Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 233 On Maritime Trade

Chapter 233 On Maritime Trade

"The Ministry of Officials has already drafted it." Wen Zhengming said: "Just waiting for His Majesty's approval, it will be possible to enter the Ministry of Punishment in a few days."

"Haha!" Zhu Zhishan said with a smile: "The old king may pay for this meal today, and the promotion and joy can't be just for the old Wang to enjoy alone."

"Okay!" Wang Shouren also nodded cheerfully.

"By the way!" Yang Sheng put down his chopsticks and said, "Bohu, you have been making that glass for five years, why haven't you made it yet? The business of glass must be handed over to my Yang family. The furnace business has been red-eyed to Washington these years."

"Don't you have two pairs of sunglasses?" Zhu Zhishan looked at Tang Bohu suspiciously, "Why do you want to make glass again now, do you want to buy and sell sunglasses?"

Those two pairs of sunglasses were brought from time travel, Tang Bohu thought about explaining this way, Yang Sheng interjected: "I heard Bohu talk about the benefits of glass, such as spotlight, presbyopia, and mirrors, although I don't know Something that sounds like a powerful thing."

Wen Zhengming also said: "I have edited and edited many books in the Hanlin Academy these years. During the Yuan Dynasty, there is a record that a Western businessman once paid tribute to the Yuan Dynasty royal family. It seems to be similar to Bohu's sunglasses. "

Hearing the word "Western", Tang Bohu immediately became interested. If there were any Westerners who came to the Central Plains more than 100 years ago, it could only be the guy in the legend.

"Historical records seem to be a guy with the surname Ma." Wen Zhengming thought about it and said, "It seems to be called Marco Polo?"

Marco Polo!Tang Bohu was secretly surprised that it was this character, and the deeds of Marco Polo have been passed down and written by later generations until the post-modern era.

"It turns out that there are already Westerners doing this kind of business." Yang Sheng said, "Bohu, you have to hurry up, in case Westerners do business with glass, we won't be able to make money."

Tang Bohu sneered, the west is only tens of thousands of miles away from the Central Plains, and how many Marco Polos can be produced in this world, it's so far away!Unless Daming opens the sea ban again.

"What are you thinking about?" Wang Shouren saw Tang Bohu thinking.

"Daming needs opportunities." Tang Bohu picked up a piece of meat and put down his chopsticks, "Old Master Chen told me before that he would give the people of Daming an extra bite of food, even if there is an extra piece of meat in the bowl, but I have been thinking about another question .”

Wen Zhengming: "You mean the opportunity that Daming needs?"

"That's right!" Tang Bohu nodded and said, "Since the Han Dynasty, the Silk Road outside Yumen Pass has been very prosperous, but hundreds of years later, the wars of several dynasties have made the Silk Road dilapidated. It’s not as grand as it was during the Han and Tang Dynasties.”

It was raining outside the window, and the surrounding area became more and more quiet.

Tang Bohu went on to say: "Even if it takes too much manpower and material resources for Ming to rectify the Silk Road again, I'm afraid it will still be a drop in the bucket! Daming's resources are limited. If we can absorb resources from other places, Daming will definitely be able to rise to a higher level."

"What do you mean?" Wen Zhengming gradually understood.

Tang Bohu went on to say: "Do you know the profit of the sea trade? Do you know how much silver a firecracker in the Central Plains can sell in Japan? If you can open up a maritime Silk Road on the sea, you don't have to worry about the drop in the bucket, let alone the salary." To go from the West to the Central Plains, not to mention the Xuexueyuan, but also to cross the deserts of the Western Regions, so many Western merchants have stopped in their tracks.”

"If the sea trade can be opened..."

"Stop it, stop it here!" Wang Shouren persuaded: "Although I don't know how big the interests of Haimao are, as early as the Yongle period, the Qibao eunuch's seven voyages to the West consumed a lot of Ming's material and financial resources, and Emperor Yongle had no choice but to let it go. Since then The sea ban has become the ancestral system."

Wen Zhengming also went on to say: "At the beginning, all the books that went to the West were burned. Although I don't know the theory of maritime trade, I know that there are many officials in Jiangnan's officialdom who are privately engaged in maritime business. .”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Wen Zhengming continued: "Bohu, sea ban is still taboo in the court, if you really want to open sea ban, I will definitely support you, but this matter is not something that happens overnight, it needs to be done slowly .”

"Then take your time." Tang Bohu was not in a hurry.

--------------------split line
Three months later, Tang Bohu finally made the glass. Although the light transmission is not good, it can be used in front of the eyes. After half a month, the Tangzhuang factory often works all night, and finally reading glasses and glass appear on the market.

one year later……

After taking the last dose of medicine, Emperor Hongzhi collapsed on the bed, unable to get sick!In the early morning of that day, Zhu Houzhao took pictures of the gate of Tang Bohu's house, "Tang Bohu! Open the door quickly, come out quickly! Come out for me."

Zhu Houzhao shouted outside Tang Bohu's door.

Qiu Xiang was coaxing the two children to sleep, Tang Bohu hurriedly got up and pushed open the door, "What's wrong, His Royal Highness."

"Tang Bohu!" Zhu Houzhao looked at Tang Bohu with red eyes, "Hurry up and save my father, the imperial physicians say my father is dying!"

"Prince, don't worry!" Tang Bohu persuaded, "Speak slowly."

Zhu Houzhao grabbed Tang Bohu's clothes, and said in a crying voice: "My father is dying, I know you have the best way, you cured my sister back then, you must be able to cure my father, right? ?”

Is Zhu Youtang sick?What if?
Tang Bohu was also stunned by the sudden news, his mind exploded!Unable to care about so much, in front of Zhu Houzhao took out a bunch of medicines brought during time travel, but except for some emergency medicines, they were cold medicine and disinfectant alcohol, and all of them were expired.

"Tang Bohu? How's it going!"

Raising his head in a daze, Tang Bohu shook his head stiffly and said, "There is no medicine left, Prince! Medicine can cure diseases, and people who are destined for Buddhism...everyone will have such a day."

"Wow..." Zhu Houzhao cried in front of Tang Bohu, howling like a child. To the 15-year-old Zhu Houzhao, he was just a child.

"I don't blame you." Zhu Houzhao sobbed and said, "The imperial physicians all said that the father's condition was due to long-term accumulation of fatigue, and it cannot be cured with a bowl of medicine."

Looking at the gray sky, the grand tour of Emperor Hongzhi was this year in history, and this point of history is still going on as usual.

"My lord, my lord!" Tian San hurried over, "No more, my lord, King Ning has entered Beijing!"

"What is he doing in the capital!" Tang Bohu said coldly, "What is he doing here at this juncture."

"My Uncle Wang is here?" Zhu Houzhao also looked surprised, "Didn't the father say that he is not allowed to leave the fief without an edict."

(End of this chapter)

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