Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 235 The Collapsed Zhu Yun

Chapter 235 The Collapsed Zhu Yun

"One day I will strip your clothes with my own hands."

Tang Bohu's words back then were still in her mind, and Zhu Yun knelt down and said, "Father, please! Don't hand me over to Tang Bohu, I am your daughter!"

King Ning slapped his daughter on the face, "I did this just because you are my daughter."

A few tears rolled down Zhu Yun's face, she watched dully as her father left in despair like an object, left her on the side of the road and looked up at the sky, she was confused, where should I go?Where should I go?
Tang Bohu returned home with a heavy heart, Qiu Xiang stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong? Where's your official uniform?"

"I'm resigning." Tang Bohu sat down quietly, "The sky is about to change, Emperor Hongzhi is about to die."

When Qiuxiang heard the words, she was startled and took two steps back. After a long time, she came back to her senses, "It doesn't matter if you don't become an official, it's easy to let go of your airs."

Tang Bohu shook his head, "I don't mean to leave now, even though I resigned, His Majesty agrees now! But he entrusted the crown prince to me, and the days to come will be the same."

Although I don't know what's going on in the Forbidden City now, Tang Bohu can hear the throbbing and crying from the Forbidden City as if sitting at home. Emperor Hongzhi is not such a wise and powerful emperor, but he has always abided by himself and has always been working for the better. Da Ming worked hard, at least he never gave up from the beginning to the end.

"Although you are not as good as Tang Zong Song Zu, Qin Huang Han Wu, you are at least a good emperor." Thinking of this, Tang Bohu felt ashamed. If he could give everything he had to this dynasty earlier, Zhu Youtang might not be so eager All the hard work for Daming has resulted in this appearance.

Qiu Xiang took Tang Bohu's hand and said, "No matter what the future holds, I will stand with you."

Tang Bohu also clenched Qiuxiang's hand with his backhand.

On the second day, the news of Emperor Hongzhi's death reached Tang Bohu's ears, and Hongzhi's grand tour filled the city with white sails!Even Tangzhuang is the same, all brothels and teahouses are closed, and everything is solemn and solemn.

Zhong Ling'er released a carrier pigeon to inform the people in Jiangnan.

Emperor Hongzhi made a big trip, and everyone's nerves were tense. It's just that Dongchang arrested many court officials under the order of the cabinet on this day. Some of the corruption is due to selfishness, and some are in collusion with King Ning.

Tang Bohu asked He Ding: "Did you catch those people?"

"No!" He Ding bowed his head and said, "I have already left Dongchang, just like you said! Knowing how to advance and retreat, I don't want to end up like Li Guang in the future."

"You are very smart!" Tang Bohu said, "Then who is in charge of Dongchang now?"

"Those eunuchs around the prince." He Ding said in a low voice, "I don't know who will be the next supervisor of ceremonies, but those guys around the prince are fierce."

"Who do you like?" Tang Bohu asked.

"Liu Jin!" He Ding said, "Liu Jin is a thoughtful person."

"I think so too!" Tang Bohu said with a strange smile, "What are your plans for the future?"

He Ding sighed and said: "Actually, I started saving money a few years ago. Up to now, I have bought a house outside and planned to spend my whole life. Then I adopted a adopted son and raised him with my surname. , it can be regarded as passing on the lineage for the ancestors!"

"You are a good eunuch." Tang Bohu nodded. .

"You take good care of yourself, I'm leaving!" He Ding turned and left.

"Bohu!" Yang Sheng sat beside Tang Bohu: "I don't know what I'm going to do in the future if you're not on top."

Su San also came over and said with a weary look: "Me too, I don't know what I'm going to do now."

"It's time to eat and drink!" Tang Bohu threw a stone into the river and said, "I will be busy in the future."

Although I don't know what Tang Bohu said he would be busy in the future, but they have done a lot of things for Tang Bohu these years.

"My lord!" Tian San hurried over, "My lord, do you know who I found in our Zhuangzi?"

"Don't call me my lord, I'm not Qianhu anymore." Tang Bohu said with a stern face.

"That..." Tian San heard the meaning in Tang Bohu's tone, and continued, "We found Zhu Yun in Tangzhuang."

"Zhu Yun?" Tang Bohu suddenly stood up, "Why is she here?"

"Master, Mrs. Qiuxiang is already taking care of her."

Tang Bohu got up and walked towards his home, why did Zhu Yun come to Tangzhuang, does King Ning have any plans!
When he came to his home, Tang Bohu found that Zhu Yun was devouring a bowl of noodles, his face was dirty, Qiu Xiang stood up and said, "Master, this is King Ning's daughter."

"I'm not his daughter!" Zhu Yun put down the bowl and said viciously.

Just as Tang Bohu was about to ask something, Qiu Xiang pulled Tang Bohu aside and said, "Prince Ning doesn't want Zhu Yun's daughter anymore, and when we found her, she was sleeping in the pavilion with a knife in her hand! I think she is strange." The poor one was brought over, and she hadn't eaten for two days, but just drank some water to get by."

"Really?" Tang Bohu was dubious.

"I'm done eating!" Zhu Yun stood up and said, "Thank you for the hospitality, I'm leaving!"

"Where are you going?" Tang Bohu was about to step forward...

"Don't come here!" Zhu Yun quickly took out a dagger and pointed it at Tang Bohu, "Tang Bohu! You caused me to do all of this, if it wasn't for your refusal to marry me, if it wasn't for your shocking beauty, my father... "

Like a mad lion, Zhu Yun stared fiercely at Tang Bohu with red eyes while holding a dagger, "If you take a step forward, I'll kill you! Then commit suicide!"

"Calm down!" Tang Bohu said, "Is there anything we can't sit down and talk about?"

"What is there to talk about between us!" Zhu Yun said loudly: "Tang Bohu, I hate you to the bone! Do you know how I have survived the past few years! Do you know
Knowing that my father put me under house arrest for six years!How many six years can a woman have!That man is the father who abandoned me. In his eyes, I am just a tool, a tool to curry favor with you, Tang Bohu! "

"Tang Bohu! Do you know how indifferent he looked when he left me outside the capital!" Zhu Yun stepped back step by step and walked out of the room.

Standing in place, Tang Bohu looked at the bowl of noodles that Zhu Yun had eaten. It was so clean that there was no soup left. Qiuxiang looked at Tang Bohu who was sluggish and said: "Ling'er and I will arrange this matter. She also had a marriage contract with you back then."

(End of this chapter)

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