suit, felt a little numb at the moment. There were too many guests at home, some of whom he knew and some of whom he didn't know.

Among the crowd, Tang Bohu spotted two familiar figures!

Grinning, Tang Bohu pulled Yang Sheng and Zhu Zhishan out of the crowd, "I'm short of two best men."

There are nearly a hundred tables in the banquet in Tangzhuang, and the banquet is directly placed in the Zhuangzi. Tang Bohu is still too much to toast to the elders. Mother Tang said to Tang Bohu in a low voice: "Mother has already made plans, let Miss Zhong also come in and let her in." You are a concubine, and the little girl has been busy all day and night with organizing your wedding, this is all arranged by her, you have to take good care of her."

"Mother, I know." Tang Bohu nodded.

Hearing the whispering between Tang's mother and Tang Bohu, Yang Sheng and Zhu Zhishan immediately turned their heads to look enviously and enviously. Zhu Zhishan put his arms around Tang Bohu's shoulder and said: "It's hidden deep enough, the number one beauty in the south of the Yangtze River has been brought into the family." ?”

"And I'm still a concubine, I'm afraid there are so many scholars in the south of the Yangtze River who want to cry without tears." Yang Sheng sighed.

"Tell me! When did you hook up!" Zhu Zhishan asked forcefully, "It's so dishonest!"

"You don't even look at who I am!" Tang Bohu said solemnly: "In the 980 million square kilometers of China, who doesn't know that Tang Bohu, who is both smart and beautiful, is suave and heroic."

Yang Sheng pointed at Tang Bohu and cursed loudly, "I've never seen you so shameless!"

 Let’s change three times a day from today, thank you ID Nine Realms Supreme for your vote, thank you all for your Majesty’s support

(End of this chapter)

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