Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 239 Under Liaodong City

Chapter 239 Under Liaodong City
Under the city of Liaodong, countless Mongolian troops attacked the military base of Liaodong one after another like a tide. Yang Yiqing looked at the dark enemy army with despair and confusion in his heart.

"My lord! Tang Bohu's people are here!" A soldier covered in blood came to report.

"Quick! Call here!" Yang Yiqing yelled and said, "That's it! Tang Bohu will surely break the siege of Liaodong when he comes."

Tang Bohu didn't come, but a confidant of Tang Bohu's subordinates came, "I've seen Mr. Yang!"

"Where's Tang Bohu?" Yang Qi looked at Niu Er and said anxiously.

It can be heard in the military fortress of Shouting City under the city of Liaodong. Those screams and roars make people's scalp tingle!
Afraid that Yang Yiqing could not hear clearly, Niu Er said loudly: "Master Tang is just behind Liaodong City! He will be there soon, let me inform Master Yang first, please guard this place."

Yang Yiqing was impatient and angry.

"My lord!" A soldier said anxiously, at a loss: "Today's third wave of attack by the prairie people has stopped!"

Yang Yiqing let out a long breath, "I'll go to the top of the city to have a look!"

Niu Er followed Yang Yiqing to the top of the city, and the smell of blood was very disgusting. Yang Yiqing looked at the sky while walking and said, "It's going to rain, no wonder these guys stopped attacking."

The gloomy dark clouds were thick, and a flash of thunder flashed from time to time. Niu Er came to the top of the city and saw the acid water in the stomach of the mountain-like corpses below the city immediately turned up.

Yang Yiqing said with a smile: "Did you see this kind of scene when you followed Tang Bohu?"

"I've seen it!" Niu Er endured his nausea and said, "I've never seen so many."

"Yes, there are too many!" Yang Yiqing nodded and said, "I am afraid that if the Mongols attack a few times, they will be able to climb up the city along the corpses."

Yang Yiqing looked into the distance and said: "Look, those Tartars are stationed in the distance! They are always staring at us."

Niu Er didn't know how much pressure Yang Yiqing was under, but he knew that Liaodong City would be able to enter the Central Plains once the braids on the prairie were broken, "Emperor Hongzhi is dead."

"When did it happen?" Yang Yiqing looked up at Niu Er, "Didn't it be fine a few years ago?"

"Illness comes like a mountain." Niu Er also said disappointedly: "Our Lord Tang was forced to resign. If it wasn't for Emperor Hongzhi, the court would not be in chaos."

Yang Yiqing looked at the mountain-like corpses below the city and said, "Do you still remember Li Gao fleeing Liaodong?"

"Of course I remember!" Niu Er nodded and said, "Back then Li Gao almost killed our lord."

"That guy is on the opposite side now." Yang Yiqing sighed: "A very tricky guy, until my Ming army's formation, and I know the situation in Liaodong."

"This is something that eats inside and out!" Niu Er said viciously: "Our adults will definitely take care of him!"


Thunder flashed across the sky, and the heavy rain poured down. The soldiers standing at the head of the Liaodong city had no intention of hiding from the rain and stared at the front, guarding against the next attack of these prairie tartars!

Niu Er was drenched in the heavy rain, looked at the endless tents and army on the opposite side and said, "Where did Chahar get an army of 50 troops?"

"Chahar is attacking the soldiers of other tribes, and at the same time gathers his men." Yang Yiqing said: "It is also thanks to Mr. Tang's firearms that this little prince has laid down a large area of ​​grassland on the grassland. Now the Chahar tribe has the largest manpower on the grassland. One of them! But we underestimated Chahal's ambition, he wants more than just a few grasslands."

"It's more than just a few grasslands where sheep and horses are herded." Yang Yiqing continued: "This guy is a wolf with ambition!"

Niu Er went on to say: "Master Yang, do you feel that Mr. Tang's hand is somewhat familiar?"

"How do you say that!" Yang Yiqing continued to ask.

"I just have a feeling." Niu Er continued: "At the beginning, Goryeo and Wa also came to borrow firearms. Did Lord Tang know about this dynasty long ago, or did Master Tang tell you to just wait for this dynasty!"

"When you say that, I understand a little bit!" Yang Yiqing went on to say, "At present, Chahar has almost assembled the forces of the grassland. Tang Bohu used Chahar to annex the grassland, and then used Chahar's ambition to use Liaodong as bait. ! Come and destroy the backbone of the grassland!"

Niu Er went on to say: "Master Tang has already started planting food and grass in the rear of Liaodong. Judging from our lord's attitude, this is a protracted war, not to help Liaodong."

"Plant food and grass in the rear?" Yang Yiqing said hesitantly: "This Tang Bohu is really good at calculating. If this is the case, this Tang Bohu's ambition is much bigger than that of Chahar. When I built this so-called military fortress, I thought I found that this fortress is different from ordinary cities. It is not only used for defense, but also for offense! I was thinking that the reason why Tang Bohu asked me to build this military fortress was to wait for this day. He had already planned it gone."

The city was sobbing in the heavy rain, and Niu Er wiped the rain from his face and said, "If the rain stops, they will probably attack again."

"How many people did Tang Bohu bring this time!" Yang Yiqing continued to ask.

"How many people does Master Yang have?" Niu Er also asked at the same time.

Niu Er rubbed his nose that there were not many people coming this time, "This time we, Mr. Tang, did our best to recruit only 5000 people."

"Isn't the imperial court sending troops?" Yang Yiqing continued to ask.

"No troops." Niu Er explained: "The first emperor passed away, and His Highness the Crown Prince has not yet ascended the throne! Now the people in the court are not stable, and His Highness the Crown Prince has been stopped by the courtiers several times. Now they are thinking about how to negotiate a deal. .”

Hearing what he said, Yang Yiqing patted Niu Er on the shoulder and said, "Only Tang Bohu will stand up at this time. If Tang Bohu has a back hand, let him not keep it."

Niu Er continued: "But this time, our lord is not in a hurry to make grenades, and we don't know what kind of backhand your lord has."

When the heavy rain was about to stop, Tang Bohu finally came to the city of Liaodong. Looking at this unique military fortress of the Ming Dynasty, he felt very conflicted, but from this moment Li Si would make a big turn, and Tang Bohu would build the current Daming into a A new era, even if this new era requires a lot of human lives to accumulate.

"My lord!" A soldier hurriedly came to interrupt the conversation between Niu Er and Yang Yiqing, "Tang Bohu has arrived!"

"Okay!" Yang Yiqing clapped his hands and said, "It's good that he's here, invite him here!"

"How is Master Yang's situation!" Yang Yiqing heard Tang Bohu's voice in the middle of speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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